(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, so I'm looking at the Q&A here, and I saw a question about what jobs are permissible for Christians, and specifically they're asking is it permissible for Christians to work a job in the finance and trade securities. Finance issue and trade securities, you know, so what do you, what do you think about that? Like are they talking like you're like a broker, like you're in Wall Street or something like that? I don't know, I just read the question. I've had someone ask me a question about like banking, you know, because we were talking about usury and, you know, all that stuff, obviously the Bible speaks a lot about usury and not, you know, basically putting interest on things, and so my answer to that was usually like, well, if you're in the bank and you're like a clerk and you're not like the one that's putting out usury on people, then I don't see like that there's a big deal with that, like if you're just a teller and you're dealing with that, you know what I mean? Yeah, it doesn't make you like this evil usurer just because you're a bank teller. I think it's okay to just work as a bank teller or whatever, and I know somebody that works for like an investment banking firm and they are what's called a compliance officer, so they're like keeping people honest, like making sure that the salesman doesn't just promise them the moon and break laws and stuff, so I mean at least that's a job where he's being kind of a watchdog, you know, keeping them honest, so I don't see what would be wrong with that, but I'm sure that there are some dishonest jobs in the financial sector. Yeah, yeah, I would agree with that, so I would say this, if you're wondering whether it's dishonest, it might be dishonest, if you're having to think about it, then it's probably not the most honest thing. So what are some other jobs that Christians should not do that you would just say Christians don't do it? I mean I wouldn't want to work with anything where I'm dealing with like alcohol or things like that. I mean, I know if you're like working at a grocery store, that's a little different than if you're like working at like, if you're working at a restaurant and you're like the bartender, I think that obviously you shouldn't be doing that. You don't want to be like mixing a martini or something. Right, yeah, yeah, so I'm trying to think off the top of my head as far as like things that, you know, obviously anything that would be obvious that you wouldn't want to be involved in like Bard or different things like that, but yeah, some of it's pretty obvious, yeah. So the big one though is probably the banking, that's the big one that I've had people ask me about, you know.