(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hell is not forever Hell will be cast into the lake of fire. Hey everybody best Steven Anderson here from faithful word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona So the latest stupid teaching to come from Joe major is that now he's teaching that the lake of fire is not hell and That we have to stop calling the lake of fire hell and he said that we have to change our soul winning that when we go out soul winning, you know, we should not refer to the lake of fire as Hell and look you don't have to change much in your soul implants You don't have to change any of the scriptures you can still use all the same scriptures But we don't need to be telling people that revelation 21 8 is hell Revelation 21 8 is not hell Revelation 21 8 is the lake of fire read the verse the Bible says but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and Whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake Which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is what the second death? Okay. Well, let's see what the Bible says Okay so Matthew 529 says and if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one Of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body Should be cast into hell Now think about this my friend Hell at this time is located in the lower parts of the earth in the center of the earth But does anybody's body go there? No When an unsaved person dies their soul goes to hell their body stays right here on this earth where we can see it But someday there's gonna be a resurrection of damnation where Unsaved people will be cast into hell both soul and body Okay, and the Bible says in Matthew 10 28 and fear not them which kill the body But are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell now, where is God gonna cast the bodies of the unsaved? Where is God gonna destroy both soul and body in hell? Well, guess what? That's the lake of fire That's the lake of fire. That's the second death because at that great white throne of judgment the dead are gonna be Resurrected from hell and they're gonna stand before God and they're gonna be cast into the lake of fire And that is the first time their body is gonna be cast into hell so therefore Matthew 529 and Matthew 530 and Matthew 10 28 and Matthew 18 9 and Mark 9 43 and mark 9 45 and mark 9 47 and Luke 12 5 are All calling the lake of fire hell So here's a big list of verses I mean listen if I right-hand defend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one Of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body Should be cast into hell, but I guess according to Joe major This is incorrect because the Bible is calling the lake of fire hell here That's because the word hell in the Bible refers to both the current location of hell Which is in the center of the earth and the future location of hell, which is in the lake of fire You see when the Bible says that death and hell are cast into the lake of fire This is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire That's not hell being destroyed or ceasing to exist. That is hell being Relocated to the lake of fire and that's why it's perfectly correct for the Bible to refer to both The current location of hell and the lake of fire as hell that word Hell is used in the King James Version to apply to both Okay, so Joe major is a hundred percent wrong and what he's teaching is dangerous because he's opening the door to a Seventh-day Adventist type view or Annihilationism view with by by making these dumb statements that well hell isn't forever Hell is not forever Hell will be cast into the lake of fire. Hell's not eternal. You know, that's the lake of fire. That's different That's separate don't call the lake of fire Hell or Revelation 21 8 is where we are punished in the lake of fire for our sins Now look, I don't know about you, but that's pretty powerful You know why that's powerful because that lake of fire that's forever That's eternity look hell people get out of hell Hell does not last forever death and hell are cast into the lake of fire Take your Bibles there with just a couple more scriptures this morning go to Hebrews chapter number 13 He probably doesn't realize the repercussions of teaching something So stupid, but the repercussions are there Theologically, it'll lead you down a dark path and frankly, it's just wrong. I just proved it wrong directly from the Bible Okay, but this is just one thing in a series of dumb things that are coming from Joe major and Manley Perry Because they are no pun intended hell-bent on just being different from us, you know They used our church and our friends and our platform to gain a following and now they're just trying to distance themselves from us so much That by constantly trying to preach against all the things that we've stood for and believed They end up preaching heresy by accident. So they preach these dumb things like who isn't forever Those are true and then Manley Perry teaching that Judas Iscariot got more people saved than any disciple Because I believe I could prove to you that there's confidence. There's false prophets out there that have converts Judas being one of them. I Believe Judas had more converts than any other Disciples and that's the reason why they dad they they suspected themselves would be the ones who betrayed Jesus before Judas That's what I personally I can't prove that it's just my personal personal opinion I Mean what kind of a crazy teaching is this to teach that Judas Iscariot got the most people saved and guess what Joe major? shared His letter where he's defending himself and saying yeah Judas did do a lot of soul winning Judas won a bunch of people to cry He is the best soul winner and then Joe majors backing him up on that Sharing that document also, you know Defending him when he said that Only the human part of Jesus died for us and that God can't die on the cross and that his body is a human part His soul is the God part but yet you don't see Joe major calling out that damnable heresy You know which attacks the virgin birth attacks the deity of Christ No, Joe major is defending manly Perry He's posting his document defending these wicked heresies and he's just teaching this Other weird thing about how hell's not eternal, you know, why do they have so many weird teachings on hell anyway? I mean you got manly Perry saying no one burns in hell No one roasts in hell and now you got Joe major saying hell isn't forever You know and obviously I get what he means by that because he's saying well know that you know You burn forever in the lake of fire or not in hell Except you're wrong about that because hell is the lake of fire and the lake of fire is hell because the English word Hell is used to apply to both. I said you're my friend Pastor Steven Anderson's my friend. I said I said you're my pastor. I love you. I want you to be a part of this Pastor Anderson's my friend. He's a valuable resource. He's a valuable asset I want to use him to help us kickstart our church and rally some like-minded believers in the area I just want you know that up front. You're my pastor. I love you, but he's my friend I love you, and I want to use him. I love you, and I want to use him I love you, and I want to use him