(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So, the name of the sermon this morning is John Hagee and Zionism Exposed. Now, I'm particularly going after John Hagee, but it's more so a sermon to expose Zionism. John Hagee, though, is the poster child of Zionism. When I say poster child, I mean he is the guy that's on TV and has been the leader of the charge for Christians worshipping the Jews, pretty much. You want to know what Zionism is? That's what it is. It's venerating, worshipping the Jews in Israel. It's not biblical. I'm going to get into all the biblical aspects of it, but I first want to talk about John Hagee. Why do I want to talk about him? Because probably most people in here don't watch him. They're probably not on TBN. Is that TBN? Is that the name of the... Like, tell me world... No, I'm just kidding. I think it's like TBN or some station like that. Same station. Joel Osteen and all those other false prophets are on there, but we talked about dogs and swine last weekend. I'm going to expose one of those dogs this morning, in particular, and that is John Hagee. John Hagee is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. It's supposedly a non-denominational evangelical church that runs about 20,000 people. You think of Joel Osteen, John Hagee, all these guys are running tons of people. Now, I'm going to give you some information, and I literally just found this off his site. You could say, well, you're misquoting him. This is quotations from his site. Talk to him and his administrator of his website if I'm misquoting him here, but if you want to go to that, it's just jhm.org, John Hagee Ministries, it's just an acronym, and then S-A, for like San Antonio, Cornerstone.org, so S-A Cornerstone.org. That's your references as far as where I got this information from. I didn't find some Hagee hating site to find information on him. This is just what I found on his site. Some of this stuff I found, he didn't have this, but it's quotations from him, and it's from his quotations that I've heard him say out of his mouth. First his plan is salvation. First of all, he's a false prophet because he teaches a wrong salvation, a work salvation. Basically I want to talk about that first, but the Zionism is really the key here. We need to look at the fact that he preaches a wrong gospel. If you want to go on his site, there is basically where he gives an audio, and I just kind of wrote down some of the stuff that he said in this audio as far as the plan of salvation, but here's some quotes from that excerpt. It's online if you want to look it up. It says, we must confess our sin. Now did you ever read, to be saved you must confess your sin? Now this is a sticky area because that gets into the repenting of sins because now you got to remember all your sins that you're confessing in order to be saved. You only get to heaven because you confess your sin. Where's Jesus in this? That's what I want to ask, these repentance of sins, confess all your sins, all this stuff. Where does it say that the only way to get to heaven is to confess your sins to Jesus? That there's only one place that I can think of where it says if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That's talking to believers. It's talking about having fellowship with God and walking in the light. It's not talking about being saved. Just like Peter washed his feet and that's what we need to do as Christians in the flesh, we need to be washing ourselves daily of those sins of the flesh, but not for salvation. Now here's where it gets into the good stuff. It says, there must be the repentance of sin, repentance. Repent means to turn away. It means to walk and go another direction. There you go, repentance of sin. He's completely saying here that you were sinning, you have to turn the other way and stop sinning. That's his way of salvation, repentance. It says you must be willing and ready to confess your sin to be saved. It all goes into this repentance of sins. Here's the thing with these preachers. They don't normally have all their doctrine out in the open. So I guarantee you he'd believe that you could lose your salvation. I guarantee that if you pinned him down on it, he would be that way. The repentance of sins and this whole confession thing and having this willingness of heart and this repentant heart to get saved. When I show you what he says about Jesus, you're not even going to worry about that. You're going to be like, that's light stuff. The repentance of sins, that's just light. You should be looking away from him for that alone. Here's Hagee's prayer though. He gives a prayer at the end of it. I want to read this. It says, Lord Jesus Christ, I confess that I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me of my sin. I ask you to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Come into my heart today and be the Lord of my life. There's lordship salvation. I will serve you. I will obey you. I will read your word and I will follow Christ from this day forward all the days of my life. Jesus, you are now my Lord and Savior and I am your servant. Amen. You can see the lordship salvation even in that prayer of the fact that I'm making you Lord of my life. You do not need to make Jesus Lord of your life to be saved. You just need to believe that he is the Lord and that he's going to save you. His salvation is muddy at best. Even if you wanted to say, well, maybe he's on that repentance spectrum of where he's not terminally ill, but he's in there, whatever. When I read to you this stuff about some quotes that he gave and the stuff that he believes, you're going to be like, this guy is the false prophet straight out of hell. It's just unbelievable. The first thing, and I remember seeing this, this is one of the first things that I saw all about Hagee and I'm going to try to get into the Hagee voice. He has this book called, In the Defense of Israel, and if you know John Hagee, he's all about Israel. He just licks the boots of the Jews over in Israel. He just loves, he just worships them and just wants their praise. He wants the praise of the Jews. But he wrote this whole book, In the Defense of Israel, and you can find the little commercial that he does online. You can just look it up on YouTube. It was also in Marching to Zion, the movie, the film that Pastor Anderson and Paul Wittenberger put together, but you can find it on YouTube and all that stuff too. This is what he's saying in this thing. This book will expose the sins of the fathers and the vicious abuse of the Jewish people. In Defense of Israel will shake Christian theology. It spiritually proves that the Jewish people as a whole did not reject Jesus as Messiah. It will also prove that Jesus did not come to the earth to be the Messiah. I will prove that there was a calorie conspiracy between Rome, the high priest, and Herod to execute Jesus as an insurrectionist. Two dangers to live. Since Jesus refused by word and deed to claim to be the Messiah, how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered? Now, can you believe that that came out of someone that claims to be a Christian and claims to believe the Bible? Now we're going to get into how false what he just said was. He said that Jesus didn't claim to be the Messiah. He didn't come to be the Messiah and therefore the Jews can't be blamed for the fact that they killed Jesus because he never claimed to be the Messiah. There's some conspiracy between Herod and the high priest and all this garbage. This is how far the depths of Zionism go. The reason that this is important on our level is because Baptist churches get sucked into the Zionist garbage and all it is is a gateway drug and a snowball into other false doctrine. It goes into the pre-trib, it goes into the fact that the Old Testament saints didn't go to heaven, it goes into the fact that they were saved a different way in the Old Testament. There's all kinds of false leaven, hypocrisy, garbage that comes from Zionism and that's why I'm exposing it. But John Hagee is the poster board child for this. Now Hagee, now listen to this, this is from the Houston Chronicle, Houston, Texas. This is just quotes from him so I'm not going to do the Hagee voice because I'm not that good at it anyway. But it says, I'm not trying to convert the Jewish people to the Christian faith, he said. So this is a guy writing what he said. There's nothing in the night to honor Israel that does that. So it's like a book or something that he wrote. Don't worry about that. If you want to read that or go into that you can. In fact, trying to convert Jews is a waste of time, he said. The Jewish person who has his roots in Judaism is not going to convert to Christianity. There is no form of Christian evangelism that has failed so miserably as evangelizing the Jewish people. I'll agree with that, but that doesn't mean they don't need to get saved. And so it says, they already have a faith structure. Everyone else, whether Buddhists or, and he goes to the list, needs to believe in Jesus, he says, but not Jews. So everybody else needs to believe in Jesus, not Jews. The Jews don't need Jesus. Jews already have a covenant with God that has never been replaced by Christianity. John Hagee says the Jews don't need to be saved, they don't need Jesus. So don't even waste your time trying to give them the gospel. Now we're accused of hating the Jews. You know who hates the Jews? John Hagee. John Hagee doesn't want to give them the gospel. John Hagee just says nuts to them, they don't need the gospel, they're good. Because they're all going to drop in hell if they don't believe in Jesus Christ. And so this guy is a dog. He's a dog that's returning to his own vomit and he eats it every single day. This guy is a wicked wolf that people watch and people listen to. And he gets on his Zionist soapbox, but then he gets on to his false... I could probably do a whole series on this guy. And so I'm not even getting into the fact that he predicted some blood moon feast garbage that didn't come to pass last year or the year before or whatever, and never recanted the fact that what he had predicted never came true. They're like, oh, some bird died on the mosque or something like that. That was the blood moon. Really? God set up all these blood moons and all the stars aligned so that some bird would fall into some type of mosque and then the mosque thing would semi-collapse or something like that. I mean, it's just such garbage and it's surprising to me that people still listen to them. Just like any other person that gives these false predictions. But you know what it says about prophets that predict something to come to pass and that it doesn't come to pass? It says that there are false prophets and they should be put to death. So you'll never see me setting dates up here as far as when Jesus is coming because then I would be a false prophet. So anyway, so John Hagee, and I'm going to get into the Bible, but I want to give you the brunt of all this information. And why would I preach a whole sermon against this guy? Well, because he is influencing millions of people, millions of people. And so he needs to be called out on the carpet. So he worships the Jews, but he started this organization called Christians United for Israel and there's over two million members to this thing. Now Christians United for Israel are people that basically send support and they're all for basically Israel. But on his own site, his mission and commitment to Israel says this, it says, we believe in the promise of Genesis 12 verse 3. Now we're going to get into that my friends. Don't worry. Genesis 12 verse 3, regarding the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, we believe Christians should bless and comfort Israel and the Jewish people. Believers have a Bible mandate to combat anti-Semitism and to speak out in defense of Israel and the defense of Israel and the chosen people. So his whole mission is to basically worship the Jews, worship Israel. So does that line up with the Bible though? Everything that he says, Jesus didn't come to be the Messiah. Does that line up with the Bible? Did Jesus not claim to be the Messiah? Does that line up with scripture? The fact that God promised to the Jews that he would bless them no matter what, because that's what he's saying with Genesis chapter 12, is that there's this blessing that's on the Jewish people from that point on to the end of time and God will never curse them. Everything he said is false. Everything I read to you is false. It's a lie. It's straight from the devil and this stuff is creeping in and this stuff is not old either. Do you know that most Christians used to believe the Jews killed Jesus and the Jews were the ones that were the main, number one enemy of the Christians at the beginning, because that's what it is throughout the whole New Testament? Now they need to be saved and we're going to talk about that. So I don't hate the Jews, but to give them this high, chosen, elect people, have you read the Bible? I know I already preached the sermon, have you not read, when we're dealing with reading the Bible, but have you not read the Bible? Have you not read Leviticus 26? Have you not read Deuteronomy 27, 28? Have you not read Judges? Have you not read 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings? Have you not read any of it? Because throughout that God is cursing them, he's pouring his wrath upon them, he's constantly throwing them out, killing them and doing everything else to them, but somehow I'm supposed to believe that they are blessed by God unconditionally no matter what they do. How in the world did that change from the Bible? How in the world did 1948 all of a sudden, since Israel became a nation in the world's eyes, are they now all of a sudden this golden boy child of God, the apple of God's eye to where we need to bless them no matter what? Well let's go to Genesis chapter 12. Genesis chapter 12. This is where they always go to, to try to give this promise, and let's see if it pans out for them. This also, this is a good reason to have a King James Bible, because the King James Bible uses these and thou, it uses the singular form of the word you, and obviously if you put you where the these and the thou are it wouldn't be wrong, but you're going to have a little more trouble maybe seeing whether he's talking to a group of people or whether he's talking to one person in particular. One great example of this is where he's talking to Nicodemus and says, Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again. See you could have said you you, but obviously he's talking to Nicodemus personally and I'm saying unto you that ye, meaning everybody needs to be born again, so he's not just saying just to Nicodemus that he needs to be born again, but everybody needs to be born again. So Genesis chapter 12, this is where really Abraham is coming into the picture, and obviously Abraham's mentioned before this in Genesis 11 and with his dad and all this stuff, but this is really the main, where we're getting into Abraham's story. So Genesis 12 verse 1, it says, Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house, unto a land I will show thee. Verse 2, And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing, and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. And you're like, do you have like a speech impediment up there Pastor Robinson, why in the world are you emphasizing the thes and thes, because it's singular my friends. This promise, and I'll prove it, the Bible proves this and validates this, that the promise was made to Abraham himself and to his seed, and we'll see what that seed is. This is singular. This is not to the Jewish people. And people erroneously believe that all of Israel, all the tribes of Israel were the Jews. This is false, because only the southern kingdom of Judah was called the Jews. In Jesus' day that was the only thing that was left. It was Judea. So therefore Israel as a whole was called the Jews because it was only that southern kingdom but all those other tribes had been scattered and decimated or turned into the Samarian mingled. And so this idea that Abraham's a Jew is ridiculous. I mean they would probably call Abraham a Jew. Do you know where Jew comes from? The word Jew. It comes from Jew-dah. It's just a form of Jew-dee-ah. And so it's just a word to mean of where you're from, and Judah became known as a religion. That's where the true religion was. So Jew could either mean you're of the religion of Judah or you're of the nation of Judah. But in this passage, this blessing, I will bless them to bless thee and curse them to curse thee, this is where they go to and say, see if you curse Israel, you curse those Jews over in Israel, then God's going to curse you. And so it's just this big straw man argument that needs to be knocked down and burned. Because it's talking to Abraham in particular, Abraham, he says thee, thee, thee, thy, it's talking to him particularly. Now go to Genesis chapter 22. So we'll see, here's where the seed comes in. Now this is where every word, every jot and tittle of your Bible is important. This is why, this is one big reason we're King James only. Because every little word, every S, everything that's in the Bible is important. And the Bible in Galatians we'll see, and we already read it, but in Galatians we'll see that if they added an S to this, it would have been a problem. So this is after Isaac was offered on the altar. And so we're not going to read that whole story for sake of time. And so, in Genesis 22 verse 15 it says, And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time and said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore, and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies, and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice. See that, did that say seeds? Did that say a plural seeds, or did that say a singular seed? Because go to Galatians chapter 3, go to Galatians chapter 3, I know we already read it, that was our text. Here's the thing, every Zionist should just memorize Galatians chapter 3, and if you memorize Galatians chapter 3 and you still have problems with this, I wonder. I wonder about your salvation. Because Galatians chapter 3 is so crystal clear about this subject that I don't see how people don't see it. Because Galatians chapter 3 clarifies all of this, Galatians chapter 3 is talking about Abraham, it's talking about this promise that was made to Abraham and his seed, and it clarifies exactly what he was talking about, who he was talking to, and what it was about. Galatians chapter 3 and verse 6, we'll just start there just to get context. Verse 6 says, even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness, know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. In the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying, in thee shall all nations be blessed. So notice it's still thee, it's still singular. Go down to verse 16. This should be, Galatians 3, 16 should be the John 3, 16 of these Zionists. They need to memorize this verse. Galatians 3, 16, notice what it says, this clarifies everything. Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not into seeds as of many, but as of one. So notice, that seed being singular is very important. He said, but as of one, into thy seed, which is what? Who is the seed? Who is the seed? Christ. Is it the Jews? Is it the nation of Israel? It's Christ. You'll say, well, there's passage where it seems to be plural. Yeah, because at the end of the chapter, notice what it says. Galatians 3, 29, and if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. You know how you become part of that seed? You believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. From the foundation of the world, it's always been believe on Christ and believe on the name of the Lord, call upon the name of the Lord. Christ has been from the beginning. I don't have time to go into that as far as the everlasting gospel, but it's always been believe on Christ, and that's how you become part of that seed. Thy seed, that seed, remember in Genesis chapter 22, who was the promise made to? Abraham, but it was also made to his seed. Singular and Galatians says that that seed is Christ. So very clear, very clear that this promise was not made to some physical nation of the Jews. Now, they use this term, well, they're God's elect, they're the chosen people. Where does it say that? Show me in the Bible where it says the Jews are God's elect. Show me where it says that God has elected them. You won't find it. The first time elect is used, go to Isaiah 42. Sometimes you'll see where he calls Jacob elect. I wouldn't be against that. I believe Jacob was saved because he believed on Christ, just like Isaac believed on Christ, just like Moses believed on Christ, just like all the saved people throughout history believed on Christ, therefore they would be a part of that seed. They would be the elect. For the first mention of the word elect, it's clear who it's talking about. Isaiah 42 in verse 1, it says, Behold my servant whom I uphold, mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth. I have put my spirit upon him. He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. So who are we talking about? Well, the next two verses will put you no doubt of who we're talking about. In verse 2, He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street, a bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. He shall bring forth judgment unto the truth. Who's this talking about? This is clearly talking about Jesus. If you go to the New Testament, this is quoted in the New Testament talking about Jesus. In whom my soul delighteth, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. This is where this comes from. So who's the elect? Jesus. Does that make sense when it says that thy seed, he's chosen Abraham's seed, which obviously Christ, we've already gone through this with the birth of Christ, that Christ came from the seed of Abraham and from the seed of David. So obviously that's what that's talking about, and the fact that Abraham literally did bring in Christ. That's the seed that it was promised. Now obviously Isaac was a picture of that. Isaac was the promised child, and he pictured obviously he was going to die, you know, he's given his only begotten son, right, so that whole picture is there with Isaac. But who was the true seed that was to come? Christ. In Galatians it says until the seed should come to whom the promise was made. Who's the seed? Christ. So the seed that it's talking about in Genesis 22 is talking about Christ, not about just the Jews in general. Now obviously there were saved people, there were seven thousand that didn't bow the knee to Baal that were in Elijah's day, so there was obviously saved people that were a part of that seed, but it wasn't all of Israel. Now you know, if you go to First Peter, because First Peter actually talks about this elect or chosen a lot too, what's interesting about First Peter is it's written to Gentiles. So it's not written to Jewish people, and so it's interesting that that's actually the place if you're going to find the word elect in the Bible besides dealing with end times prophecy, because that's where the Zionism comes into is that Matthew 24, Mark 13 is talking to the Jews because they're the elect. Although you can never find a place in the Bible where it says the Jews are God's elect. So just look up to it, just do a Bible study on the word elect. Well First Peter chapter 2, it says in verse 6, just to give more validity to the fact that Jesus is the elect, I don't think anybody would argue with that, but in First Peter chapter 2 and verse 6 it says wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, behold I lay in Zion, a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. So there's another place where Jesus is called the elect. Now what about elect believers? We'll go back a chapter there, in chapter 1 at the very beginning, notice what it says. Notice who Peter's talking to in verse 1, Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers scattered throughout Pontius, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. So who's he talking to? He's talking to the Jews. He didn't say to my brethren in the flesh, to the twelve tribes of Israel, he's saying to strangers, and obviously I'm going to show you too, proving that he's talking to people that are not of Jewish nationality, but in verse 2 it says elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace unto you and peace be multiplied. Notice what it keeps saying, what it says later, blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto our lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to inherit us incorruptible and undefiled in that faith is not a way reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. How were they elect? They were elect because they believed. We're predestinated to be conformed unto his image because God foreknew who would believe. This is not a predestination sermon, but the Bible is very clear that God foreknew who was going to believe and he elected them from the foundation of the world to be conformed to his image. So he can't blame God for being God, but that's what it's saying, he's chosen us from the foundation of the world. He chose all those that would believe to be saved. Does that make sense? That's really how simple it is. So it's by faith though, it's not by inheritance by blood. Remember, we're born again not by blood, not by the will of man, not by the will of flesh, but by God. And as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. It's not by your heritage. That's why these endless genealogies are pointless, because it doesn't matter. But elect our believers and go back to chapter 2, so 1 Peter chapter 2 and verse 9. I just want to prove to you if you didn't believe at the very beginning there that he's not talking to Jewish people, he's talking to Gentile people. And Gentile just means other nations, other nations other than Israel. But 1 Peter chapter 2 and verse 9 says, but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and holy nation, a peculiar people that you should show forth the praise of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now who's he talking about here? He said this is a chosen generation and holy nation. When you say that, when everybody be saying about Israel today, oh they're a chosen people, they're a holy nation of Israel, well what does it say in the next verse? Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. If you look this up in Hosea, this is clearly not talking about Israel. This is talking about those that were not a people before, meaning that they weren't of the nation of Israel, but now they are the people of God because they are saved. And so, salvation's always been this way, it's always been by faith, and the true nation of Israel has always just been believers, that remnant. We talked about this, if you have any problems with the Zionism stuff, because I don't have time to go through all this stuff, go back to my sermons on Romans 9, 10, and 11. So Romans 9, 10, and 11 are sermons where I cover this thoroughly as far as dealing with the nation of Israel physically compared to the spiritual nation of Israel, which is all believers. Now, in the New Testament, the holy nation's only talking about the spiritual nation. Back in the Old Testament, you had the physical nation that God was using and stuff like that, but only a remnant of them were actually saved, and only a remnant of them were the true Israel or the Israelites indeed. It says here that we're the chosen generation, we're the chosen people as believers, Jew or Gentile. Remember in Christ Jesus there's neither Greek nor Jew, neither bond nor free, neither male nor female. In Christ, we're all the same, we're all chosen of God. But go to Romans 9, and I'll just give you a little snippet of this, but if you really want to get deep into it, because Romans 9 and 11 really hammer this hard as far as the difference between the physical nation and the spiritual nation as far as the unsaved people that are of the flesh compared to those that are saved. Obviously, we know that Paul was an Israelite, so he was a physical Israelite, but he also was a spiritual Israelite. So we're not saying that all the Jews don't make it, that no Jews in the spiritual Israel, but this is where the Zionists come in and say, there's no difference, you believe in replacement theology, yes I do, because he taketh away the first and he may establish the second. Period. He called it the first old, now that which waxeth old, or decatheth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away. How many times do you need God to say, I'm taking the kingdom of God away from you and giving it to a nation, bringing forth the fruits that are up. Replacement, reformation, until the reformation that Christ talked about, that's what we're dealing with. So Romans chapter 9 and verse 6, it says, Romans 9 verse 6, not as though the word of God hath taken none effect, for they are not all Israel which are of Israel. So there, right there, I'll show you, there's two different Israels here. So they're not all Israel which are of Israel, neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children, but in Isaac shall that seed be called. That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. How do people not understand this? How do the Zionists not understand this when it says that the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God. I don't understand how they can't see this and the only way that a preacher can't see this is because they're a devil, because they're a dog, because they're a swine and they're trying to sell you a bill of goods. They're trying to get you down this path to just worship the Jews and worship the synagogue of Satan. There I said it. That's what the Bible says about Judaism, they're the synagogue of Satan. But it's very clear here that they're not the children of God just because they're by flesh. Now obviously, like I said, the disciples, the apostles were of Israel except for Simon the Canaanite, but he was also the stranger that came in and became a Jew. But the thing is that the apostles, most of them were all Jewish, they were of Judea, they were of the stock of Abraham. Obviously, there were people that believed that they were of Israel, but what it's saying there is that just because you're of the physical children of Israel doesn't make you. And he's given this dichotomy saying, you know, it's only Isaac though. Abraham had two sons and if I had enough time I'd take you to Galatians chapter 4 where it likens the Jerusalem which now is to Agar which is Mount Sinai and Agar was the hand maiden that had Ishmael. And so everybody wants to talk about, you know, how we're anti-Semites, anti-Semite this, anti-Semite that. Do you know that Semite is for Shem? Now Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, right? Now think about this, Abraham was the descendant of Shem, right? So he'd be a Semite. Guess who else would be? Ishmael. Ishmael, you know, all the Arabs over there, all the Arabians and all the people that are over in all the Middle East, do you know they're all Semites? All of them. So this whole idea of calling me an anti-Semite is the most retarded thing I've ever heard in my life because they're all of Sem. We're all of Sem. Let's just face it, okay, when you go back in the gene pool we're all of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. We're all mixed in there. And so this whole idea of the anti-Semite, it's like the emperor's new clothes, you know, where they keep saying this and we're supposed to just believe it, like they're the only descendants for Shem. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? And the fact that Ishmael is of Shem, Ishmael is just as much of Shem as Isaac was. So this whole idea is just retarded. Not only that, but the Bible says that the physical nation of Israel is like Ishmael. They are the son of the bond woman. That's what the Bible says. So anyway, go to Romans chapter 11. You say, why do you get so riled up about this? Because it breeds false doctrine. You know what, if a Baptist church wants to worship the Jews, let them do what they want to do. All it does is it confuses and breeds false doctrine, and it's just a bunch of garbage. It's not biblical, and people need to start reading their Bibles and just seeing what it says. And so in Romans chapter 11, and that's what it says in verse 7, Romans chapter 11 verse 7, it says, What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for, but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded. Now what do you see there? You see the fact that Israel is not the elect. Because Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for, but the election has. You know what that shows me is that Israel is not the election. The physical nation of Israel is not the election. So don't tell me that, well, the Jews over there are God's chosen people, hogwash, unscriptural, retarded, doesn't line up with anything in the Bible. But it says that they have not obtained it, but the election had. Now the election, I believe, particularly talking about it in this passage, are the Jews that did get saved. So he's given this dichotomy saying there were 7,000 that didn't bow the knee to Baal. That's what's said right before this. And he says, Has God cast away his people which he foreknew? God forbid, I'm an Israelite. Paul's saying, I'm an Israelite. So he's saying he has not cast off the people which he foreknew because there were Israelites that did believe. Therefore the election obtained it, but Israel was blind. It says Israel had not obtained what you seeketh for. The election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded, meaning that the rest of Israel that didn't believe were blinded, blinded. Now this next thing that's said here is going to get into my next point. Notice what David says about, actually verse 8 there, it says, According as it is written, God, now notice this, this is written about Israel. Now God's always blessing the Jews. God's always blessing Israel no matter what, you know, never curse Israel, always pray for their good. Well notice what it says in verse 8, According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day. Now if you remember reading through the New Testament, do you remember all these times where he says, you know, that they have eyes, eyes they have and they see not, lest they should believe and be saved? How many times did he say that? He said, this is why I speak to them in the parables, because it's not given to them to know the things of the kingdom of God, over and over again. So and who was he saying that about, the scribes and the Pharisees, the leaders of Israel? And so God is the one that gave them the spirit of slumber, so that they wouldn't believe. Now obviously we've gone through the reprobate doctrine, so obviously he wanted everybody to be saved, so it's not like he just, these people were born to go to hell, okay? But he did send them strong delusion. But in verse nine there, notice what David says. And so notice what David says, and this is about Israel. And David said, let their table be a snare and a trap and a stumbling block and a recompense unto them. Let their eyes be darkened that they may not see and bow down their back all the way. Woo, David, you're a little mean. David, a man after God's own heart, who was of the seed of Israel, right? He is the seed that Christ was going to come through, and he says that about Israel. Now I'm going to actually show you that that actually goes on a little further when you go back to the psalm that that's quoted from. But first I want to talk about something here. Should we pray for God to bless the nation of Israel? Well go to 2 Chronicles 19, I know we've covered this before, but 2 Chronicles 19. Now to give context and in your homework if you want to, go to 2 Chronicles 18 and see what had just happened. And I'll give you a little abridged version of it. The king, King Ahab, was going to war and he had Jehoshaphat come to help him. So picture this, there's 2 kingdoms, the kingdom of Israel, the northern kingdom, and the southern kingdom of Judah. Jehoshaphat was a righteous king and he was down in Judah and then King Ahab was in Israel. If you remember when the man of God, remember Ahab was inquiring of all these prophets, he had like 400 prophets, and they were all saying go, take it, and all this stuff. But anyway, there was one prophet that said the only reason that I'm even standing here talking to you is because Jehoshaphat's here. So Jehoshaphat was a good king and obviously he made mistakes. This is one of the mistakes, God's calling him out on the carpet for it, but he helped and yoked himself up with the king of Israel. So he's helping the king of Israel. Notice in verse 1 there it says, Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. In verse 2, So he's asking Jehoshaphat a question. Should you help the ungodly and love them and hate the Lord? Notice what the answer, what he's saying to them. Therefore, is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. Wrath is upon Jehoshaphat, why? Because he helped them that hated the Lord. He loved them that hated the Lord and he helped the ungodly. Who was the person that he just helped? The king of Israel. The king of Israel, the nation of Israel. So it's in the Bible, it's not even the fact that hey, we shouldn't help an ungodly nation. In particular, in particular the Bible gives us an example of not helping the nation of Israel. So Jehoshaphat was facing the wrath of God as a godly king and obviously he'd be chastened by the Lord because he helped the king of Israel. Notice though, there are times that we're not supposed to pray for people for their good and this is where people fall out of the Bible and they're just like, we should always pray for everybody to be blessed. I'm not going to pray for a pedophile to be blessed, I hope they die and go to hell tonight or this morning, whenever sooner, you know, whatever. I'm not going to pray for the good of just reprobate people. But there are cases in the Bible where it says not to pray. God says don't pray for this people. Go to Jeremiah chapter 7, Jeremiah chapter 7 and if you know what Jeremiah is dealing with, what is Jeremiah mainly dealing with? The kingdom of Judah and it going into captivity of the Babylonians. That's like the whole mission pretty much of Jeremiah is Jeremiah preaching to Judah and to the king and trying to get them to come back and come back to the Lord and eventually God, what we see here is that God's like, no, they're going down. They are going down and he's telling Jeremiah don't pray for them because I won't hear you. So there are cases and you may say, well, I'm just going to be on the safe side and love everybody. Well, 2 Chronicles 19, 2, the wrath of God could be upon you if you're loving people that hate the Lord. You say, well, I'm just going to pray for everybody and pray for their good no matter what. Well, the Bible says that your prayer can turn into an abomination, we'll see. So in Jeremiah 7, in verse 16, or it could just fall on deaf ears and you're just wasting your time, but Jeremiah 7, verse 16, Jeremiah 7, verse 16, it says, therefore, pray not thou for this people, neither lift up crying nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me, for I will not hear thee. This is God talking, so there is a case where we're not supposed to pray for a certain group of people. It says, yeah, I will not hear thee, go to Jeremiah 11, Jeremiah 11 and verse 13. So obviously when you're reading through Jeremiah, a lot of times stuff's being repeated and stuff like that. But in verse 13, I want to get a little more context of why he's saying not to pray for this people. It's not just because, you know, God's not a respecter of persons, it has to do with what they've done. So it's a nation that's a wicked nation, but Jeremiah 11, verse 13, it says, for according to the number of the cities where thy gods, O Judah, and according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem, have ye set up altars to that shameful thing, even altars to burn incense on the bale. So obviously they're not living godly here, they're worshiping other gods. Therefore, pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them, for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble. Go to Jeremiah 14. This isn't just like some obscure passage, but Jeremiah 14, so we're just kind of going in order here. God's saying don't pray for them. Don't pray for this people, I will not hear you. Don't pray for this people, I will not hear them when they cry unto me in their trouble. Jeremiah 14, 11, Jeremiah 14, 11, it says, then said the Lord unto me, pray not for this people for their good. When they fast, I will not hear their cry. When they offer a burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them, but I will consume them by the sword and by the famine and by the pestilence. Now who's he talking about? He's talking about Judah and Jerusalem. He's talking about that southern kingdom. So we're not even just talking about the northern kingdom that's been wicked ever since Jeroboam. We're talking about the southern kingdom where Hezekiah was at, where Josiah was at, some of the godliest kings that were in there were at, but this is at the end where He's saying okay, I'm going to destroy you, you're going to go into captivity for seventy years because of the sins of Manasseh, and there's no hope for them to turn this around. He's saying don't pray for them. Don't pray for this people, and don't pray for them particularly for their good. Now there are prayers that you can pray. Let's say pray without ceasing, okay, because there are times, but sometimes it's not for their good. How about this one, let death seize upon them and let them go quick down into hell. Let their days be few and another man take their office. You know that's in the Bible. You know that's a psalm. You know that they sang that, okay. Break their teeth, oh God, in their mouths. Let them melt as a snail. There's all these imprecatory prayers of cursing, and a lot of the times you know who it's directed towards? Israel, because to whom much is given, much is required, and that nation was supposed to be a godly nation. It was supposed to be lifting up God's name, and they were decimating it, so God was angry with them obviously because of all the stuff they did. Go to Proverbs chapter 28, Proverbs chapter 28, so we need to bless Israel. We need to pray for their good. We need to do all, no, no, it's quite the opposite my friends. Israel, now if Israel was just a typical nation that was just like any other nation or whatever, I would say whatever, whatever you want to do, but Israel is the capital of sodomy. Israel is the capital of Judaism, which is the anti-Christ religion. Go listen to that sermon again as far as the religion. But it's part Judaism, it's part Catholicism, and it's part Islam. What part of any of those is anything Christian? Nothing. Those are all false religions, and Judaism is one of the most wicked anti-Christ religions that are out there. At least Catholicism gives Jesus lip service as being like the son of God, and even Islam says that Jesus was a good prophet, but Judaism hates Jesus. Proverbs 28 verse 9, again I could spend all day on this subject as far as imprecatory prayers, when we're supposed to pray good for someone, when we're not supposed to pray good for somebody, and this is where you need to know your Bible, because you can't just say I'm going to play it safe and do one thing all the way across the board. You need to know the Bible, and you need to have the sermon, and I pray to God every time I'm in a situation that I try to do the right thing, and it's not always black and white as simple as can be. You need to know the Bible. You need to know what you're dealing with, but Proverbs 28 verse 9, it says, he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination. Do you know that your prayer can be an abomination to the Lord? What is an abomination? Something that God hates, something that he detests. God can hate your prayer, and notice it says, he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law. I'm giving you a lot of Bible today on purpose, and if you turn your ear away from the law, and you pray against what the law says, your prayer is an abomination to God. That's what the Bible is saying there. We need to be praying according to his will. Jesus always talked about this. We need to pray according to his will. What's God's will? That's what you've got to look at as far as what's God's will, what are we supposed to be doing, and this is where his will is found. You need to know this. You need to know these passages. You need to know that I'm not supposed to hate them or love them to hate the Lord, that help the ungodly, and that I'm not supposed to be blessing the wicked. There's another problem. I don't have it written here, but talking about blessing the wicked and cursing the righteous, that's an abomination. That's not right. That's what these Zionists do. They curse the righteous man of God that stands up for the word of God and is against Zionism, and they bless the wicked Christ-rejecting Jew. Isn't that what they do? They're completely backwards. Well, they're praying as an abomination to the Lord. We go to Psalm 69. This is what David said about Israel, and then we read a little bit of it that was quoted in Romans, but you know what Romans tells us is that this was actually about Israel. I'm going to turn there because I actually wanted to read a verse before that real quick. If you look at Psalm 69, a lot of this psalm is about Jesus. There's little pieces of prophecies that are quoted in the New Testament about Jesus. Psalm 69, verse 22 is where we get into where we're quoting what David was saying in the New Testament. But notice verse 21. They gave me also gall for my meat, and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. Who's that? That's what they said about Jesus. Isn't that what they gave him on the cross? Vinegar and gall mixed with gall? Obviously it's a prophecy about Jesus, but now we get into what David says in verse 22. This sounds like the Zionists. Could you ever see John Hagee saying this about Israel? But you know what? If I was up on a TV show or something like that and I were to read this off about Israel, people would lose their minds. The Republican, right-wing Christians would lose their minds. Ted Cruz and all these people that just venerate Israel, and if you're not for Israel then you're not a Christian, then I'm not with you. I'm not with you either, Ted Cruz or anybody else that venerates that wicked nation. But in verse 22, let's see how nice this sounds. This is David, the sweet psalmist of Israel. Let their table become a snare before them, and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap. Let their eyes be darkened that they see not, and make their loins continually to shake. Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them. Let their habitation be desolate, and let none dwell in their tents, for they persecute him whom thou hast smitten, and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded. Add iniquity unto their iniquity, and let them not come into thy righteousness. Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous." Wow, that is intense. If you know what that's talking about, being blotted out of the book of the living, being blotted out of the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. At the end of Revelation, remember it talks about people being blotted out because they took away from the word of God. He's saying, blot them out. Blot them out of the book of life. What's he saying? Make them reprobate. Take away the ability for them to get saved. Isn't that exactly what he said about them? He said, I'm going to darken their eyes so that they won't believe and won't get saved. That's what David said about Israel. Does this Zionism stuff pan out, Hagee? John Hagee and his stuff about the Jews and all that stuff. It doesn't pan out, but they'll say stuff like this, Jesus didn't come to be the Messiah. He didn't come to be the Messiah. It's just retarded stuff. I just don't understand how people can spew this out of their mouth and people actually pick it up and think that this is true. Go to John chapter one. First I want to show you because there's other people like Sam Gipp. This guy somehow got into the Baptist realm. This guy is the biggest moron I've ever seen in my life as far as the doctrine that comes out of his mouth. He said that Jesus, that his name shouldn't have been Jesus, that it should have been Immanuel and that Joseph messed up when he called him Jesus. He said the angel told him to call him Immanuel and then when he was born he said, what are you going to name him? Jesus. It's like that's what the angel said. The angel particularly said name him Jesus both in Matthew one and in Luke chapter one. Said to name him Jesus. You know what the angel didn't say? Name Immanuel. You know the angel didn't tell him the name Immanuel? He just quoted Isaiah and said this is what he would be called according to Isaiah seven. The angel never said to call him Immanuel but Sam Gipp was the same person who said Jesus isn't my Messiah. Now what he's trying to do is say well Messiah is for the Jews and Christ is for the Gentiles and saying well you're not of Jewish stock so he's not your Messiah. He's not your Messiah. Stupidity. Now this shows you that the guy is the devil because in Matthew chapter one when he read that to those people and said that Immanuel was supposed to be his name it was literally the verse right before that where it says his name shall be called Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins. Literally the verse before. One verse before and if anybody had eyes to see they could have saw just one verse up that what he was saying was a complete lie but also he didn't make it to John one. John chapter one verse forty one what I'm going to prove to you is that Messiah and Christ are the same thing. It's the same word. It's just transliterated differently. Messiah literally means Christ and Christ literally means anointed. They're all the same word. It all means the same exact thing. It's a synonym. Notice in John one verse forty one it says he first findeth his own brother Simon and saith unto him we have found the Messiah's which is being interpreted the Christ. Now you know what the Bible is the best thing that I'd ever want to see how to interpret things. That's in the Greek you know that's it's not like the translators put that in there you know what I mean. It's not like it said messiahs and translators are like oh by the way messiah means Christ. No that's in that's what they pinned down that's what John pinned down saying that Messiah which being interpreted is the Christ. Go to John chapter four John chapter four so messiah means Christ okay and that's what's ridiculous about that oh he's not your messiah then he's saying he's not his Christ so you're just you're just openly telling me that you're not saved who's ever believed that Jesus the Christ is born of God but John four this is the woman at the well in verse twenty five John four verse twenty five says the woman saith unto him I know that messiahs cometh which is called Christ when he is come he will tell us all things. So even this woman the Samaritan woman knew that messiah meant Christ okay they all know this they all know that messiah means Christ in verse now notice this did Jesus claim to be the messiah that's what it says in verse twenty six Jesus saith unto her I that speak unto them and he so he told the woman at the well that I am the Christ I am the messiah so this whole idea that he didn't come and he didn't claim to be the messiah go to Mark chapter fourteen and be like well he only told it to the to the Samaritan woman he didn't tell it to anybody else he tells it to the leaders that put him to death that he is the Christ some conspiracy he didn't come to be the messiah it's such it's such doctrines of devils and it's just utter stupidity I can't believe that this stuff comes out of people's mouths like it does. But Mark fourteen verse sixty one Mark fourteen verse sixty one this is where Jesus is before the high priest and they're spitting in his face hitting him and accusing him of all this false stuff but in verse sixty one it says but he held his peace and answered nothing again the high priest asked him and said unto him art thou the Christ the son of the blessed and Jesus said I am and you shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven is there any other doubt that he claimed to be the messiah that claimed to be the Christ and so he said it to the woman at the well he said it to the chief priest and everybody that was accusing him and said I am I am the Christ I am the son of the blessed I am the son of God and you'll see the son of man sitting on the right hand of the father and so but Hagee says that the Jews don't need Jesus they don't need to be saved now you don't have to turn there but we've already covered this but in first John two it says who is a liar but he denied that Jesus is the Christ he is anti-christ denied the father and son whosoever hath not the father or whosoever denied the son hath not the father but he acknowledges the son had the father also if you don't have the son you don't have the father John the first John four you know there's so many places it says in every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of anti-christ John a second John says for many deceivers are entered in the world who confess not that Jesus has come in the flesh is a deceiver and an anti-christ so anybody that doesn't believe that Jesus is the Christ is an anti-christ and a deceiver it has the spirit of anti-christ so this whole idea that the Jews don't need Jesus is a stupid it's just not biblical John five verse twenty three John five verse twenty three Jesus says that all men should honor the son even as they honor the father he that honors not the son honors not the father which hath sent him there's another way of saying it if you don't honor the son you don't honor the father you can't have the father without the son if you would have believed Moses you would have believed me you know this whole idea well they believe Moses they believe all this no they don't they don't believe the God of the Bible Judaism is not is not the religion of the Old Testament but they also say this stuff like well they're under the Old Testament no no they're not the Old Testament is done he taketh away the first they may establish the second it is done away second Corinthians chapter three read that chapter it says it's three different times three different ways it's done away it's abolished it's done away in Christ the veil is done away when that veil was rent from the top to the bottom when Jesus died on the cross the Old Testament was done done God didn't regard it and not here here's the thing no one was saved under the Old Testament the Old Testament didn't save anybody you know what saved people the faith of God you know faith in Jesus faith in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ now they didn't know the name of Jesus before before Jesus came on the scene but it was still faith Abraham believed God and it was imputed on him for righteousness it's always been that way you know Abraham was before the Old Testament David also spake of the blessings of the man under whom God imputed righteousness without works that's in the Old Testament Jesus preached that for who so for God so the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life that's right before the New Testament starts right at the end of the Old Testament so it's a false argument anyway to say well they have the Old Testament the Old Testament didn't save anybody you know what the Old Testament did it condemned you the old it reads and reads and I don't have time but read second Corinthians chapter three it says it's the ministration of death that's what the Old Testament is called the ministration of death and so the Old Testament didn't save anybody the the Old Testament law all it did is made the whole world guilty before God it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made and so this whole idea that the Jews don't need Jesus did they did they not believe John 14 6 no man cometh unto the father but by me do they not believe that oh no it's the Jews they have their own thing and you know people that believe in Buddha Hinduism no they have to come to Jesus but not the Jews when did God become a respecter of persons so it doesn't make sense it doesn't line up oh and also Paul's prayer here's here's what Paul's prayer to Israel was and in Romans chapter 10 it says brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved because it says for Christ is the end of the law end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth you know what Paul's prayer was and my prayer is to the Jews is that they get saved my prayer is not for them to be blessed and have a good life and not have any troubles that's not my prayer to them you know what maybe they need some troubles to get them to God and so I don't pray for their good in that aspect I do pray for them to get saved and so my prayer to God for Israel is that they get saved that's not John Hagee's John Hagee is the opposite of that he wants them to be blessed and have the good life now but don't give them the gospel that's a waste of time so it's garbage so true we as believers are the true Israelites you want to know what Zionism you know what the Zionism I had to uphold to is the Zionism of believers that Mount Zion we're all going to be in Mount Zion we're going to be in New Jerusalem together as all the saints are together that's the true Zionism which is just all believers from the beginning of the world to the end of the world we're all going to be with Christ we're all going to be in New Jerusalem we're going to all be a part of Mount Zion but Phillip go to John chapter one we're ending here on this note here so I could go through so many avenues John Hagee's a false prophet he believes in work salvation lordship salvation repent of your sins he teaches ludicrous doctrines on Israel and about the Zionism garbage and people flock to this stuff and they give money to it I mean to the point where they're giving money to rebuild the temple what for the Antichrist like what are you doing like it's just unbelievable like do you realize that that's not a good thing you know and it is just baffling to me but John chapter one go down to verse forty five so this is a something that's talked about with Nathaniel I believe Nathaniel was already saved and what I want you to see here is that there is a distinction between an Israelite and a true Israelite or an Israelite indeed okay so just like in the Old Testament there was the remnants that would be the true in Israelites indeed it was still like this when Jesus was on the earth in verse forty five it says Philip findeth Nathaniel and saith unto him we have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph and Nathaniel said unto him can there any good thing come out of Nazareth Philip saith unto him come and see Jesus saith unto saw Nathaniel coming to him and said of him notice this behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile Nathaniel saith unto him whence knowest thou me Jesus answered and said unto him before that Philip called thee when thou wast under the fig tree I saw thee Nathaniel answered and said unto him saith unto him Rabbi thou art the son of God thou art the king of Israel Jesus answered and said unto him because I said unto thee I saw thee under the fig tree believeth thou thou shalt see greater things than these so notice Jesus sees Nathaniel coming to him and says behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile you know the other place where it says obviously Jesus had no guile but in Psalm 32 when it's talking about being saved without works it adds on at the end of that it says in whose spirit is no guile so he's talking to a saved person someone that's been covered from their sins that is believed without works on salvation and he's saying he's an Israelite indeed and that's anybody that's in this room that's believed on Christ you are an Israelite indeed and notice you know Jesus just said to him that and he says once notice thou me he said I saw the end of the fig tree notice how quick Nathaniel realized that he was the Christ immediately because he heard the shepherd's voice he was already saved and you know my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and the stranger they will not follow and so that's what that's talking about you hear the voice of the shepherd you hear the word of God you're gonna know it if you're saved and Nathaniel was already saved therefore he's like rabbi thou art the son of God thou art the king of Israel this is before a lot of stuff goes down this is before if you know the timeline in John chapter 1 like Jesus goes and then he comes back and actually gets the disciples later so we'll go into that timeline but John chapter 1 2 and 3 is before John goes into prison and if you know the timeline of Matthew 4 and Luke 4 everything that's after that is John is in prison okay so this stuff that's happening in John 1 2 and 3 is stuff way before all that that's happening before that it's right after his baptism but it's before a lot of other stuff that's going on and so anyway all I have to say is that this is before Peter said thou art the Christ the son of the living God Nathaniel says this and so Nathaniel I believe was already saved I don't know about the other disciples when they got saved but it does say that his disciples believed on him in John chapter 2 and so that's another study for another day but go to Galatians chapter 6 that's the last place I'll have you go to Galatians chapter 6 but in Ephesians chapter 2 it talks about the fact that we were aliens of the commonwealth of Israel but now we are fellow citizens with the saints in the household of God so as believers we're of Israel we're in the commonwealth of Israel so they're like oh this replaced you know the Old Testament you're saying that the nation of Israel is replaced by the spiritual Israel yes yes now the spiritual Israel is already there that's what I you know people try to get that misnomer that like all of a sudden the spiritual Israel came to be the spiritual Israel is already there it's just the fact that the nation of Israel is completely cut off as far as being recognized as anything that God wants anything to do with and so now it's all about the spiritual Israel okay so there was all were always the spiritual Israel as we could see with Nathaniel he was a part of the spiritual Israel because he was a believer but you know now we don't even the nation of Israel is the spiritual Sodom in Egypt but Galatians chapter 6 verse 15 now this will make a little more sense when you see that we're the chosen people we're of the nation of Israel Galatians chapter 6 verse 15 it says for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature and as many as walk according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel of God now who's the Israel of God those that walk according to this rule that they're in Christ Jesus and neither circumcision nor uncircumcision availeth them but a new creature remember if you've been if you're in Christ then you're a new creature and we're talking about the spirit obviously and so we as the same people are the Israel of God not the Christ rejecting Jews John Hagee is a false prophet he's gonna split hell wide open and all those people and here's the thing it's not just him if you go on TV every single one of those TV preachers is a Zionist I guarantee it they almost have to be to be on there do you know that the cable television is owned by the Jews do you know it's owned by the I mean that shouldn't be a surprise to you but it's true it's owned by the Jews do you think they're gonna put on a preacher that's against Israel do you think they're gonna put on a preacher that's not venerating or holding up Israel or supporting Israel so guarantee it take it to the bank every single TV preacher is a Zionist and now you know what Zionism is Zionism essentially is just worshipping the Jewish people and that nation of Israel and wanting to help and bless them no matter what and they're notice that they're against and combating people that are against that view they're against us make no mistake about it they don't like us they don't like people that actually preach the Bible and believe the Bible and teach what it actually says about this subject and they don't like people they probably don't like the fact that I try to give the gospel to a Jew you know what I try to give him the gospel there was a Jew that lives down here and you know he didn't look anything like you know a Jew that you would think right but you know he didn't give me the time of day he wouldn't let me go through the gospel at all but I'd give it to him if he let me if he let me do it he needs to get saved just like anybody else so this Zionism garbage needs to be put in the trash pick up the Bible read it you'll know that the stuff they say and they spew out about the fact that we need to bless them no matter what falls on its head in every book of the Bible as far as just what the Bible teaches on the subject with any nation but particularly since the Bible centers around Israel a lot we see more so about it itself you know so obviously we shouldn't be blessing a nation that's wicked you know we shouldn't be blessing you know any nation that's wicked but why would Israel why are we a respecter of persons why why do we only give you know you know like we have all this money that we give out to all these nations why are we giving it to some and not others I say we don't give it to any of them personally but it's a respecter of persons it's basing off nationality you want to know what they're like oh you're a racist you're a racist you're anti-semite well we already covered that but the fact that anti-semite is a stupid you know signifier but they're the racists they're the ones that are holding up a nationality above other people I'm saying we're all the same I'm saying there's no difference there's no difference between Jew and Greek you know the same Jew that doesn't accept Christ will go to hell just as much as the Gentile that doesn't believe in Christ and goes to hell the same Jew that believes on Christ will go to heaven just as much as the same other Gentile of any nation who believes on Christ will go to heaven there's no difference there's no respect of persons if a Jew came in here and let's say they were saved I'm not gonna hold them up you know to a higher elevation I'm not gonna hold them lower just because of the wicked religion that he came out of there's no respect of persons that's what racism is it's a respect of persons you want to know racism in the Bible that's what it is and so the biggest racists are the Zionists themselves they need to look in the mirror so hopefully this helps with Zionism exposing John Hagee I don't think anybody was listening to him anyway that's here at the church but you may have loved ones you may have people that know about John Hagee and you say what's wrong with John Hagee well now you got some ammunition so let's end with a word of prayer dear heavenly father we thank you for this morning and lord we pray that you be with us as we go out soul winning and lord help us to not be a respecter of persons help us to love those that we give the gospel to whatever religion they're coming out of and lord just help us to be your servants help us to have discernment though lord to know when to pray for somebody and how to pray for somebody and all that the facets of your word lord help us to discern between good and evil and lord just pray to be with us today in Jesus Christ's name amen