(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So because today the Sodomites are in the news I want to show you that Jesus Christ personally destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. So to begin we'll look at Genesis chapter 18 verse 1 it says and the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day and he lift up his eyes and looked and lo three men stood by him. So basically Abraham sitting in the tent and three men appeared to him one of them is Jesus and the other two are angels. And the reason we know this Lord here is Jesus is because no man had seen God the Father at any time. God the Father and the Holy Spirit don't have physical bodies they don't appear like men so the only one that could fit this bill is Jesus. But another way we can prove this is in Luke 24 the same way that Jesus proves that he had a bodily resurrection he shows them that he has a physical body and then he also shows that he can eat something. So it says down here when they were they thought he was a spirit it says behold my hands and my feet that it is I myself handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me to have. So first he proves that hey this is a physical body you can touch it but then also he eats with them he says you know have you hear any meat and they gave him a piece of fish and a honeycomb he took it and did eat before them. So the way he proved that he had a bodily not just a spiritual but a bodily resurrection was that he showed his body and he also ate with them. Well the same two things are going to appear in Genesis chapter 18 first he appears on to Abraham and he has a physical body that's why Abraham's perspective he just sees three men but then also Abraham is gonna prepare a meal for him because he's gonna take butter and milk and a calf and he's gonna prepare it and it says they did eat so all three of these men ate which one proves that the one is Jesus but it also proves that these other two which are later referred to as angels it proves that they're not angelic beasts like the cherubs or the seraphims that have multiple wings and that means that these had to have been men as well and so if we look down in my Bible I have these colored so I have the angels in orange I have Abraham in blue and I have Jesus in red so they continue to talk but basically the angels leave for Sodom first so we can go down and see that in verse 16 it says and the man rose up from thence and looked towards Sodom and then and then verse 22 they actually leave and the men turned their faces from thence and went towards Sodom but Abraham stood yet before the Lord so basically these two men go to Sodom because they're gonna go rescue a lot but Abraham and Jesus stay with each other because they're gonna have a conversation and basically Abraham is gonna try to plead to save Lot that's what happens for the rest of this chapter here but at the last verse of the chapter Jesus also leaves from Abraham's presence says and the Lord went his way as soon as he had left communing with Abraham so basically what happens is we have Abraham we have Jesus and we have these two angels well first these two angels leave they go to Sodom and Gomorrah and then it's just Abraham and Jesus well basically after their conversation Jesus also leaves so Abraham stays in his tent Jesus leaves to go outside of the city somewhere and the two angels are the ones that actually go into the city to rescue Lot and his family so to start off in chapter 19 it says there came two angels to Sodom at even so they basically go they rescue Lot and they bring him outside of the city with his wife and his two daughters and you can see that down here so when they brought them they brought them to Jesus it says in verse 16 and they brought them forth and set him without the city so Jesus has been without the city the whole time and then they bring and they have a conversation Jesus here is talking in red lot and blue Jesus in red and then basically a lot leaves because he's going to go escape so basically after lot leaves Jesus is the one who's going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah it says here in verse 24 then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven so basically we have two Lords here first we have the Lord which is present outside of the city and then we have the Lord out of heaven which is God the Father so basically Jesus Christ rained fire and brimstone from God the Father out of heaven just like Elijah did and just like some of the disciples tried to do in the New Testament well that's what Jesus did Jesus personally destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah here in verse 24 so why did Jesus destroy Sodom and Gomorrah well he hates these people he hates reprobates he hates homosexuals he hates sodomites and that's how he still feels because the Bible says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and this example is given to us in the book of Jude because this is how God still feels it says in verse 7 even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh or queer flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so thousands of years ago Jesus destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and he gave it to us as an example of how he still feels today God hates these people and he thinks that they all should be destroyed and they're gonna suffer eternal fire they're all gonna go to hell because they're reprobates they have no chance of salvation so for us who are saved we need to get them saved before they become a reprobate so I hope this helps God bless you have a great day