(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) How's it going, everyone? My name is Benjamin Knight. I want to address Joe Rogan's militant atheism in this video. There's nothing that triggers Joe quite like God. Anytime any one of his guests brings up God or happens to be a Bible-believing Christian, Joe goes nuts because he hates God. In his eyes, only an idiot could believe the Bible. He said many times that anyone who believes Christianity must be unintelligent or stupid in some way because this is a guy with a planet-sized ego. He's prideful and arrogant and honestly, a total idiot. Here's what the Bible says about pride. Proverbs 6 verses 16 through 17. These six things doth the Lord hate. Yea, seven are an abomination unto him, a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. Of course, it goes on and lists the rest of them. As far as I know, Rogan isn't a murderer, but he is proud and he definitely has a lying tongue. Proverbs 16, 15. Everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord. Though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished. The reason why Rogan is such a militant atheist is because of his pride. Psalm 14, the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt. They've done abominable works. There was none that do with good. Joe Rogan, you're a fool. Here he is saying, if anyone believes in Jesus, they're quote not intelligent. I actually said this on the air. Check it out. Like if you believe in preposterous notions, like there's a guy who came back to life, he turns water into wine, he walks on water. If you believe that, you're not intelligent. You're just not. Well, I don't believe you're intelligent. I think you are intelligent in individual disciplines. But obviously, if you believe something that makes no sense whatsoever, you believe that someone was magic, someone defied physics, someone had superpowers, someone was a person who could bring people back to life, someone could come back to life themselves. There's no. Okay, buddy. There are Christians who would destroy him in an intellectual debate. Now check out this video in which Rogan claims Constantine wrote the New Testament. I can't even say this without laughing. There's no evidence whatsoever that Constantine wrote the New Testament. None at all. I'll debunk it in more detail in a moment, but check this out. Where they're still concentrating on students. The United States can openly talk about God. And no one goes, what is God? What are you saying? Like, what are you saying? Do you think Jesus came back from the dead? What do you think? Do you think someone walked on water? Do you believe in the literal translation? Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy? Well, the New Testament was made by Constantine, Roman emperor who wasn't even Christian. And that ladies and gentlemen is what I'm going to focus on. Constantine did not write the New Testament. I'm going to repeat myself. Constantine did not write the New Testament. Constantine was a fourth century emperor. The New Testament was written during the first century. Constantine lived during the fourth century. He wasn't even born when the New Testament was written. The reason why Rogan thinks this is because he's gullible. He's a sheep. He read the Da Vinci Code once and said, aha, I knew it. The Bible isn't true. Then he watched the Da Vinci Code movie and came to the same conclusion, thinking he's some amazing mind. The myth surrounding Constantine is that he supposedly convened a council at Nicaea, created the New Testament, had it canonized, and then used it to unite the Roman empire. This is a laughable argument. The New Testament was written in the first century. The Gnostic gospels, which is what Constantine's writings allegedly replaced, didn't come out until centuries after the original New Testament manuscripts. We're talking 200 years before Constantine convened at the council. Christians already existed and they were reading the New Testament. 200 years, folks. It's also worth mentioning the council of Nicaea didn't actually canonize anything. They were just debating certain doctrine. That's all it was. The fundamentals of the Christian faith, that Jesus is God, that he died to pay the penalty for our sin, that we can receive eternal life by faith in God, the son, all of it. It's part of a historical record that predates Constantine's era by hundreds of years, hundreds. So this Joe Rogan guy, and I'll admit it, he's got a large following, millions of listeners on his podcast. To be honest, he's not always stupid. I like that he's open to talking about conspiracies and the New World Order and things like that. I've enjoyed his interviews with Alex Jones. They were fun, but he's not hardcore. He's just a skeptic. He's somewhat open-minded on that. However, on religion, the guy's a total moron. He takes old discredited arguments, you know, that he reads from fiction novels and mindlessly regurgitates them as fact. This is what atheists do. Bill Maher does it. Neil deGrasse Tyson does it. Richard Dawkins does it. And Joe Rogan does it. They sit there and act like a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals saying, oh, if you believe in the Bible, if you believe in Jesus, you're just unintelligent. You're not as enlightened as we are. And then in the next breath, they'll sit there and talk about aliens. Seriously, I've listened to Joe Rogan's podcast. Do you think, though, I mean, I've wondered about this many, many times. I wonder if it's an outdated idea, this idea of traveling to the stars. And again, I go back to this whole interdimensional thing that I wonder if that's the reason why we have never been visited by other planets, by species from another planet. The guy loves talking about aliens. You see, the existence of God, the almighty, all powerful creator of the universe and the death, burial, and resurrection of his son, Jesus Christ, even though there's historical evidence to prove it, even though there's scientific evidence to prove creation, even though the King James Bible never once contradicts itself and has zero errors. That's just too fantastical for Joe. Christianity, too much. But aliens, little green man, he'll talk about that all day. But if you ever bring up the Bible, he'll question whether or not you even have a brain. It's just unbelievable. As I was saying, these are nothing more than pseudo intellectuals. They're prideful, arrogant, and in the end, it'll be their egos that prevent them from getting saved. Constantine did not write the New Testament. All of Joe Rogan's atheistic arguments are totally discredited. He gets them from books and science fiction movies. The guy thinks he's smart. He's really not. He's a dude that gets behind a microphone and interviews some famous people once in a while. Big deal. If you're going to deny the Bible, at the very least construct an argument that isn't nonsensical or grounded in total fiction. The only way for him to pretend like the Bible is just ridiculousness and it's just mythical, fantastical stuff that some guy made up to control people is by fabricating lies. It's what he has to do. He doesn't have the truth on his side. And so he'll make stuff up about Constantine writing the New Testament. He'll say if you believe in Jesus, you're an idiot. He'll say it's impossible that Jesus rose from the dead. Not understanding the reason he was able to do that is because he's God in the flesh. Anyway, that's all I've got for the video. Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel for more. I've got news on the culture, war, geopolitics, and more. Also Bible studies. I'm here to edify you as a Christian. Not only do I want to get people saved on this channel, I want to help Bible-believing Christians understand God's word better than they've ever understood it. And I want to help you grow in your faith. I want to help you grow in your relationship with God so that you're walking in the spirit so that you're in fellowship with the father. Pray for this channel, that it grows, that I gain more subscribers and views, and appreciate you guys for tuning in. God bless you all. Don't be led astray by these false atheistic pseudo-intellectuals who think they're smart. The prideful, arrogant liars like Joe Rogan, who believes in his own religion. A religion that's based on science, falsely so-called. Thanks for watching, and I'll talk to you guys again after a while.