(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. There's a guy named Mark Ward who's put out a whole bunch of videos against King James onlyism and recently he's been doing a series on false friends in the KJV and he's basically talking about words that are archaic or they've changed in meaning over time which is true that there are obviously words in the King James that are archaic or have changed in their meaning over time but the examples that he's giving some of them are just absurd these videos are ridiculous and I'm going to prove to you beyond any shadow of a doubt that this guy is a fake scholar who doesn't actually know Hebrew so let me read for you the verse in question Psalm 32 verse 4 for day and night thy hand was heavy upon me my moisture is turned into the drought of summer and he says that the word moisture doesn't mean what you think it means as he's claiming moisture is a false friend archaic word now stop and think for a second what do you think the word moisture means obviously it means something that's wet or fluid content and by the way it doesn't have to be water moisture can be any type of fluid content but notice how it's in parallel with drought it says my moisture is turned into the drought of summer obviously drought brings to mind the ultimate dryness and moisture is the opposite of that so when we think about the moisture of our bodies you know we would think about bodily fluids obviously we would think about things like I don't know blood phlegm snot what any kind of a bodily fluid would be the moisture in our bodies he claims that this is something that's difficult in the King James it's going to mislead it's a false friend it's where what it's crazy okay but not only that this is where it gets truly bizarre though he says well you know if you go back to the Hebrew because obviously just reading it in English there's no problem he says well if you go back to the Hebrew you know this word is used in one other place and in that one other place it means cakes the Hebrew word that the King James translates as moisture is used only twice in the Hebrew Bible the other time it's used is in numbers and it means they're cakes but interpreters are agreed that it's other use in Psalm 32 4 just can't mean my cake is turned into the drought of summer that's meaningless folks I'm going to show you how ridiculous and bizarre this claim is so here's the verse he's referring to I only wrote down the latter half of the verse for sake of time but in Numbers 11 verse 8 he is claiming that the word in question for moisture okay which is this word right here lashad he's claiming that it means cakes in this verse so here's the verse in question Numbers chapter 11 verse 8 I've only put the second half of it on the board here for sake of time but let's go and go through this verse it's very simple very easy I'm going to break it down for you it says here va'asuoto ugo't so this means and they made it cakes talking about the manna you know they baked it and ground it up and made it into cakes and so forth that's the context and they made it cakes v'haya and it was ta'amo his taste k' means like ta'am lashad hashamin like the taste of fresh oil so they made it into cakes and its taste was like the taste of fresh oil so on this part right here va'haya ta'amo is saying like his taste and his taste was okay like the taste fresh and this is the the the word that's used for moisture in Psalm 32 for lashad ha'shamin okay and obviously shemen is an easy word for oil that that even just a basic student of Hebrew would know now this word right here is is an important word ugo't uga is the word for cake so if I went to Israel right now in 2020 and I walked into a bakery and I wanted to get a birthday cake this is the word I'm going to use uga if I want cakes I'm going to get ugo't so anyone who actually knew how to read Hebrew even just at a pretty basic level would be able to just look at this verse and understand it because these are all very common vocabulary words except this one okay this is the only rare word here but anybody but let's let's just take out the rare word for a second anybody who knows any basics of Hebrew would be able to read and they made it cakes and his taste was as the taste of blank oil okay and so it's fresh oil so so the word lashad means fresh or moist how in the world could this word mean cake in this verse he's claiming that the Hebrew word in Numbers chapter 11 verse 8 means cake there and then he mockingly plugs cake and you know you've turned my cake into the drought of summer hahaha well folks the joke here is the fact that he doesn't know that this is the word for cake all the way up here and that this word down here has nothing to do with cake this is the cake word okay uga which like I said is a very common word today commentators tend to think that moisture in Psalm 32 4 is probably what is meant here just like the King James says but the harder I pushed into what the word in Hebrew means the less certainty I found and the more I began to feel like everybody was just holding on to the King James tradition for lack of anything more substantial Kyle and Dalish do the only thing that really can be done in these circumstances they look to Arabic for an apparently related word that means moisture I looked in the Old Testament translation by the Hebrew expert Robert Alter it's actually behind me on the shelf there he sticks with the King James tradition too by going for sap I looked in multiple commentaries Kidner Craigie Wilson Golden Gay others nothing the Jimmy Swaggart Bible commentary nothing this happens with Hebrew we just don't have ancient Hebrew from outside the Old Testament to help us to know what some very obscure words mean words that occur only once or twice my personal sense is that we simply don't know what the word means and we just have to do our best to figure out what word would best fit in this slot now moisture works and it works very well so after he spends several minutes in this video just showing that he doesn't know what he's talking about his final conclusion is that instead of moisture it's actually referring to humors the word could be used to refer metaphorically to blood and also that it could point to the bodily humors one of the newest academic lexicons which bears a relationship to LSJ often called Brildag mentioned the humors too and gave an example sentence from the fifth century bc Dr Hippocrates Hippocrates is the source of today's Hippocratic oath that doctors take Hippocrates said that the sun also draws out from men the most subtle part of the humor as you may know the four humors blood yellow bile black bile and phlegm were ancient medical concepts that came in fact from Hippocrates so let me get this straight Hippocrates comes up with the idea of the humors around the fourth fifth century bc but we're supposed to believe that we need to know about that to understand the book of psalms which was written around a thousand bc so 500 years later some greek doctor is going to come up with some junk science about humors but that's what we need to know to understand the book of psalms written 600 years earlier so it's very interesting that the king james version following the bishops and matthew's bible before it uses the word moisture in one other place in a context where a word from the humors fits what the hell did you just say we don't use the word moisture to refer to the humors anymore largely because we don't talk about the humors anymore except in history class the concept of humors is anachronistic to when the book of psalms was written where the book of psalms was written humors are a scientific concept that was later debunked we don't believe in it anymore humors aren't real so basically he wants us to believe that the book of psalms is teaching fake science about humors that's been later debunked instead of just thinking that it says hey my moisture is turned into the drought of summer you know i'm feeling all dried up obviously that's a great poetic statement he wants us to insert some junk false science and he thinks the bible is going to be easier to understand if it says humors instead of my moisture is turned into drought my humors are turning to drop he thinks that when we see moisture we're going to mistakenly think it's talking about the h2o content in our body i've read this phrase my entire life and it never occurred to me that moisture here in son 32 meant anything other than what we mean by it the water content in the body well hold on a second does he actually think that we have h2o in our bodies just like flowing as pure water like i guess he thinks we're like a water-cooled computer or something and we have like water flowing through our body obviously the h2o in our body is in our bodily fluids you know the the water content of our body you know our body being 70 water is going to be in things like blood and snot and sweat it's really going to be in every part of obviously our whole bodies contain water from top to bottom you know what i would call that i would call that moisture i wouldn't pull out some weird junk science term called humors and i don't think anyone has any trouble understanding what the moisture of our body means nobody's going to read the moisture of our body and think it's just pure water flowing through us like some kind of a water-cooled engine obviously the moisture of our body has to do primarily with with bodily fluids it's pretty easy to understand so this guy is just pulling out this bizarre example and trying to attack the king james use of the word moisture and really all he did in this video was just demonstrate that he can't even read a basic hebrew sentence and understand that the word cake is all the way up here in another of his videos in this wonderful series he goes after the word study as being a false friend which okay in many verses in the bible the word study is used in a way other than we would use it today about hitting the books you know studying in a scholastic sense you know for example the bible says to study to be quiet but does he bring up that legitimate example as being his main focus oh no no no he claims that the word study is used wrong in second timothy 2 15 when it says study to show thyself approved unto god he's saying no no that's not talking about any kind of a book learning or reading or that kind of study or it's not about bible study okay uh you know it just means be eager or be diligent well here's what's so dumb about that in the exact same verse it says study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so the context of the verse is about studying the bible and rightly dividing the word of truth not only that there's clear evidence in the king james bible that the word study is used both ways because in ecclesiastes it says of making many books there is no end and much study is a weariness of the flesh so again studying in ecclesiastes there is clearly talking about hitting the books but he claims no no no if you go back to the greek you know you'll see that it can't be okay so anyway here's the greek word in question here and this is again a very common greek word it's sputhazo okay and and here's the funny thing about this okay yes this word sputhazo can mean to be diligent or to be ready or to be uh you know um putting effort into something yes but it also means study in the modern sense he thinks that this greek word does not mean study in the modern sense yet isn't it interesting that i can look this up in any greek dictionary and definition number one that comes up in modern greek is to study or to go to school it specifically says attend school study not only that i've spoken with greeks living in greece and talked about their state for example i spoke to someone who was a biology student at a university in athens and she used the word sputhazo about studying in school this was the main word that she used in that conversation okay and that definition of studying or uh you know going to school learning from books that definition goes back thousands of years because you can find examples of this in the second century ad where sputhazo is being used that way and of course here's a great example of it being used that way second timothy 215 it fits the context it's what the greek word means and this just goes to show that mark ward doesn't know what he's talking about he doesn't actually know greek and hebrew he doesn't know the word uga he doesn't know how to use the word sputhazo in conversation he's basically just looking it up in all these tools he talks about just looking up the word for um freshness or moisture in just every source under the sun but yet he didn't even take the time to read the hebrew verse or he just can't read the hebrew verse because he always has these training wheels of just always just looking it up in the concordance lexicon well those things are fallible you know dictionaries concordances and lexicons are not infallible you know you have to actually know the language and actually do the reading in order to talk about these things intelligently god bless you have a great day