(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, you know, we're under the blood of Jesus, so we can't shoot and stone people like we used to. All we have to do is repent and God will forgive us and take us where we need to be. But I tell you, man, if it wasn't for the blood, there'd be a whole lot of us being stoned and being in hell right now, but over the tide. But for the blood of Jesus, we'd be doomed. I mean, I thought about when we first built the dome, I wanted to put some of those little moving bars and give everybody a little card. They stick it in a little computer slot and if they were tithing, beautiful musical to go off and, you know, welcome, welcome, welcome to the world dome. But if they were non-tithers, the bar would lock up, the red and blue lights would start going, a siren would go off and a voice would go throughout the entire dome, crook, crook, crook, crook. Security would go and apprehend them and once we got them all together, we'd line them up in the front and pass out Uzis by the ushers. We'd point our Uzis right at all those non-tithing members because we want God to come to church and at the count of three Jesus's, we'd shoot them all dead and then we'd take them out the side door there, have a big hole, bury them and go ahead and have church and have the anointing. Aren't you glad we're under the blood of Jesus? Because if we were not under the blood of Jesus, I would certainly try it.