(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And they'll say, well, this isn't filthy communication. Everyone knows that calling someone a queer or the other word, a fag, you know, is filthy communication. That's how the world speaks. It's not how, it's not how saints of God are supposed to speak. Okay, first of all, it's inappropriate and a poor example for a pastor to call people queers and faggots and fag hags and to speak that way from behind the pulpit. Okay, I don't care if you don't like the sodomites, you still have to, you know, let your mouth, you know, speak the words of God. And this is not godly to speak this way. And I know some people listening today know exactly which churches I'm talking about. And the sweet cakes for Melissa, you know, oh, yeah, yeah, we love serving queers. Well, you know, we don't serve queers at this church. You know, I don't own a bakery, but I'm fitting to open one. I'm gonna open a bakery. And I, you know, they walk in, I'm not gonna say, Oh, I don't want to hurt their feelings. What's the Bible say, my friend, but you've been deceived tonight. You've been lied to, and you don't even know what the Bible says anymore. This isn't Christian behavior, especially from men of God, who purport to be leaders of the church. No, it's not a hard decision, Melissa. Why don't you get out of that stupid liberal church you're in and get in a leather long Bible believing King James Baptist Church, and it wouldn't be a hard decision. But do you who thinks it's a hard decision if some faggot wants you to make them a wedding cake? Anybody struggling with that right now? Okay, first of all, it's inappropriate. And a poor example for a pastor to call people queers and faggots and fag hags and to speak that way from behind the pulpit. Okay, I don't care if you don't like the sodomites because you're watching TV and you've been brainwashed. The media has been brainwashing you week after week and month after month and day after day to get you to think it's all about gay marriage, gay marriage, gay marriage. Oh, care if they get married. That's not what the Bible says. The Bible does not say don't hurt their feelings. The Bible calls them beasts. Yeah, that's right. Turn in your Bible tonight to Second Peter chapter two. Sick of it. You know, you don't have to raise your voice and yell and mock and use foul language from the pulpit to deliver a hard message of truth. You bake them cupcakes? That's not enough. That's not enough. No, you have to bake the cake for our faggot wedding itself. Is it meekness to call sodomites these things and to pray that God kills them? It's not. And I apologize that I'm using these words today. It's just that this is how they say it and we need to we need to call it out. I'd like to see where Lot is supposed to open a stinking bakery in Sodom and have a bunch of filthy faggots coming through the doors of his bakery and he's making him cupcakes every day, but not a wedding cake. According to the Old Testament. According to the Old Testament. According to the Old Testament. According to the Old Testament. I will spare you even beginning to describe the sickness and the filth and the disgusting act of these disgusting, vile, reprobate, filthy beasts. I'm not even going to talk about it. You know, these pastors in these churches and these wayward Christians who idolize these pastors will say, well, you know, sodomites deserve death, you know, so die, you know, we're going to pray for your death. But, you know, we've seen them grow in their hatred and grow in their readiness and break fellowship with other believers because of these railers. That's wrong, you know, it does become a snare to your soul. Those of you who are even sitting in their churches, you know, that's a sin. You need to break fellowship with them until they repent. You need to leave those churches, basically. You do. No! And the Bible calls this being double-tongued. James 1-8 says, a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. 1 Timothy 3-8 also says, likewise, must the deacons be grave, not double-tongued. That word likewise shows that this was referring back to the previous passage, which was giving the qualifications for a bishop, for a pastor. So likewise, the pastor and the deacon must be grave, not double-tongued. Okay, and that's exactly what we're seeing. And this is one of the qualifications of a pastor. Okay, they're failing at many, many, many of these qualifications and are not fit to preach the Word of God. No! They're double-tongued. They speak out of two sides of their mouth. No! Find that biblical balance in the middle. No! You don't have to, you know, yell and mock and rail against people to preach hard. I mean, do you think that this is a soft sermon? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Is this soft preaching? Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes! You know, there's no glory in preaching hate. There's no glory in that. Is it meekness to call sodomites these things and to pray that God kills them? It's not.