(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey Pastor Harrison, good. Just curious as to your thoughts on this doctrine of women's leggings being pants and it being a sin for them to wear it under their skirt. Well I think that leggings under the skirt are totally fine, because the whole point of God telling a woman not to put on a man's garment, and for the woman not to wear what pertains to the man, the man to not put on a woman's garment, is He just wants there to be a distinction in the way men and women dress. And so if a woman has a skirt on, you know, she's sending the signal, hey I'm a woman, I'm dressed like a woman, and so obviously in a cold climate you're gonna need leggings under that. And so, or even sometimes in situations where, you know, sometimes people will be doing an activity where they don't want someone to see up their skirt or something, so they have some kind of leggings or something underneath it. I mean, you know, there are times when that works out. Like, for example, when I've taken my daughters up to the snow, they'll put on a snow suit, but then they'll just put on a skirt over it. That way they can still look ladylike, but yet they, you know, can go in the snow without freezing. So. Amen. Well, I'll see you tomorrow. That's your foundation. Sounds good, I'll see you there. Yeah, you know, you have to understand what the spirit of that law is. He just wants us to look different, and in this day of trannies and weirdos, it's more important than ever for men to dress like men and women to dress like women, and for that distinction to be clear.