(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) by using professional graphic arts design and very beautiful pictures. Here's what we need to know about John Nelson Darby, the father of dispensationalism. The man who invented dispensationalism was not even saved. Here's all I'm trying to explain to you. C.I. Schofield was not qualified to stand up and teach the word of God to anybody. And I can't believe to say people will listen to this stupidity and not say, what in the world is this guy talking about? Hit the X button on the computer, turn them off, shoot them an email and say you're a heretic. You know what? Let Sam Gibb be accursed. Let Bill Grady be accursed. Let all these guys, Gene Kim, Robert Breaker, let them die and go to hell if they want to reject the gospel of Christ. Our goal, and we're not hiding it, is to destroy dispensationalism, to bury it in the ground six feet deep that it never comes back. They think they're being disloyal to the Bible by not believing in those things. No, you're actually adhering to the Bible if you reject those things. Amen, brother. So you see how powerful that was? And you'll notice how I was inhaling, exhaling.