(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I heard someone said they saw something about Steve Anderson's crowd that he has. He makes it look bigger. He does a little trick on camera. So it looks like he's got a larger crowd than he does. Yep. It is. It's nice. The whole thing is the same. Okay what is he even talking about? He's claiming that I do some kind of a trick to make the crowd look bigger than it really is. And notice how he started that statement. I heard somebody saw something that was just like this weird hearsay. The reality is the exact opposite. The way that our church building is laid out, it's actually impossible for us to show the entire crowd on camera. So whenever you see any pictures or video of our church service, it actually makes it seem like there's less people there than there really are because you've got a bunch of people going back this way, a bunch of people outside. Our building is shaped weird because it's not a traditional church building. But here, let me flash a few pictures on the screen here of our church. I guess this is some kind of CGI or something. Notice all the repeating faces, it's the same person over. What is this guy talking about? He just tells this bold-faced lie, this weird hearsay, strange accusation, and then some guy on the crowd goes, that's deceptive. Here's the thing, these guys are constantly lying about the size of our church. The media is constantly lying about the size of our church. Earlier in the series, you saw where people are claiming that there are only 60 people at our church, 70 people, or that the church is tiny. They keep saying that over and over, it's small, it's tiny, whereas I guarantee you that our church is bigger than every single one of these churches where these guys are attacking me, which is just absurd. And look, there's nothing wrong with having a small church, but guess what? We don't, so quit accusing us of that. Our church runs over 300 on Sunday mornings, and we run typically over 200 on our evening services. We just went to the Red Hot Preaching Conference in Sacramento, California. I preached on a Friday night there, and there were over 500 people in attendance. I think it was 504. So you know, these guys, they love to try to belittle me and act like our church is tiny. Well, guess what? Our church is about four times the size of the average independent fundamental Baptist church. The Bible's really clear on salvation. It's not based on how good you are. A lot of people think they're pretty good, you know, and yeah, they're going to get to heaven because they're pretty good. But the Bible says, from all that's sin, I'm short of the glory of God. The Bible says as it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one. I'm not righteous, you're not righteous, and if it were our goodness that would get us into heaven, none of us would be going. The Bible even says in Revelation 21a, it says, but the fearful and unbelieving, the vulnerable, and murderers, and sorcerers, and foremongers, and idolaters, and listen to this, and all liars shall have their part in the lake that's burning, and firing, and their souls, and the second death. I've lied before, everybody's lied before, so we've all sinned, and we've done stuff worse than lying, let's face it. We all deserve help.