(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, let's see what else we got in the the Q&A. Question about not getting jaded in the Christian life. Aside from soul winning, how can we prevent ourselves from getting so jaded knowing so many people are going to hell? It's a harrowing thought. What do you think about that? Um, you know, like not getting down about the fact that so many people are going to hell? I guess that's what they mean. I don't know. I don't really know what they mean by jaded. I mean, I guess I don't dwell on hell. Like, obviously, I think about it to the point where, obviously, I have a drive to go get people the gospel. But I'm not just like at night weeping over the fact that people are dying and going to hell, I guess all the time. Um, I focus, you know, obviously, the Bible talks a lot about just the joy of the Lord and rejoicing in the Lord. And so it's, to me, the Bible is not telling you to like just basically be in mourning at all times thinking about people going to hell. I think there should be a healthy thought process there that would motivate you. But not to that extent. I mean, in the end, you can only do what you can do. And I don't worry about things I can't control. And so if I can't control that most people are going to hell, I can only do what I can do, which is, you know, preach the gospel and try to get as many people saved as I can. In the end, I'm not going to worry about something I can't change. So yeah, I think that's great advice, you know, how to not get discouraged or disillusioned or jaded in the Christian life is just, you know, have the serenity to accept the things that you can't change. You know, I'm a strong believer in that. And, you know, you can't, you can't worry about things that are out of your control. And that doesn't just go for this subject about hell. I mean, it goes for every subject in life. And obviously, you know, we want to get as many people out of the fire as we can and save as many people as we can. But, you know, there's only so much that we can do. And, you know, we just do what we can and do our best.