(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody the Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians chapter number 15 and verse 57 it says this a great verse but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ what I take from that is simple we shouldn't walk around as Bible believing Christians with a victim mentality Bible tells us 1st John chapter 5 it says for whatsoever is born of God overcome at the world and this is the victory that overcome at the world even our faith ok we've won the victory through what Jesus Christ accomplished for us at Calvary there's nothing anyone could ever do to take that away from us so why walk around all mopey and wanting people to feel sorry for you and feeling sorry for yourself as well you see this with the social justice crowd they think the whole systems against them and everything like that I'm not gonna fight that battle you want to hate me for my ethnicity that's your problem that means they're carnal you know I'm interested in fighting the spiritual battle in contending for the faith fighting for the truth you know so people want to hate me for some dumb reason again that's their problem that just means their carnal I'm not gonna be a bit I'm not gonna act like a victim because of that and you shouldn't either and even if it's something spiritual you know the Bible says he ain't all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution it's gonna happen if you live for God you will be persecuted but we should leap for joy when it happens because we're kind of worthy to suffer through something like that for the cause of Christ you know rather than drawing back into depression and getting upset and wanting everyone to feel sorry for us no let's just recognize hey we've won the victory nobody can take that away from us so let's not be a glass-half-empty pessimist but rather recognize that you know all the great things that God's done for us we have the Holy Spirit inside us we're saved if you're going to a great church and you're plugged in you get to serve God with other people who love the Lord and so people want to gnash at you with their teeth you know with their teeth because they because you serve the Lord that's their problem okay don't fall into a victim mentality as a Christian because you've won the victory and like I said there's nothing anyone could do to ever take that away from you