(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here, and I wanted to make a video giving you a biblical refutation of the simulation theory. A biblical refutation of the simulation theory. And the simulation theory is one of the alternatives to the Big Bang theory, although you could believe that a Big Bang actually occurred within this simulation. And what the simulation theory basically states is that this world that we think we are living in, we believe that we're the the highest being that there is. We're actually just a simulation from a higher world, or from someone who created us on a video game, or some kid in his parents' basement on his computer just created us. And we feel like we're the highest being, but we're not really. We're just merely a simulation. And this might seem like a ludicrous idea to you, and I believe it is a ridiculous idea. But actually many of the leading so-called scientists actually believe in this. I'm making this video because just a couple days ago, Elon Musk, who has been pushing this idea for many years, he said there is a one in billions chance that we are not in a simulation. And Neil deGrasse Tyson, which is probably one of the five most famous evolutionists out there, he has also stated it's tough to refute the idea that we're in a simulation. He believes that we are in a simulation. Now the basic logical argument that Neil deGrasse Tyson presented is basically that if there have been billions of different simulated worlds that have been created in virtual realities and video games with people in it, the odds that we're actually part of the real one are just one in billions. Now Elon Musk has personally tried to present that argument, and I don't know if he's not intelligent enough to understand that he has logical inconsistencies. But, you know, what that he basically was trying to state the argument that Neil deGrasse Tyson stated, but he actually has inconsistencies in his arguments. And I'll talk about that later, but first I want to just give you a refutation from this from the Bible. Like, how do we know that this is not a simulation? Well, the Bible says in 1 John 5 verse 13, these things have I written on you that believe on the name of the Son of God that ye may know that you have eternal life. See, if you are saved, according to the Bible, you know you have eternal life. It's not something that you think you have, it's something that you know you have. I can say a hundred percent for sure that I am on my way to heaven, that I'm saved, and I have eternal life. Now, I can't provide you empirical evidence like a math problem of 2 plus 3 equals 5 to show you this, but I do know for a fact that I'm saved. And if you're out there watching this video and you're a believer in Jesus Christ and you're saved, you know you're saved. You know you're not part of a simulation. And the Bible also says in Romans 8 verse 16, the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. So the Holy Spirit inside of you, if you're saved, because if you're saved here today, you are in dwell with the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit, and it bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. The Holy Spirit bears witness that we know this is not just a fake world, but we know we are actually the children of God. You must understand that people are born with a belief in God. The Bible says in Romans 1 verse 19, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse. The Bible says that if we go outside, we can actually understand by the things that God has made, we can know his eternal power, that he is eternal, that he's all-powerful, and the Godhead, the very nature of God, we can understand by what he's created. So we know it's not fake. And you know what? The Bible also says in Romans 2 verse 14 to 15, for when the Gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law are a law unto themselves, which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. The Bible says that we are created with a conscience, and by nature we do the things contained in the law. Now we're not perfect. The Bible says there's none right, just no not one, but the reality is we know what right is wrong, what right and wrong is, and there are certain things we do not do because we would feel guilty about it. And if we choose to do them, you know what? We are convicted by our own conscience. We realize that what we did was wrong. God created us with a conscience, and God created us with free will to make the decision of right and wrong. And if we choose to do wrong, we feel guilty about that. Now here's the thing about this. If there is a simulated world, they're suggesting that we've made all these video game advancements and everything so we could create a world that is just as real as the one we live. But when have we ever created a world where we actually gave people actual free will to make the decisions of right and wrong? So if you make a computer program, it's gonna follow various rules that you make, and you can make it a random generator, but it's not really random that it has free will to make its decision. It's actually just going off what the program is telling it to do. You have to understand something. The concept of free will does not make logical sense unless you believe in a creator God that actually gives us free will. If there was a random explosion four and a half billion years ago and things just evolved over time, then we're just a bunch of random chemicals that will basically make us make decisions apart from our free will. We could feel like we have free will, but in reality we're just going off various chemical impulses and things that have been done long ago. We don't really have free will. If we're just a computer program, we're just following what the program says. But see, the Bible says that we actually have free will. When have we created a simulated world where we actually create people and give them actually, you know, love and care for one another and emotions and actually give them free will? You can create a computer program, but we can't create life and give people the ability to make decisions of doing right and wrong and give them free will. That's something that God has created. That's not something that the world has ever created. Now, here are some of the ideas of why they believe that we are in a simulated world. Here are some of their arguments. Now, one of their big arguments is the advancements in video games and the advancements in virtual technology. It says here, 40 years ago we had Pong, two rectangles and a dot. Now, 40 years later we have photorealistic 3D with millions playing simultaneously. If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, even if that rate of advancement drops by a thousand from what it is now. It's a given that we're clearly on a trajectory that we're gonna have games that are indistinguishable from reality. It would seem to follow the odds that we're in base reality is one in billions. And I believe that's a quote from Elon Musk there. But here's what I want you to realize. It might not be, but that's a quote from people that are arguing this. But here's what I want you to realize. You know what? If we are a simulated world, if we're just a simulation, we would have no concept of what the higher life form is. It doesn't even matter whether or not we can create video games that seem just as real as the one that we're living in. That has nothing to do with this discussion. Because if we are in a simulated world, we have no idea what an advanced civilization is. I mean, it doesn't matter how advanced we get, the world that created us could be 55 million times more advanced than us. So it doesn't even make a difference how advanced we can make video games. And the reason why is because of the fact you have to base something on the actual reality. For example, you know, they talk about the movie Inception in regards to this. And they talk about a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. And how do you know that you're not inside of a dream? And they use Inception as this sort of discussion. But the thing is, in the movie Inception, they have the actual reality. And then the dreams, they can't distinguish if they're within a dream or a dream within a dream. But it's based on an actual reality. It's based on a base reality of what actual reality is. And then the simulated worlds are very confusing to distinguish. Here's the thing. That's a completely different discussion. This is not a discussion of whether or not we could create simulations where we could get confused whether we're in the reality or the simulation. The discussion is whether we are part of a simulation. And if we're part of a simulation, we would have no idea what it's like to be outside of that simulation. I'm not really into super philosophical discussions. I'm just saying this is a logical inconsistency. And advances in video games has nothing to do with this discussion. Now, I suppose what they're trying to suggest is this. That as we make advances, we could eventually one day create a world that would be so advanced just like our own present world. But once again, if we are a simulation, we would have no idea what it's like to be outside of this simulation. That world outside of our simulation could be so much more advanced than the world that we actually live in. So Neil deGrasse Tyson claimed that if there's simulation after simulation after simulation, the odds of us being part of the real one are very low. And that's the same argument Elon Musk was trying to make. You know, another thing to say is this. That the reason why we know we're in a simulation is because of the fact in advanced technology would deal with a lot of problems such as climate change and things such as that. So logically, they would create a world that would become just as real as their world where we deal through the problems of climate change and we teach them how they should deal with it. But that's like suggesting you can create technology that becomes more intelligent than the actual creator, which is ridiculous. Obviously, the one who created the technology is going to be more advanced than the technology itself. Now I understand people like Elon Musk that are these kind of computer geeks sort of guys. They get really into the science fiction sort of stuff and they love movies like that. But you know, what they're saying doesn't make logical sense. And here's the thing, once again, we would have no idea what the real world's actually like. So if they could create a simulation that could become more advanced than them, couldn't they just deal with a problem like climate change by themselves without having to create a simulated world to deal with climate change for them? And look, the topic of climate change is a whole other discussion whether that's even really a real thing or whether it's completely blown out of proportion. But the idea is that if they're so advanced, why would they need to create a simulated world to deal with the problems that they can't figure out themselves? It doesn't make sense. Another thing they say is this, well, a simulated world makes more logical sense than ghosts. And they talk about how there's these spiritual things that take place and there is no possible logical explanation. And I sort of agree with them that there is no logical explanation for certain things that do take place. But we understand that there is a spiritual world out there. And as a believer in Jesus Christ and a believer in the Bible, of course, I believe in God and I believe in God. I believe in the devil. I believe in heaven. I believe in hell. And I believe the devil has fallen angels that are on his side, other devils that are on his side. And we wrestle not against flesh and blood. The Bible talks about we fight a spiritual battle. And so as a believer in Jesus Christ, that's not a problem for me. And this all falls under the category of believing in one creator God that created this world. And then it's not a problem that there are these things that are hard to explain that actually take place. And so I want you to realize the whole goal of these people, part of it is they're just a bunch of computer geeks and they want to just create this science fiction sort of world. But the thing is they're just trying to reject the idea of a creator God and it's just like all they're trying to do and all they're coming up to is the conclusion, well, you know what, there's a more intelligent life form that actually created us. And it's like you're trying to avoid the idea of a creator God and yet you're believing that an intelligent creator actually created us. But see the idea is they don't want any rules to have to follow and so they reject the God of the Bible because the reality is the God of the Bible condemns their sin. And so people like Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson who come up with all these ridiculous ideas, you know what, the bottom line is we are born with a belief in God. We are given a conscience and we are given a free will to make decisions of right and wrong. And you have your own free will whether you believe on Jesus Christ for your salvation or whether you choose not to believe. And if you choose not to believe on Jesus Christ you will suffer eternity in hell whether you believe that or not. The reality is that we do not have the ability to create a world that actually has free will and real emotion that can make decisions of right and wrong and it can come up with a million different ridiculous ideas to try to explain the way the existence of God. But it does not change reality that God is real and he created us in this world and you must believe on Jesus Christ or you will suffer forever in hell. Thank you and God bless.