(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Turn over to Jeremiah chapter 15. So what about beware of dogs beware of dogs? Well dogs are vicious and dangerous and and it's something that we need to be be careful of when the Bible says in Jeremiah 15 verse 1 then said the said the Lord unto me though Moses and Samuel stood before me Yet my mind could not be Towards this people cast them out of my sight and let them go forth and it shall come to pass if they say it to Thee wither shall we go forth then thou shalt say unto them thus saith the Lord such as are for death to death and such as are for the sword and to death and such as are for the famine and to the Famine and such as are for the captivity to the captivity and I will appoint over them four kinds saith the Lord the sword to slay the dogs to tear the fowls of heaven and the beasts of the earth to devour and to destroy and so here he gives four kinds of things that you don't want to come to you into your life right and one of them is The dogs to tear in Proverbs 26 17 says he that passeth by and meddleth in with strife Belonging not to him is like one that taketh the dog by the ears So this idea of you know, like taking a snake even, you know Picking it up by the tail or taking a dog and just like provoking it You know to anger this wild animal and that's not gonna end well possibly for you And so he says if you meddle with strife your metal, that's not yours It's like taking one taking a dog by the ears now So the Bible paints a picture of these wild dogs that would roam the countryside and do things that weren't were very distasteful And so when the Bible says in in Philippians chapter 3 beware of dogs What's he saying now you could take this as good soul winning advice, right? Beware of dogs, that's that listen by the way soul winners if they got a beware of dog sign That's a good good thing to do is beware of dogs Okay Now remember I was in Knoxville, Tennessee And I just wasn't even thinking they didn't have a beware of dog sign, but I just walked in a gate now Let me give you one more piece of advice here beware of dogs rattle the gate Really hard and just listen stop looking listen And if a dog starts coming around the corner you're on the outside of the gate Don't be like me that first time I learned my lessons the hard way open the gate go inside Pitbull, you know come straight at me and I was I it come it lunged at me I mean it was vicious. It was not even playing around It came straight at me and I backed away and I kicked with all my might and I got my chin Directly in the jaw of this stupid pit bull and it I have the scars on my leg from it but um, you know, I got him pretty good right in the side and he's uh, you know, he dropped back and he just kind of sat there and growled at me and I Got out of there as fast I could and that was the end of that. He could have done more damage I'm sure those dogs are vicious. But um When you see the gate shake it hard Even if they don't have a sign and beware of the beware of dog sign, that's good advice But you know, I was thinking about this idea of vicious dogs. Dogs can be very vicious I mean we think of them as house pets, but they you know, any breed of dog can pretty much turn on you I guess if you got a little small dog, I guess it doesn't do as much damage, but You know, I was thinking about these pit bulls, but I found this article. Let me read a little bit of it to you a five year old a five year review of dog bite injuries from the Children's Hospital at a Philadelphia published in 2009 in the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that 51% of attacks Were from pit bulls and almost 9% were from Rottweilers and 6% from mixes of those two breeds so well over 50% are You know basically two types of well, yeah over 60% are from these Rottweilers and pit bull or mixes and So two-thirds of them actually and they said another Study said 15 year study published in 2009 said that Revealed that pit bulls Rottweilers and German Shepplers were responsible for the majority of fatal dog attacks in the state of Kentucky and so You know The it says here in the annals of surgery attacks by pit bulls were associated with higher morbidity rates higher Hospital charges and a higher risk of health death then then are attacks by other breeds of dogs and so pit bulls are dangerous and There are other breeds of dangerous dogs And we should be careful of those beware of those dogs. And why do we say that? Well, because dogs are Gross dogs are dangerous and vicious and so on and so why is he saying about what is he saying about these people? If this is the picture that the Bible depicts dogs as then what's he saying about these people? Well before I get into that, but let me let me just talk about this first Calling someone as a dog is an insult in the Bible, you know And I remember when I I don't know is this in the 2000 somebody helped me out Remember when people would walk around and be like, hey, what's up dog? You know, is that 2000s 1990s or whatever? That was an insult. Okay, that's not a that's not a Compliment, you know, all right. Well, anyway, that's that was that rap culture hip-hop culture. I think it was okay Yeah, so anyway, they that makes a lot of sense They do a lot of like like hip-hop culture comes out of the sodomite culture of the of the of the jails a lot of time so Anyway, the baggy pants and all that stuff. That's all queer. So