(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The city of Los Angeles, California, has grown to such proportions that it covers many square miles between the Sierra Madre Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. In this area, four million men, women, and children live going to and fro seeking, reaching, waiting. In Minneapolis comes the young evangelist Billy Graham and song leader Cliff Barrows, his wife, Billy Barrows, and Beverly Shay, the gospel singer, to cooperate with Christ for greater Los Angeles in a great revival campaign. At the corner of Washington and Hill Streets in the city of Los Angeles, the largest tent ever erected for a revival meeting is now complete and is called the Canvas Cathedral and the tent is filled to capacity day after day as men and women flock to hear the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There are 6,500 people seated here in this Canvas Cathedral and several thousands more stand around the sides of the tent, approximately 350,000 total attendants in two months. Because of the goodness and grace of God, I can say tonight I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God and a salvation to everyone that believes it. Every moving of the Spirit of God has been accompanied with great singing and so it has been in this campaign. A vast throng of earnest people gather here Sunday afternoons and every evening to hear the beautiful gospel music inspiring testimonies and to hear the word of God preached in the power of the Spirit by Dr. Billy Graham to the salvation of thousands. I do not believe that any man, that any man, can solve the problems of life without Jesus Christ. There are tremendous marital problems, there are physical problems, there are financial problems, there are problems of sin and habit that cannot be solved outside the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have you trusted Christ Jesus as Savior? Tonight I am glad to tell you as we close that the Lord Jesus Christ can be received, your sins forgiven, your burdens lifted, your problems solved by turning your life over to Him, repenting of your sin and turning to Jesus Christ as Savior. Shall we pray?