(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faith Forward Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona to talk to you about Genesis 22 18 where the Bible reads, And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice. This is God speaking to Abraham telling him that in his seed, all nations of the earth will be blessed. This is one of many promises made to Abraham throughout Genesis, obviously the most famous in Genesis 12 one through three, again in Genesis 15 here in Genesis 22 and throughout Genesis to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, these promises are made and there's often the mention of Abraham's seed being blessed and this is very important the seed that's being blessed and that's being a blessing. Okay listen to Galatians chapter 3 verse 8 and the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed but listen to verse 16 now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made he saith not and to seeds as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is Christ. So the Bible is very clear that when it says Abraham and his seed it's singular and it's referring to Jesus Christ that is the seed in whom all nations of the earth will be blessed. This is very important because the question could come up are all nations blessed through the Israeli people you know the physical descendants supposedly of Abraham is that where the blessing is or is the blessing in Jesus Christ the seed singular which is Christ. Let me show you what the modern versions have done to these verses in Genesis. I'm going to use Genesis 22 18 as an example but we could look at many other promises where the new versions have done the same thing. Okay listen to the new living translation which is by the way like the fifth most popular Bible in America. New living translation and through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed all because you've obeyed me. Now look Paul in Galatians specifically said it's not seeds plural it's seed they make it plural in the new living translation by saying through your descendants then listen to how they translate Galatians 3 16 in the new testament. God gave the promises to Abraham and his child and notice that the scripture doesn't say to his children as if it meant many descendants rather it says to his child and that of course means Christ but then you go back in the new living translation it doesn't say child it says descendants so what you have is this ridiculous contradiction in the new living translation where in Genesis it says the promise is for you and your descendants in your descendants they'll all be blessed and then in Galatians 3 it's like all right it's not like you meant descendants so it's it's just nonsense what they've done here listen to what the net says and this is the Bible that James White had in his hand during the time that I interviewed him back in 2013 for our film New World Order Bible versions net says this because you have obeyed me all the nations of the earth will pronounce blessings on one another using the name of your descendants so again Christ becomes not the seed it becomes no no it's it's the descendants it's the Israelis it's not the seed Christ it's the seeds it's it's the descendants totally gets it wrong but then the net in the new testament says now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his descendant plural scripture does not say and to the descendants referring to many but to your descendant referring to one who is Christ but then when we look up the scriptures in Genesis it says descendants so it has the same type of ridiculous contradiction as the new living now what the ESV and the NIV do is not as bad but it is still wrong because what they have is in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed now the word offspring can be either singular or plural but that ruins the Apostle Paul's point so still the ESV and the NIV are totally wrong here because offspring can either mean singular or plural and in your offspring shall all nations of the earth be blessed because you've obeyed my voice but then when you get to the new testament here's what the ESV does now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring it does not say into your offsprings referring to many but to one into your offspring who is Christ which is of course a weird use of the word offsprings there and then the NIV in the new testament says the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed scripture does not say and to seeds meaning many people but to your seed meaning one person who is Christ except that in the NIV when you go back it doesn't say anything about seed or seeds it says offspring so the new living translation and the net are just ridiculously wrong to the point of being complete nonsense and then the ESV and the NIV are wrong not as deplorable as the other two but still a bad translation so let's look at the original Hebrew text here and show how they're totally wrong and the King James is of course totally right so let's break this down word by word we've got here the hit by the who now this the at the beginning is the word and okay and is just this letter but at the beginning and then hit by the who is the verb for bless which is basically these three letters because all Hebrew verbs are almost all Hebrew verbs are made up of these three letter roots so these are our three letters that identify what verb we're dealing with barak we've got the bet reish kaf so this form of the verb is called the hit pile form of the verb which is either passive or reflexive it's not always reflexive it is often passive okay in this case it's a passive form so we have our hit pale so we have the hit prefix right here at the beginning then we have the three letter root and then we have this u on the end which is identifying it as third person plural okay so this is basically the being blessed the shall be blessed okay and shall be blessed and then this right here is the the operative word here from the word seed which is zara okay and the word zara which means seed is not an obscure word this in fact anybody who studied any Hebrew at all this is one of the first words you learn like this would be taught in the first semester of any Hebrew class in America anybody who studied biblical Hebrew is going to run into the word zara right away and of course it is singular just as the apostle Paul said thy seed okay and then this right here is the ending that makes it thy seed so means in okay so this is the part that means in just that first letter and then we have our three letter root here zara which means seed and then we have the ending which makes it thy seed okay so so he said and shall be blessed right the hit now most people have heard the word goi or goyim that means nations okay goyim means nations but because it's in the construct state nations of the earth it becomes goyei which means the nations of ha'aretz the earth okay so and shall be blessed in thy seed all nations of the earth and then these two words go together to mean because because so means you heard or hearkened or listened or in this case obeyed okay so shammah means listen hear harken obey and then bakoli again we have the b prefix just like up here which means in at on with and then kol means voice and then the e ending is my voice bakoli means at my voice bakoli so shamata bakoli means like you harkened at my voice so what he's saying is you obeyed my voice okay so ekev asher shamata bakoli means because you obeyed my voice okay and and so what is he going to do because uh abraham obeyed his voice is that basically in his seed bazaracha in his seed right all the nations kol goyei ha'aretz all the nations of the earth and then this is that they're going to be blessed right hit barakhu so it's very clear here what's being the king james is translating this very literally and we clearly have the word for seed right here zara one of the most basic vocabulary words in hebrew it's clearly singular okay because if it were plural you'd have to add a you'd here okay and in fact let me just write that out so you can see what it would look like if it were plural okay you'd have to add a letter here okay and then it would end up getting pointed a little bit differently okay and it would be visaraiha okay visaraiha versus bazaracha so it has an extra letter here in the original if it would be plural it would have this extra letter here the yod and it doesn't because it's singular just like we see just like the apostle paul said so why are these modern versions like the net and the new living translation translating this as plural when it's clearly singular why are they saying descendant or offspring why not use the literal word seed since that's what paul is going to use in the new testament when he quotes us they're introducing contradiction confusion you say well they're just making it easier to understand you know he meant descendants that's what you think he meant but you are taking away the most important meaning which is the prophecy of jesus christ i mean look all nations aren't blessed by the israelis all nations are blessed by jesus this is an important doctrinal point because there are a lot of people out there who worship israel and they think that the blessing is found in those people over there i've even heard pastors bring up genesis chapter 12 and say oh you know when he says in these shall all nations of the earth be blessed what he's saying is that anybody who blesses the nation of israel in the 21st century is going to be blessed so we can all get a blessing through israel by sending money to israel and politically supporting israel and and whatever folks no the blessing is in jesus it's not in the physical seed of abraham it's in the spiritual seed of abraham so here i've just thrown it on the board in greek as well galatians chapter 3 16 so you can see how clear this is so just super fast here that and or but to abraham to abraham erithi son were spoken the promises and to his seed now you can probably tell even if you don't know any greek what this word means to sperma to sperma means the seed it's where we get our english word and so to is singular he does not say and to your seeds this is plural right so singular is to as in many like poly polygamy uh polytheistic right poly means many so also people alone as in many all but as in one and those sort of like uno enna is uh greek for one like the spanish word uno enna and those one que to spermatisu and to your seed singular which is christ okay this is a doctrinal issue it's going to affect the way that people read the book of genesis and understand important passages like genesis 12 genesis 15 genesis 22 these important passage you know who were the promises given to abraham and his descendants or abraham and his seed singular which is christ the king james is the one that comes through crystal clear in both old and new testaments the new versions whether it be the net and the nlt which are the worst or the esv and the nib they muddle this up and make it confusion god bless you have a great day