(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Are you—do you sin? Yes, I do. What type of sins do you commit? Well, the Bible says there's not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not, and the Bible says that if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. The Bible also says that whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth and scourges every son whom he receiveth. So obviously, God is not scourging his sons for doing the right things. He's scourging his sons because they sin because everyone sins. What type of sins do you commit? Well, I'm not going to sit here like in a confessional booth and recite my sins to you. And why not? Because that would be highly inappropriate. And do you tell others at your church not to sin or do you tell them that it's okay to sin? I tell them not to sin. But why are you telling them not to if you are sinning yourself? Because every apostle in the New Testament told people not to sin and they all sinned themselves. So I'm following the example of the apostles and prophets who were all sinners and yet preached for people not to sin. And did those people sin once they—the ones in the Bible, the prophets—did they sin once they were born again? Absolutely, since the apostle Paul wrote Romans chapter 7 and talked about his continual struggle with sin and continually doing the things that he hates as he's writing the epistle to the Romans. And so when he said that, was he saying that, oh, I am now born again and I still sin? Absolutely. Amazing. And what is the purpose of being born again of God if you're still going to be sinning? Because sin is Satan's nature, why would you be bothered being born again if you're still going to be sinning? All those who are slaves to sin, what's the purpose of being born again? Well, the Bible says that except man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. So being born again is the prerequisite for entering the kingdom of God or for going to heaven. So you believe, do you believe that sinners will enter the kingdom of heaven? No, I do not. Well, how can you see the kingdom of heaven then if you're a sinner? Because of the fact that when we get born again, our body is not born again, our flesh is not born again, only our spirit is born again. So my flesh and blood is not going to go to heaven. The part of me that is sinful, the flesh, is going to die and go into the earth and my perfect, regenerated, sinless soul is going to go to heaven. And so the spirit doesn't control the body? Well, when the spirit controls the body, that's when we do what's right and don't sin. But when we walk in the flesh, then we fulfill the lust of the flesh. So the Bible says the spirit lusted against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit. And these are contrary to one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would. So my spirit is saved and going to heaven, but my flesh is still unregenerate. And that's why I still sin because I'm in the flesh. And so now that you're born again, you're a pastor of God and you're born again, are there moments when your spirit is not controlling your body because you're sinning? Absolutely. How do you, how is it that the spirit, once you're born again and your spirit is now of God, how is it that it has moments when it's sinning, when it's not controlling the body? How does sin overcome, overtake the spirit if you're now of God? Because every single day we have to die to self. Paul said, I die daily. We have to deny self and take up the cross and follow him. And so if we don't make a conscious effort to mortify the flesh, the flesh will be in charge in our lives. And if it were automatic, that just being saved or being born again, just automatically makes you walk in the spirit, then he wouldn't have to tell us over and over again, be filled with the spirit, walk in the spirit, don't give into the lust of the flesh. He wouldn't have to give us all those commands. Oh, he doesn't tell you over and over to do it. He just telling you what to do. When you, when you, what does it in John, I believe somewhere in John, the Bible says that if any man or woman say that they of God, that they've been born again of God, but they still sin, that they are a liar and the truth is not in them. For this reason Christ came that you should not sin because sin is of your father, the devil. How do you explain that away? Well, number one, you're misquoting that scripture. That's not what it says. And number two, and you have to get the context of first John in chapter one, he already told you, if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. So you're taking that out of context and you totally misquoted that scripture. There's no mention of being born again. You're totally twisting that scripture and then I'll respond to it. How do you explain a way that it says that if you are born of God, you cannot sin because sin is of your father, the devil. How do you explain that away? I don't explain it away. I explain it the right way, which is to say that that part of me that is born again, which is my spirit, cannot sin. But since my flesh is not born again, my flesh can still sin. But it says that you cannot sin if you've been born again of God. It doesn't separate the flesh from the spirit because the spirit can control the flesh. And so it's not separating the one. Why are you separating the flesh from the spirit? It's the spirit that controls the flesh. That's why when you're born again, he takes the sinful spirit away from you and now you're controlled by the spirit of God, which is not of sin. Why are you separating the two? The entire New Testament separates the flesh and the spirit again and again. He talks about these are the works of the flesh. These are the fruit of the spirit. You've got to walk in the spirit so that you don't fulfill the lust of the flesh, the flesh lusted against the spirit, the spirit against the flesh. And so the Bible makes this distinction over and over. And that's why the apostle Paul said in Romans seven, when I do that, I would not, it's no longer I that do it, but sin that dwells within me. And what's amazing is that you actually believe that you don't sin. That's, that's borderline insanity. It's ridiculous that you teach that. What would happen to you as a pastor, as a born again Christian, if the moment come right at the moment where you are sinning and the moment come and you die, will you still go to heaven? Absolutely. You would go to heaven even though you're sinning and dying? Absolutely. But all those who sin cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. Why would he let you in? Because my soul is going to heaven. Amazing. My flesh is going to stay behind. Is it possible you're wrong? Absolutely not. Because Jesus said, I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. Nothing could separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. I've been passed from death unto life. I shall not come into condemnation. I have everlasting life. And so no matter what happens, I'm going to heaven because I have believed on the name of the only begotten son of God. I'm saved by grace through faith, not by works. But sin is death. Don't you agree to that? Or do you agree to that? No, I don't. You don't agree that sin is death? No, I don't. Really? And are you saying that the flesh is stronger than the spirit? It depends on the person. So with you, your flesh is stronger than your spirit? You know what? You're using man's logic. I quoted a bunch of scripture to you, and you're believing damnable heresy of sinless perfection. It's nonsense. It's ridiculous. And you know what? The Bible says that if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves because you're not deceiving anyone else. You're only deceiving yourself because I know you're a sinner. Everybody knows you're a sinner. You're only deceiving yourself if you're actually foolish enough to think that you have no sin. And so are you saying that your flesh is stronger than your spirit and that's why you sin? Well, you're trying to put strange words in my mouth. I'm asking a question. That's a question. The Bible says avoid foolish questions, and that's a foolish question, so I'm not going to answer your foolish question. So you're not going to answer if you're saying that your flesh is stronger than your spirit and that's why you sin? You want to answer that? I'm not going to answer your foolish question, okay? That's not the way the Bible phrases it. You're twisting scripture. You're teaching a false doctrine, a damnable heresy. It was just a question. You said that you sin and are you saying that your flesh is stronger than your spirit and that's why you sin? Well, allow me to avoid your foolish question since the Bible commands me to avoid foolish questions. So you won't answer that? No, I won't. Because you have accepted your sins as something that is normal to God, is it possible that you're judging others because you're still in a fallen state? You may be able to quote the Bible. Is it possible you have justified your sins and that you're judging others based on what you think is right but not what you know is right? Is that possible? Absolutely not. I don't justify my sins. My sins are wrong. You're the one who justifies your sins by claiming that you have no sin when you sin every day. But you justify sinning. You're allowing yourself to make excuses for being a preacher and say you're called by God and for sinning. Isn't that justification? You are a sinner and justifying it. You've sinned during this broadcast. I've observed you sinning during this broadcast. Is that a sin to justify sinning? I don't justify sinning. I condemn sin. I condemn all sin including my own sin. I don't justify sinning. You justify your own sin. You want me to point out the sins you've done in this broadcast? Do you believe that there are times when God sinned? No. And are you a son of God? Yes. And if you're a son of God, how can you deviate from your Father who is perfect in all things and sins sometimes? How can you serve Satan and God? You can't ride two horses at the same time. How are you able to ride two horses at the same time? You serve Satan by sinning and then you serve God as you said by not sinning. How can you serve two masters? Well, you know what? My spirit is saved. My spirit's a son of God. How are you able to serve two masters? You only serve Satan so you don't have that problem. How are you able to serve two masters? You only serve one and that's it. No, I'm asking you how are you able to serve two masters? I don't serve two masters. You serve sin which is Satan and you serve God which is not you said so you're saying you're serving two masters. I wonder if any of your listeners are stupid enough to think that you don't sin. No, no, no. You're not answering my question. How are you able to serve two masters? Avoid foolish questions. You're not going to answer that? No, I'm not. God said you can't serve two masters. You either love one or hate the other. Well, God said you're going to hell because you don't have to. No, you either love one or hate it. Do you love your sins? Nope. Then why you do them? Thank you, Pastor Anderson. Appreciate it. Thank you for coming on. Appreciate it. Well, you can go to hell because you're a false prophet. Amazing. Thank you, sir. Amazing. That was Pastor Steve Anderson, a Baptist pastor and founder of the Faithful Word Baptist Church out in Tempe, Arizona. And you can check him out on the Father State as well, thefatherstate.tv. All right. I do appreciate it.