(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. So, I just finished watching this really bizarre video of Gene Kim preaching in Andrew Sluder's church. And in this video, Gene Kim just makes this nonsensical, blasphemous, weird statement that the original Greek is garbage. The original Greek is garbage, Gene! I admit it! YEAH! I admit it! Now, you might struggle to understand how someone could even say such a thing and be taken seriously. But, keep in mind, these people are Ruckmanites, followers of Peter Ruckman. And they have this bizarre view of King James only-ism that basically says, King James only, so no Greek, no Hebrew, no other languages, just King James only. And basically, the devil just uses these people to make the King James Bible look bad, or to make King James only-ism look bad, by taking it to this bizarre, nonsensical extreme. Obviously, when we say King James only, we're talking about in the English language. We're just referring to the fact that we don't accept these modern versions of the Bible, like the NIV, New American Standard, ESV, etc. Because they change things, they remove 16 verses from the New Testament, they add things, they twist things. So, there are all these corrupt versions out there, so we're sticking to the traditional Bible, the King James Version, and we're also sticking to the underlying Greek text that's traditional, the Textus Receptus. But these guys are saying, No, the original Greek's garbage, it's gotta be the English, King James. Well, preacher, you'll probably see a few Greek words in GSA... No, say it in English! It's nonsense. But then, not only that, in this clip, he also goes on to talk about the verse where it says that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. And he applies that to saying that every knee is going to have to bow and confess the names of Rachmanite preachers. They're going to bow the knee, and they're going to confess every preacher that they criticized online. So, instead of the verse being about just confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord, everybody's going to confess that Jesus is Lord. He reads that verse, but then he says, You're going to have to confess all these preachers you don't like, all the Rachmanite preachers, all the preachers who love Dr. Rachman, he says. We'll have to go to Cal Ripley, William Grady, and Peter Upton and say, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. You're going to have to confess them. You're going to have to confess all those preachers. They're going to bow the knee, and they're going to confess every preacher that they criticized online. And these kind of weird statements that he keeps making just show what's in his heart. This is not Bible-believing Christianity. This is not New Testament Christianity. It's a weird Rachman cult where confess Jesus to him means confess Rachman, and it means confess Rachmanite preachers. And he talks about Faithful Word Baptist Church as being the F-word. You know, he doesn't want to say Faithful Word. It's the F-word. This church is such a word that I cannot say his name. It's literally, it's literally called the F-word Baptist Church. So I can't really even say his name. And how, you know, some of us are saved, but we're going to have to confess Rachmanism. And he says that we're going to have to confess dispensationalism. And they will bow to me if they are saved at the judgment seat of Christ. I'm wrong. Yeah. I'm wrong. You're a dispensationalist now? Come on, say it. Amen. Yeah. Say it. I'm a dispensationalist. No, no, no. Say it louder. Yeah. I'm a dispensationalist. So when these people preach about Jesus, they don't love Jesus. They don't care about Jesus because when they hear confess that Jesus is Lord, they translate that as confess dispensationalism. Confess Rachman. Confess Sluder. Confess Jean Kim. Okay. These people are weird. And, and just these few clips from this video should show you just how warped and bizarre these people are. And they're, the whole video is even weirder. I mean, if you want to get it in context, it's called, Jean Kim is on fire preaching or whatever. I'll put the link in the description so you can watch the whole circus for yourself. God bless you. Have a great day.