(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) China's Xi urges cooperation among nations in governance of global internet. Yes, as we march towards a new world order, they want governance over the global internet. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called for greater cooperation among nations in developing and governing the internet while reiterating the need to respect so-called cyber-sovereignty. They said the development of the internet knows no international boundaries. The sound use, development, and governance of the internet thus calls for closer cooperation. The Chinese president said this at the start of China's third World Internet Conference. While China's influence on global technology has grown, its ruling Communist Party has presided over broader and more vigorous efforts to control and often censor the flow of information online. And as you may know, China infamously operates the so-called Great Firewall, the world's most sophisticated online censorship system, to block and attack internet services that the government deems unsavory. So if they don't like a website or a certain message on the internet, they can block it to where nobody in China will be able to see it if they go online. It's impossible to find because of the Great Firewall in China. I think the days of freedom of speech on the internet are unfortunately going to come to an end one of these days. Hopefully it's not soon. Hopefully we have many, many years ahead to where especially channels like mine can speak freely and talk about the Bible and a biblical worldview on things. But we'll see. Let me know what you think about this in the comments below. And if you're new, be sure to subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching.