(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Does the Bible really condone slavery? No. But this is another common argument by those who try to discredit the Bible saying, why would you read that book when it endorses the evil practice of slavery? And the answer is because it doesn't. You see slavery as we would know it from the 18th and 19th century with the West African slave trade is referring to forced bondage. When an individual is taken against their will because they're viewed as inferior to be sold as livestock without pay or hope of liberation. A practice that the Bible not only condemns but also views as a capital crime punishable by death. Exodus 21 verse 16 says, The Bible however does condone indentured servitude also known as being a bond servant when an individual is forced under a contract to pay off a debt that they owed. A person can also place themselves under a contract to pay for something that they want. In either case, they could only work for six years and on the seventh they were allowed to go free whether they paid it off or not. The Bible is pro-liberty as proven by the fact that Jesus Christ paid our sin debt in order to liberate us from the penalty of sin.