(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Oh god, so good to talk to you. Yeah, this is Joyce. I'm here on earth. Listen, um, I uh, I need to know what you want me to do in this, um, situation I've got. But, you know, really while we're talking, I just like to know really what you want to do with my whole life. I'm kind of confused and mixed up about the whole thing. You know, what's I mean, since I've got you, you know, what's the call of my life? And so this is obviously a pretty blasphemous thing to do. Act like you're talking to God over the phone, especially in an irreverent way, probably the way that she speaks to her husband. But I'm gonna go ahead and answer Joyce Meyers and let her know what God wants for her life. First Timothy chapter two verse 11 tells us, let the woman learn in silence with all subjection, but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to use up authority over the man. First Corinthians 14 35 says, if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church, referring to preaching. And the last time I checked, one of the qualifications of a pastor is that they're supposed to be the husbands of one wife, not the wife of one husband. So answer the call.