(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well I mean I've never actually physically done it myself but I mean you got to have the right guy. You got to have someone that's not a total failure and loser like a couple people that I could mention that I won't but I mean you got to have the right you got to have you got to have enough people too like you can't just start a church with two people I mean I guess it's possible but it's just it's difficult to run a church alone without having to do it on the foreign field but I mean our church in the UK has done really well and even after having to kick a bunch of people out just recently you know he's getting tested for sure so he's going he's going through the gauntlet and he's passing the test so but as far as you know starting a foreign like if you're going to go start a foreign mission you better be able to speak the language number one you know if it's something other than English you got to you know be able to speak the language but as far as like if it's just somebody else like I'm starting a church through someone in another country then obviously that person should probably be you know a native of that or you know have citizenship there is I think it's a big part of it too because you know if you're a foreign citizen trying to go and then you're preaching the things that we preach they can just throw you out of the country basically so I mean I think that that's part of it that's it's an important part of it but yeah you gotta have a you gotta have a man you gotta have a leader that one leader that'll that'll lead the charge and you don't always know but like I've obviously learned a lot through a few failures of mine but you know you don't if you don't try and and go big then you know sometimes you're gonna make mistakes sometimes you know things aren't gonna work out and you know it's better than never trying though it's better than never trying to attempt to do anything it's easy to be the armchair quarterback when you've never done something so but as far as being you know the foreign you're gonna have to get a group of people so that's always kind of been like the new IFB way you get a group of people you know 20 or more people and you get a man that you can trust to lead and then you just start from there and then you just kind of bring in the structure of a church because a lot of times people will start like you know work working up to that I talked to brother Ian for months on the phone and you know we planned everything and so you got a point there's a lot of things you got to plan a lot of structure people that haven't gone to a baptist church before like ours or just a baptist church in general or even been in church sometimes we forget that a lot of the new people that come in they might not have ever been in a baptist church in their life and so they don't know some of the etiquette and some of the things that are right and wrong and you know it takes time we got to have some grace of people but you know structure is important and I always try to when I start a church I try to bring that structure immediately you know how our church does stuff that's how I want them to do it and then obviously they can make it their own flavor later on they can change some things you know when they're the pastor they can change a lot of things if they want but you know I learned how to how to start a church from pastor Jimenez and so I just try to copy what he does basically and there's something different that I like better than my do that or whatever so but yeah it takes structure it takes the right man it takes people so and obviously again being a national or like dual citizenship is an important part of that so because of how we preach so you got to take those things into consideration.