(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The global elite are gathered together as we speak to plot the next moves for the new world order We're talking about the Bilderberg group. They meet every year in secret to discuss world policy and events World's most powerful flock to annual secret meeting It's that time of year again when some of the world's most powerful people lock themselves behind closed doors for three days of high-profile discussions Known as the world's most secretive meeting the Bilderberg meetings held annually since 1954 will take place from June 9th through the 12th in Dresden, Germany Discussions are held under the strict Chatham House rules meaning that participants are free to use the information received but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers Nor that of any other participant may be revealed over the years There have been rumors of career launches and future presidents decided at Bilderberg Bill Clinton was a conference attendee in 1991 as a mere governor of Arkansas a year before he was elected US president imagine that Tony Blair was only a shadow minister when he got his invitation in 1993 Now last year, this is the this is the official website for the Bilderberg meetings because you know for years They were just in denial, but through the age of the internet and social media they can no longer deny these meetings take place so they make this website and last year one of the topics of discussion was US elections in which they probably chose Hillary Clinton to be the next president of the United States So Hillary is the new world order or the Bilderberg groups pick to be the next president of the United States That's why they absolutely hate Donald Trump and this year They're going to be talking about Donald Trump during this meeting and see how they can Prevent him from becoming president of the United States Here's a list of vague topics that they're going to be talking about this year current events, China, Europe Migration growth reform vision unity Middle East Russia US political landscape. There we go right there Economy growth debt reform cybersecurity geopolitics of energy and commodity prices precariat and middle-class Technological innovation we can easily infer from the agenda and some of the names on the participant list what the group will be Discussing in more detail the attendance of anti Trump's senator Lindsey Graham is an obvious sign that Bilderberg will be scheming on how to prevent Trump from defeating Bilderberg's chosen candidate Hillary Clinton and here's the Daily Mail the global gathering rumored to decide everything from EU migration Policy to the next president of the United States world's elite arrived for Bilderberg the annual meeting You are not allowed to know about and as I said, it's going on right now in Dresden, Germany And this happens every year around 150 of the world's most powerful people attend. It was set up in 1954 And it says here to improve relations between Europe and the US but conspiracy theorists believe the secretive group controls the world Some even claim the Bilderberg group is a cover for the Illuminati. So that's the Bilderberg group Let me know what you think about this in the comments below as I said, they're meeting right now in Germany to discuss World events and what they want to happen over the next year So let me know what you think about this in the comments below If you're new be sure to subscribe to our channel So you can continue to follow along with us as we examine the world from a biblical perspective Thanks for watching