(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) How's it going everyone, Ben Naim here from the Ben the Baptist YouTube channel and I wanted to talk about the timing of the Passover. The Passover occurred in the Hebrew calendar year on the 14th day of the first month. That's when the Passover lamb was to be killed. It was the 15th day of the month when it was actually eaten and that kickstarted seven days of unleavened bread, that eight day period often referred to as the Passover. But this is significant when it comes to the death of the Lord Jesus Christ because I believe Jesus died on the Passover and there's contention over what that day was. Obviously the Catholics would hold to the Good Friday position. I used to believe in the Wednesday view that Jesus actually died on a Wednesday. But that's until 2020 when I was listening to a sermon by Pastor Shelley and he brought forward some evidence that provoked me to reconsider my view. Now I was never dogmatic on this by any means and there were several issues with the Wednesday position that I couldn't quite solve so there were some things that didn't sit well with me for sure on that. But I changed my mind to a Thursday view. I do believe Jesus Christ died on a Thursday at 3 p.m. on the Passover, the 14th day of the month, the Passover. And there are a few reasons why I switched my view from Wednesday to Thursday. The big one is Luke chapter 24, the walk to Emmaus. When you consider what the Bible says in verse 21 it presents a problem for the Wednesday view. It says, but we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel and beside all this today is the third day since these things were done. The third day the Bible says since these things were done. Since Jesus is condemned to death and crucified since he died. Obviously the Bible says over and over that Jesus would rise again the third day. But here you have very clear language telling you the third day since these things were done. So what I'm going to do is for the Wednesday position that this simply just isn't true then because it would technically have been the fourth day since these things were done. If Jesus died on a Wednesday you'd have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and then Sunday the first day of the week which is when this is occurring here in Luke chapter 24 in verse 21 the walk to Emmaus happening on Sunday the first day of the week. So that's I think for me that was the first major domino to fall that made me reconsider the Wednesday view. Another one is in John chapter 12 when you follow the timeline given to us here in John chapter 12 it prevents another I should say presents another problem. It says then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany. Then in verse 12 it says on the next day much people that were come to the feast when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him and cried Hosanna blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. So six days before the Passover the Bible says Jesus goes into Bethany the next day you have the triumphal entry. Well if you believe in a Wednesday death and you count backwards you would have the triumphal entry occurring on a Sabbath day. So you'd have a violation of the Sabbath here. You have Jesus riding on an ass. You have people taking palm trees the branches of palm trees and basically violating the Sabbath which I just don't think is plausible whatsoever and you know I do believe it was Palm Sunday not Palm Saturday with a Wednesday death when you take into account in light of these scriptures here you know it's a difficulty because you have to believe in Palm Saturday just again I don't think it's possible. Additionally you have Mark chapter number 11 and when you follow the Palm Sunday as your base there and you follow the timeline you have the fig tree being withered on one day or I should say you have it being cursed on one day you have it withering away the day after that taking you to Tuesday Mark 14 tells you hey after two days is the feast of unleavened bread that fits perfectly fine with the Thursday death not so much with other positions. But when it comes to Good Friday this is completely irreconcilable in light of Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 and verse 40 which says for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. I don't care how hard you try to twist things and wiggle your way out of this you simply cannot come up with three days and three nights with a Friday position the Good Friday Catholic doctrine they are dead wrong on that which should surprise no one who believes the Bible considering Catholics are wrong on virtually everything and hold to positions that are often the complete opposite of what the Bible says now there's bigger fish to fry I understand than this doctrine but hey they're wrong on this too so when it comes to the timing of the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ I would say Jesus died on a Thursday at 3 p.m. the next day the 15th day of the month the first day of unleavened bread if you want to go by Leviticus 23 that was a Sabbath day so that would be Friday a Sabbath day Saturday is your normal weekly Sabbath Sunday the first day of the week he rose again from the dead so this creates a awesome picture really because as Jesus is working to pay for our salvation well those days were Sabbath days a wonderful picture of salvation so if you want more detail on this doctrine I highly recommend that you check out this past Friday's edition of the Baptist Bias with Pastor Anderson and Pastor Shelley where they leave no stone unturned really when it comes to this and they go over the scriptures they go over the evidence and they talk about why it is a Thursday view Pastor Anderson himself actually switched his position on this as well from Wednesday to Thursday and he actually brings forth some intriguing evidence from you know astronomy from that point of view looking at the stars to provide even more evidence for a Thursday death Pastor Shelley has done a lot of research on this you could tell just from listening to him talk about it on the podcast and he provides his expertise on the subject as well so check out that podcast I'll link to it below and I think you'll learn something I know I did for sure so thanks for watching God bless you guys and I'll talk to you guys again soon