(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Stephen Aniston here from Faithful Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona to talk to you about Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 8 which has recently been changed in many modern versions and more and more modern versions are changing over to this new reading and I'm going to show you all the evidence and just show you some very shocking reasons why this is being changed. I mean it's just it's unbelievable how nefarious this is. So let me just start out by giving it to you from the King James and then I'll give it to you from the ESV which is one of the versions that changes this and then we'll look at all the evidence. Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 8, when the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. So that is the key phrase there, according to the number of the children of Israel. Okay and then in verse 9 it says, for the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob is the lot of his inheritance and I'll explain this further in the video. Now let me review this from the ESV. It says in the ESV, when the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the people according to the number of the sons of God. So instead of it being according to the number of the sons of Israel, it's according to the number of the sons of God, but the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob is allotted inheritance. Now we're going to look at this from a whole bunch of different angles. Let me just start out by going through it with you in the original Hebrew of the traditional Masoretic Hebrew text. This is the Hebrew text that has been passed down that all English Bible versions are translated from the Masoretic text. It's just that the modern versions will often deviate from the Hebrew text and this is one of those places, whereas the King James Bible stays true to the Masoretic Hebrew text the whole way through and always 100% of the time translates from the Hebrew. But this is your Hebrew Bible Deuteronomy chapter 32 verses 8 and 9. So let me go through this word by word here. So we start out right here. Okay, so has to do with dividing the inheritance. Okay, now the this prefix right here is a very common prefix. It means in, at, on, with. Okay, but in this case it actually would be translated as when. Okay, because it's basically when divided the inheritance. Okay, so that's B'hanheil. Elion. This is the Most High. Elion. You might have heard this word before. El, Elion. You know the Most High God. So Elion is the Most High and then Goyim. Most people have heard the term Goyim, right? So Goyim means nations. Okay, so basically you know B'in. You could say in dividing the nations. You know, when the Most High divided the nations and into their inheritance. Okay, when he divided their inheritance unto them you could say. Okay, and then the next line says b'hafrido b'nei adam. So again we have this B' here which is when in this case. So b'hafrido is when he separated b'nei adam. When he separated the sons of men. Okay, yat sev gevulot amim. So he set, yat sev gevulot amim, he set the bounds or the the borders or the the boundaries of the people amim. Le mispar. Mispar means number. Le means two. So it's according to the number. Le mispar b'nei Yisrael. According to the number of the sons of Israel. Okay, and then when we get into verse 9 it says hehelek adonai amo. Beqaf. Qi means for, because, since, when. Hehelek for the portion. Helek Adonai, the portion of the Lord. Amo, his people. Amo, his people. And then here it says Yaakov heber nachalato. Okay, so Yaakov is the name Jacob. Heber is a kind of a synonym of helek. So Yaakov, Jacob, is the portion or the lot. Okay, and then this is nachalato of his inheritance. Okay, so this is this is a poem actually in Deuteronomy chapter 32. If you're not super familiar with the passage it's a song or a poem and in poetry Hebrew will often use a poetic device called parallelism. Okay, where you'll notice that when you're reading the book of Psalms it'll kind of say everything twice. Okay, and it'll say the same thing in two different ways. Same thing when you're in Job, Proverbs, the poetic literature of the Old Testament's like that. So these first two lines follow that pattern. You know you could basically say that they follow a pattern of like A, B, C, and then A, B, C. Okay, and I'll show you what I mean by that because right here you have the most high, we'll call that A, the most high dividing the inheritance of the nations. Okay, so the most high dividing the inheritance of the nations and then in the second verse it doesn't restate the most high but it's the same subject. You have them separating the sons of Adam, the children of men. So basically nations, children of men, dividing, separating, most high, still the most high. So these first two lines are two parallel statements in the poem and then he goes on to say that he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. Okay, but also in these two verses you have another interesting poetic device going on because notice that this first word right here has this three-letter root as its base. Okay, because Hebrew words are based on three-letter roots. So this three-letter root nachal. Okay, we see the exact same thing down here, nachal. So basically this whole section, this little poetic phrase here, starts and ends on the same point. Okay, and what this basically means is, and again I'm going to read it to you from the King James Version and explain what it means. It says, when the most high divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. So he starts out with the most high dividing the inheritance, right, dividing the inheritance, and then we end up in verse 9 with Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. So we start with the inheritance, we end with the inheritance. These are sort of the bookends of this passage, and the idea is that when God divided the nations, when he separated the people, because remember he did that at the Tower of Babel, he separated the nations and he established where they would dwell. That was his plan, his providence, and he set the bounds thereof. Okay, he did it according to the number of the children of Israel. Why did he do it according to the number of the children of Israel? You know, Israel hadn't even been born yet when the Tower of Babel happened. The reason why he did it according to the number of the children of Israel is explained in verse 9, because God's people is his portion and Jacob, Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. So the parallel here is between Jacob and Israel, okay, because we have B'nai Yisrael, and then here we have Yaakov. Well, here's the thing, Yaakov and Yisrael are the same person, so this is a parallelism here that's totally gone, of course, if you go with what the ESV is saying, but the point is the meaning is clear in English, and let me give you an illustration to help you understand what God meant by this when he said that when he set the boundaries of the nations, he did it according to the number of the children of Israel. Think about it this way, what if I were ordering pizza for the entire church, you know, our church has like 400 people in it, and we're going to have a big event, and we're going to order pizza for everybody, but let's say I wanted to make sure that my children got the appropriate amount of pizza, you know, I really love my children, and out of all the 400 people that are there, of course, I love my church members, but my children are the most important people to me in the church, not just other people, I mean, they're important, but obviously my own family, my own children are more important to me, so basically, let's say I'm ordering pizza for everybody, and I did it according to the number of my children, because they're my special inheritance, they're my chosen people, they're the ones that I'm going to give priority to, so when I'm ordering the pizzas, I do it in such a way that they get what they need, they get the amount of pizza that they need. Sure, I'm ordering pizza for everybody, I'm making sure everybody gets fed, but in my mind, I'm thinking to myself, hey, I want to make sure that my kids get enough, and that by the time we get there, there's still something left over, maybe, maybe my family and I are going to be showing up a little later, want to make sure the pizza's not all gone by the time we get there. Now, maybe that's a crude illustration, but that gives you the idea that when God set the boundaries of the nations, he already had in mind what portion was going to be given to the nation of Israel, right, because this is already in God's Word, in the beginning was the Word, okay, so God made promises before the world began in Titus 1 2, he promised us eternal life before the world began, so obviously God's Word exists in eternity, and it lays out the boundaries, it lays out what God's going to give to the nation of Israel, and so when he's planning out, you know, okay, this is where the Ethiopians are going to go, and this is where the Chaldeans are going to be, and this is where the Hittites, you know, when he's planning all these things out, he did it according to the number of the children of Israel, he's thinking about, okay, this is how many Israelites there are going to be, and I'm going to make sure that they get the size land appropriate for them, so what he's saying is that throughout this process leading up to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God already loved Israel, and was already making plans to accommodate them, and then the context of Deuteronomy 32 is that even though God showed so much care and concern for Israel, and gave priority to Israel, and led him, and did all these wonderful things, he turned around and basically turned on God, and went after false gods, and completely, you know, stabbed God in the back, committed adultery spiritually with other gods, and so forth, so this portion of scripture is basically saying, look, even when God's planning out the whole world, he gave special attention to Israel, because that's his people, that's his inheritance at that time, and then, you know, they turn around, didn't appreciate that, right, they went into sin, and so forth, so that's what's going on in this passage, you can see how he brings that full circle, you can see the parallelism, and all the different things going on, it's a beautiful passage of scripture, so now let's talk about what the ESV is doing here, the ESV is changing this scripture, so that instead of saying here, B'nai Yisrael, they would say B'nai Elohim, okay, the sons of God, instead of the sons of Israel, now here's the problem with that, let me just read it for you first from the ESV, and then I'm going to show you, you know, the evidence and everything that this is based on, let me get into all that, but basically, if you read this in the ESV, it doesn't make sense, listen to it, when the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the people according to the number of the sons of God, but the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob is a lot of inheritance, okay, now right away, that word but, that's totally wrong, okay, this word right here, that they're translating as but, key, the normal translation of this would be for, since, because, it's a very common word, it's used over, I believe, 4,400 times in the Old Testament, not an obscure word, even in modern Hebrew, this is the main word that you would use for, because, you would use key frequently, and translating as the coordinating conjunction but here, is quite a stretch, this is kind of like a radical translation here, to change this to but, in this situation, that's a radical move, and by the way, a lot of the modern versions that are changing it to the sons of God, they're still leaving it as for, and then many of them, they just don't want to deal with it, so they just actually leave out this word, and they don't translate it at all, but by translating this as but, the ESV is already just completely messing up this passage, and mistranslating this word in this context here, so it says, but, the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob has allotted heritage, so what does that mean, basically, it's saying, well, you know, when God was dividing people up, he did it according to the number of the sons of God, but, you know, Israel's his portion, but, but, Israel's isn't it, what, but, Israel's his inheritance, you know, it doesn't make any sense, now, here's why it doesn't make sense, because, how many sons of God are there, now, when it comes to the number of the children of Israel, there's actually a number that we could look to symbolically, which would be the fact that there were 70 souls that went down into Egypt, Joseph was in Egypt already, and then we see that in Genesis chapter 10, when it lists off the descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth, and it says that they were divided according to these after the flood, then there are 70 people listed, so you have the 70 people listed in Genesis 10, and then you have the number of the sons of Israel going down to Egypt, those 70, so symbolically, it represents those two numbers matching up, the number of the children of Israel, but how many sons of God are there, you know, what's, what number is, how do you put a number on that, but let's talk about the Dead Sea Scrolls, so there's one document in the Dead Sea Scrolls, in Hebrew, that supposedly supports the reading of sons of God, so you have every Hebrew Bible in the world, versus this, okay, this is the evidence, folks, now, let me explain this, there's a guy named Michael Heiser, who wrote this big long paper about why it should say sons of God, and not sons of Israel, and in that paper, he flat out lies, and claims that there are two Dead Sea Scrolls that support sons of God, and that is a complete lie, okay, there are 21 manuscripts of Deuteronomy at the Dead Sea Scrolls, but here's what you have to understand about these Dead Sea Scrolls manuscripts, there's only one out of 930 documents, 200 and some biblical manuscripts, only one of them is actually a complete book of the Bible, and that's the famous Isaiah scroll, most of them are just little scraps and fragments, so you have 21 different copies of Deuteronomy, but they're so fragmentary, I mean some of them just have little chunks of one word, or one letter, or one phrase, so they are so fragmentary, that out of 21 copies of Deuteronomy, only one of them contains any portion of Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 8, so despite Michael Heiser lying and saying that there are two, if you actually do your own research and check it out, you will find that there's only one, so if you go on Wikipedia and look up the entry under the sons of God, it claims in that article, oh there are two documents in the Dead Sea Scrolls that support sons of God, except when you jump, and it gives three sources, you go down and look at the sources, source number one Michael Heiser's essay, source number two, a book where if you look up that page number, it says no such thing, it makes no such claim about there being two documents in the Dead Sea Scrolls that support it, source number three Michael Heiser's same essay, so I like how there are three sources given, and two of them are the same source, and the other one doesn't mention it, so basically Michael Heiser is the only one that I could find claiming that Deuteronomy 32 8 is in two Dead Sea Scrolls, and you can go and look at the images of the Dead Sea Scrolls yourself, and I invite you to find two manuscripts that contain Deuteronomy 32 8, because there's only one, so Michael Heiser is lying and trying to pad the evidence to make it seem like that this Ben Elohim reading is in two manuscripts, when it's really only in one, okay now let's talk about the one manuscript that has this reading of sons of God, out of the entire chapter of Deuteronomy chapter 32, okay entire chapter of Deuteronomy 32, here's what we've got from that manuscript, but right here this is what we have folks, okay this is all of Deuteronomy 32, so according to the editors of the ESV, the only copy of Deuteronomy 32 in Hebrew in existence on the planet that's accurate looks like this, this is this is your accurate Deuteronomy 32, forget the Bible that millions of people have been reading, forget all the thousands and thousands and thousands of Hebrew Bibles that say sons of Israel, according to them this right here is the only accurate copy of Deuteronomy chapter 32, and this is all we've got right here, now I've I've written it out in the bottom of the board here, what we have here, what letters are shown, because you have this little just markings up here, and then you have a full legible word here, and then you have of course the B'nai Elohim right here, okay so here's what we've got, basically you've got this one word, one word, and it's basically part of this word right here, okay so this right here, this right here, is representing part of this word, but the El is cut off, and there is a Yod added, okay so you'll notice I've written it out here, we've got the Beit, Hei, Nun, Khet, Yod, and then here we've got Beit, Hei, Nun, Khet, and then Yod, so basically you have to ditch the lamed, because it's chopped off, and then they've added a Yod here, so it would have to be like an alternate spelling of this word that has Yod in it, that would look like that, where you have a Yod added to the spelling, okay so that's one word, and then of course you have the operative phase B'nai Elohim, and the reason that I wrote it right up against the edge of the board is because the edge of the M is cut off, so I was kind of simulating the edge of the M being cut off, so here's your entire evidence from Deuteronomy 32 for this reading, Sons of God, there this is all of the Hebrew, this is one, don't listen to him telling you there's some other second uh manuscript, there isn't, it isn't there, look it up yourself, do the research, it isn't there, this is all, this is it, so let's throw out thousands of years of the traditional Hebrew text because of this little scrap of paper, and look I don't even have time to go into how bizarre the Qumran sect is where these Dead Sea Scrolls came from, and how there are lots of documents where they just rewrote sections of the Bible and just changed them, there you know there's a document called the Genesis Apocryphon where they're just rewriting the book of Genesis and just you know putting it in their own words, they have all kinds of paraphrases, all kinds of interpretations, all kinds of spurious things, all kinds of weird, not to mention the fact that out of millions of Jews living in the world at that time, these are 200 people max lived in the Qumran community at any given time, you have like 200 people, so you have several million Jews, this is 200 people who've lived out in the desert because they're withdrawing from society, they're a total cult, okay, this would be like digging up the fundamentalist latter-day saints from northern Arizona, digging up their library of handwritten documents and then using that to correct the Bible and saying oh this is more accurate, except at least the fundamental latter-day saints have like 10,000 members, that polygamous sect up in northern Arizona, the Qumran sect only had like 200 people, they had all kinds of strange bizarre beliefs, they totally pulled out of the worship of the Lord and the temple at Jerusalem, it's not what Jesus did, Jesus was down there, Mary was down there, right, Jesus was healing people and telling them hey go show yourself to the priest, offer the gift that Moses commanded, these people are apostate cult members out in the desert, they've got this library, here are a bunch of scraps, so let's throw out the Hebrew Bible and go with this scrap, no thanks, and by the way, I thought God preserved his word, you know, why did we have to wait until the late 20th century to get this wonderful scrap, but let me explain to you the rationale behind behind why this scrap is being accepted, you're not going to believe this, why this reading the sons of God is accepted, so I'm going to read for you from Michael Heiser's essay here and he says literary and conceptual parallels discovered in the literature of Ugarit, however, have provided a more coherent explanation for the number 70 in Deuteronomy 32a, so remember I explained a justification for the number 70 based on the Bible, 70 sons of Israel going down into Egypt, 70 nations in Genesis chapter 10, there's your symbolic correlation, but remember they don't want it to be sons of Israel, they want it to be the sons of God, okay, so how do you get 70 sons of God or how do you get, you know, a number on that, okay, because and if you're going to go with the Septuagint angels, well the Bible talks about the heavenly host of angels being 10,000 times 10,000 and thousands of thousands, so hundreds of millions, not 70, but anyway, let me read for you from his essay, literary and conceptual parallels discovered in the literature of Ugarit, however, have provided a more coherent explanation for the number 70 in Deuteronomy 32a and have furnished powerful ammunition to textual scholars who argued against the sons of Israel reading in the Masoretic text, so his powerful ammunition that he's providing to these textual scholars, you know, the editors of the ESV, the NIV, they're going to need some powerful ammunition in order to get rid of this reading, sons of Israel, and go with sons of God, so this archaeological discovery in Ugarit is providing that ammunition, okay, Ugaritic mythology plainly states that the head of its pantheon, El, who like the God of the Bible is also referred to as El Elyon, the Most High, fathered 70 sons thereby setting the number of the sons of El at 70, an unmistakable linguistic parallel with the Hebrew text underlying the Septuagint reading was thus discovered, one which prompted many scholars to accept the Septuagint reading on logical and philological grounds, so what is he saying here, he's saying Ugaritic mythology proves that God has 70 sons, this is amazing, hey, I don't know about you, but I don't go to Baal worshipers in Ugarit and read their Baal worshiping satanic documents to learn about the God of the Bible, the Bible does not say that God has 70 sons, what the Bible actually says is that Baal is Satan, okay, that's what the Bible teaches, but they're going to go dig up the documents of the prophets of Baal in Ugarit and say well according to the prophets of Baal, the literal prophets of Baal, according to them God has 70 sons, well that means God has 70 sons and you know Deuteronomy is referring to the 70 sons of God, God's 70 sons right here, I mean look, the Ugaritics of the United States, folks I don't know if you realize how satanic that is, but let me help you understand how satanic that is, so here's a book published by Zondervan, the publisher of the NIV, which right now the NIV says sons of Israel, but the NIV reader's edition says sons of God, so that's the direction the NIV is going, so in the future the NIV is going to say sons of God, they're already rolling out editions of the NIV that change it, this is changing right now, so here's a book that they published that Zondervan publishes, Basics of Ancient Ugaritic, okay let's see what this discovery in Ugarit has uncovered about God, look folks we need to learn from the Bible, but they want us to learn from Baal literature, here's what they say on page 15, several of the Ugaritic deities are mentioned in the Bible, number one L, so they're trying to claim that the God of Baal worship is the God of the Bible, like oh the Bible mentions these people's God, the Ugaritic deity, folks L is not the Ugaritic deity, L just means God, so yeah religions all over the world talk about God, but there's the God of the Bible, and then there are the false gods of the heathen, this God or L, L just means God, their God is a false God, okay, they're worshiping Baal and Asheroth, okay, whereas the God of the Bible is the only true God, now notice this God that this book is saying is mentioned in the Bible as L, you know Beth-L, house of God, hey that's the same guy that the Baal worshipers out, notice he's called Bol-L or in Ugaritic, I'll write this out exactly what the Ugaritic says, it's it's transliterated as Tor-L, which Tor, you know, think of the the constellation Taurus, this Tor is Hebrew for Bol, okay, so basically he's a Bol god, right, but yeah it's a bunch of Bol is what this is, but anyway, you know, so you got Bol-L, okay, because Tor means Bol. Folks, when the children of Israel are worshiping the golden calf, when they're bowing down and worshiping that animal like the Hindus do, that's when they're worshiping Satan, okay, but here's what it says about El, it says that he divided the world between three of his sons, Baal, Mut and Yam, Baal rules the heavens, Mut rules the underworld, and Yam rules the sea. Folks, this is just exactly what Greek mythology has, you know, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, right, Hades ruling the underworld, Poseidon ruling the sea, and Zeus being the cloud gatherer. It would seem that the children of Israel, I'm reading from page 15 here, it would seem that the children of Israel used to identify the most high god of the Canaanites with their own one god, since he was the highest of the deities and the maker of heaven and earth. Folks, know that the authors of the Bible are not equating their god with the god of Baal from Ugarit, okay, now here's the thing about the Baal worshippers god, El, that has the 70 sons, okay, he has a consort or a concubine, or the woman that he lays with to produce all these sons, that is called Asherah, or in the Bible is called Ashtoreth, or plural, Ashtoreth, okay, in the Bible, and it even says here on page 18, her name is pluralized in the Bible to refer to goddesses in general. So folks, the god of the Bible is not married to a goddess named Ashtoreth producing 70 children. This Baal worshiping garbage has nothing to do with learning about the god of the Bible, like man, I couldn't really understand Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 8 about the sons of God until we dug up some Baal worshiping documents, oh it just shed so much light on the scripture. Folks, this is satanic, this concept of God having 70 sons, that is satanic, it's from Baal, it's not from the Lord of the Bible, okay, but this just goes to show you where they're coming from. Let me read you more from Michael Heiser's essay talking about the fact that supposedly B'nai Yisrael is wrong and B'nai Elohim is right. He says, unfortunately the notion of the presumed sanctity of the Masoretic text still exists. Oh, isn't that so unfortunate that people think that the Masoretic text is holy? Sanctity means holiness. Okay, let's see, what about when Jesus Christ said, heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away, what do you say about the Old Testament? It's easier for heaven and earth to pass than for one jot or one tittle to pass from the law till all be fulfilled. So, according to Jesus, one jot or one tittle would not pass from the law until all be fulfilled. Folks, how could B'nai Elohim have dropped out of the text all the way until the 20th century and then boom, we got it back. How is that preservation? Okay, and here's what's funny, most of the people using, and yeah, I do believe the Masoretic text is holy, amen, the Old Testament is holy, the Hebrew Bible is God's holy word, right, the Old Testament. And here's what's funny, a lot of the biggest proponents of the ESV are Reformed or Baptist or Reformed Baptists or Calvinists, okay, and they're often confessional Reformed believers, whether they're Baptist or Presbyterian or whatever, and they follow the 1689 Baptist Confession or they claim to believe in the Westminster Confession or whatever their confession is. Well, here I've got a copy of the 1689 Baptist Confession and here's what it says in chapter one. It says in paragraph eight, the Old Testament in Hebrew, being immediately inspired by God and by his singular care and providence, kept pure in all ages, is therefore authentic, so as in all controversies of religion, the church is finally to appeal to it. Okay, so the confession here, which I don't buy into this confession, I'm not a Calvinist, I'm not a Reformed Baptist, I'm an independent fundamentalist Baptist, but in the document that they claim to believe in, it states that the Hebrew was inspired by God and that it was providentially, by God's singular care, it was providentially kept pure in all ages. Folks, if you're going to claim to believe that it was kept pure in all ages, which I believe that, I believe it was kept pure in all ages, then you'd have to believe that this is the correct reading, because this is the reading that we've had in all ages, B'nai Yisrael. This B'nai Elohim reading was a bunch of cult members, you know, had this, which is probably just their rewriting of Deuteronomy 32 and changing stuff. Like I said, there are whole books where they just rewrote them in their own words, so you're going to take people that rewrote the Bible in their own words, have all these spurious readings and all these wild texts and wild-eyed cult fantasies, and then you're going to find this in their, in their crap, and then you're going to say, oh, you know, yeah, let's throw out thousands of years of the Hebrew Bible and go with that. So anyway, you know, according to the confession that these Reformed Baptists supposedly believe in, you have to believe that the Hebrew is providentially kept pure by God's singular care. It's been preserved in all ages, so you'd have to go with the King James reading. So look, the ESV is not compatible with the 1689 Baptist Confession or the Westminster Confession or anything else, so it's hypocritical to claim your confessional and have this book. All right, and then here's another wild quote from Michael Heiser's essay about this. By his use of Psalm 82 6, Jesus was not arguing that he deserved a title shared by other mere mortals. He was reminding his Jewish adversaries of the existence of other divine beings in Yahweh's divine council. Their own scripture affirmed the notion that Yahweh was not the only Elohim, to be sure he was superior, but the point being made was that it was fallacious on their part to assume that Yahweh did not have divine offspring. Moreover, by virtue of the context of the quotation, coming as it did on the heels of Jesus' claim to be equal with the Father, Jesus was in effect saying, so here's Michael Heiser rewording what Jesus said. Here's what Jesus was saying, my father has many divine sons. Psalm 82 6 testifies this, yet I am unique with respect to the sons of God. I am in fact above them and am qualitatively different from them as the mano-yenase son of God. So God has lots of divine sons, you know, the 70 sons of El, you know, these other gods up, you got all these other gods up there, lower gods, and the God of the Bible is just like the chief deity, and he has all these other sons, but you know, I'm special because of course they've now twisted mano-yenase instead of being only begotten. Now they're saying it means unique, right? Easily disproven, and look folks, I know we've kind of gone down the rabbit hole here in this video, but I'm just trying to show you all the information because it's just, it's so crazy, it's so wild, this kind of garbage that is being used to twist the scripture and to even change God's law, which Christ said heaven and earth would pass before one jot or one tittle would pass from the law until all is fulfilled. You either believe that or you don't. Look, if you believe that this is wrong, the Hebrew Bible that has been passed down through all generations, if you believe it's wrong, you're calling Jesus a liar is what you're doing. You're saying Jesus lied when he said that not one jot or one tittle would pass because you're claiming that it totally passed away, totally went away for thousands of years, and then we had to pull this out to this'll fix everything, this little scrap of trash. I wish that somebody would have just thrown this in the trash, but of course it was the devil's plan that this be published and that it be used to corrupt God's work. Folks, this is one example of what the modern versions are doing to twist and distort the Old Testament text. We frequently talk about how they distort the New Testament with their Westcott and Hort-based readings or Sinaiticus, Vaticanus readings, but what about what they're doing in the Old Testament? They're also perverting it, corrupting it. They're going to the devil's trash can. They're going to Baal worship to try to tell us what the Bible says, and here's what's interesting too, by the way, is that in this book, you know, it gives the dates for when this Ugaritic civilization was in its heyday and supposedly, you know, the dates when this literature was produced so that we can learn all these wonderful things about Baal, and it shows it starting around like 1370 BC up until around like 1190 BC as being kind of the heyday. Well, I got news for you. Deuteronomy was written hundreds of years before this heyday because Deuteronomy was written around 1500 BC. Okay, the Mosaic law was written around 1500 BC. Moses spoke those words of Deuteronomy 32, approximately 1500 BC, so before any of the dates that they're even claiming here. So this is the devil being a copycat taking elements of the true God and twisting them, perverting them into a false Baal-worshipping religion. So we've got this Bible that the Baal scholars have given you, or we've got the King James Version of the Bible, which is the only modern version of the Bible in print that is translating 100% from the Hebrew all the time instead of like the NIV and the ESV deviating from the Hebrew, going with the Septuagint or this junk from the Dead Sea Scrolls. God bless you. Have a great day.