(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay, I am KJ the only and believe the preserve word but how exactly are the other versions translated? It's obviously not the Greek, correct? We already talked about that one earlier. Okay, we already talked about this one because I'm trying to mark these as already finished. Do you know why Genesis 1-1 in the KJV uses heaven singular but in the Spanish rainable era preservada I don't know if they mean purificada probably unless there's another one called the preservada but maybe there is uses los cielos plural it's I assume it's because it's like how we use skies in English even though it's singular to refer to its size and enormity. Here's what's going on. It's one of those things where the Hebrew word there shamaim is basically it's a word that is structurally a plural word but it can be used in a singular manner like with a singular verb sort of like even the word for God elohim which also has that plural em ending but yet it's used with a singular verb so it can be it's just God singular singular verb it's grammatically used in a singular way but its morphology is plural so the Hebrew word for heaven is the same way shamaim basically that I'm ending is it sounds dual or sounds plural in Hebrew and because there's no verb associated with it in verse one just by looking at it in Hebrew it's kind of impossible to tell if it's singular or plural so you kind of it's a little bit of an interpretation there whether to put it as heaven or heavens and is is there really a difference you know between heaven and heavens you know it's kind of a matter of opinion but I'm just explaining why there's a discrepancy there. I believe that the King James is accurate to say heaven because you know personally I believe in Genesis 1-1 what's being created is the place where God lives not the sky because the sky is not created until day two with the firmament so to me if you put heavens in Genesis 1-1 it would sound like God's creating the earth and the sky because when I hear heavens I don't think of the place God lives I think of the sky whereas I believe the thing that's being created in verse one is is the heaven where God lives so but as far as grammatically the word could go either way so that's why you see some bibles do heaven some do heavens grammatically can go either way but I think it's it makes more sense for it to be heaven so I think that's why the King James is right.