(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The national pro-life movement celebrates as Planned Parenthood is defeated at the ballot box. That's a good thing Hillary Clinton did not get in office simply because of her pro-abortion stance. Donald Trump has promised to appoint pro-life justices and to eliminate Planned Parenthood's taxpayer funding if they continue to perform abortions. Well we'll see what he does. Donald Trump, I would defund Planned Parenthood as long as they're doing abortions. Hopefully he does just this and will defund Planned Parenthood. It's a very sick thing for the United States to force its citizens to pay for three to four thousand abortions a day and then they turn around and say God bless America. God is not going to bless America as long as abortion is legal. If Donald Trump really wants to make America great again, he'll figure out a way to make abortion illegal in the United States. Not only defund Planned Parenthood but make abortion illegal. That would be a very good first step in making America great again. So let me know what you think about this in the comments below and be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel and stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching.