(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Most of us at one time or another have heard someone say, I used to be a Christian, I used to believe in the Bible, I used to believe in God, I said that prayer, but now they're a part of some false religion or even a full-blown atheist. And this has perplexed a lot of Christians because they think to themselves, how is it that a professing Christian who claimed to believe in the Bible no longer believe in God? And some would excuse it and say, well, this just simply means that they lost their salvation. But we know that's not true since the Bible teaches us that once you're saved, you're always saved. No, actually, the scriptural explanation to this would be that that person was never saved to begin with. 1 Corinthians 15 2 says, You see, there is people in the Corinthian church who were questioning the resurrection, which is an essential doctrine to be saved. And Paul's assessment of them was that if they rejected the resurrection, they were never saved to begin with. The Bible teaches that if someone deviates from the doctrines of Christ, such as the Bible, salvation, the Godhead, it's simply an indication that the belief in salvation was never there to begin with.