(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Right open your Bible to the book of Galatians chapter 1 Beginning with verse 1 reading down through verse 9. I hope you'll follow very carefully Paul an apostle not by the will of men But by Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised it from the dead All the brethren which are with me under the churches of Galatia Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ Who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present even world according to the will of God and our Father To whom be glory forever and ever Amen I'm Marvel that you're so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ Unto another gospel Which is not another? There be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ But though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel under you and that which we have preached unto you Let him be accursed As we said before so say I now again if any man Preach any other gospel unto you and that ye received Let him be accursed or let him be damned Now let's bow our heads for prayer And our Heavenly Father I want to be very clear this morning I Understand And be understood completely I Pray the folk will work at listening May they draw no conclusions till the sermon is concluded, but may they listen very carefully It is so difficult to balance ourselves as Christians After Bob Jones senior once said the most difficult thing in the world to do is to maintain proper balance It's true in the Christian life It's true as a preacher the gospel When there's so many truths in the Bible, it's not always easy to keep the truth in its proper place and in its proper context But a text without a context is a pretext And I want to be honest with the Bible and so hope our folk to listen very carefully today in Jesus name Amen Verse six false that I marvel That you're so soon removed from him that calls you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel and this verse Paul contrasts the gospel of the grace of God with Another gospel which he does not define. He simply calls it another gospel In verse 7 he said which is not another That sounds like a contradiction but the two words another do not come from the same Greek word The word another in verse 6 Where he says unto another gospel it means another different than the one we preach Verse 7 when he said which is not another the Greek word means another of the same kind So that I might paraphrase it to say I Marvel that you're so soon removed from him that calls you into the grace of Christ Unto a gospel that is not like this one Which is not like the one we preach So there are two words another it seems like a contradiction, but it's not Then he goes on to say there be some that trouble you The implication being a preaching of the other kind of gospel troubles people And would pervert the gospel of Christ And then he says something very strong in verse 8 But though we are an angel from heaven Preach any other gospel unto you than that which ye have preached unto you let him be accursed or let him be damned and Then he emphasized it by saying it over again in verse 9 as we have said So say I now again If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received Let him be accursed or let him be damned Now I want you to get the picture here and I want to depart from this and you'll see why I read it Paul said I'm startled. I'm marveled. I can't believe That you have been removed From the gospel of the grace of Christ unto another gospel so soon Now the another gospel is not defined But I'm going to define it based upon the application of the text The gospel of the grace of Christ is one thing Another gospel would be any gospel That would destroy the grace of God I mean If you preach that a man is saved by the substitutionary death of Jesus By trusting Christ with all of his heart and Then add some form of works to that Then you've destroyed grace in the gospel. I Could not put it any better than Romans chapter 11 verse 6 puts it And if by grace then it is no more works Otherwise grace is no more grace But if it be of works then it's no more grace Otherwise work is no more work What he's saying is it can't be grace and works It has to be grace or works and We have a poor concept of the idea of grace. I Used to work for a loan company and they they would give you what they call a grace period You didn't pay you a debt on time. They gave you five days grace before you got a late notice and Then were tagged with a late charge And they call that a grace fear. That's not grace at all That's probation That's not grace Grace is the unmerited undeserved favor of God Toward hell-deserving sinners without any expectation of return on the part of the sinner That's quite a mouthful, but I hope you got it I Don't understand Why it is That you can get so confused over the doctrine of salvation But if you ask the next ten people you see Move away from the church to ask them ask the next ten people you see how does a person go to heaven? You'll probably get ten different answers even in the Bible belt But in the final analysis there's only two ways to be saved are two schemes of salvation that is put forth by man one scheme is that man saves himself and The other scheme is that God saves a man Those who teach that man saves himself may say That man saves himself by Reforming his life and cleaning his life up before he's saved the marriage salvation Or they may say that man saves himself by promising to keep the Ten Commandments before he's saved Our man saves himself by receiving the seven sacraments Our man saves himself by obeying the gospel whatever that means Because there's only one definition of the gospel in the Bible and you can't obey the gospel The only thing you can do is believe the gospel First Corinthians 15 the first four verses Paul said I declared unto you the gospel How that Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures? How that he was buried and how that he was raised from the dead the third day according to the scriptures That is the gospel Romans 1 16 Paul said I'm not ashamed of the gospel for it the gospel is The power of God unto salvation to everyone that behaves it That's the unauthorized translation To everyone that believes it the only thing you do with the gospel is believe it The gospel is the good news of how Jesus came to this earth. I died on a cross in your place for your sins How that he was buried and the ray and was raised from the dead the third day. That's the gospel Don't confuse the truth with the gospel The gospel is the truth, but all truth is not the gospel It is the truth that I have on a necktie this morning, but that's not the gospel It is the truth that I'm standing on the platform, but that's not the gospel All truth is not the gospel, but all the gospel is the truth You follow me When I preach on hell, I don't preach the gospel But I preach on hell I preach a Bible truth that ought to be preached and Jesus preached it, but I don't preach the gospel Hell is not good news Hell's bad news But when I preach it Jesus loves sinners and Jesus died on a cross in the sinner's place to pay the sinner's debt and They buried him and after three days God raised him from the dead as a declaration that he was the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness for the resurrection from the dead and To show that he was satisfied with the payment. Jesus made for our sins. I am now preaching the gospel and That's the fire of God and salvation to everyone that believes it An old preacher stood before a large crowd of young preachers and one young pastor said to him, sir, give us a word of advice And the old preacher said my preacher brother and make it plain to me and how they are to be saved and You have what I call muddying the gospel. I Like the waters of the grace of God to stay crystal clear And it bothers me when people come along and throw The works of the mud of good works in the waters and muddy up the gospel of grace It bothers me and I almost feel like Paul to say Though we are an angel from heaven preach unto you any other gospel. Let him be down You say that'd be awful strong, yeah, but I can quote Paul Kenner I'm say Paul said if we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel. Let him go to hell Quiet in here and Yet there's something about humanity that makes us want to add something to the gospel We want to help God out if we can't help him save us We want to help him To keep ourselves safe as we get safe Just like Adam When he realized he was naked he went out and sewed fig leaves together he knew something was wrong and he tried to write it and before God made an appearance in the garden his feet leaves were acceptable by by Eve and they were Acceptable to himself and they were happy with their fig leaf religion till God came So when God came they were embarrassed with their fig leaf religion and they ran and hid themselves and God killed an innocent animal, which is a picture of the substitutionary death of Jesus and God skinned that animal and took the skins and made coats for Adam and Eve and he didn't let him keep one single fig leaf of their own making And you may be satisfied to stand before men with your religion and You may say I'm satisfied with my religion I Don't ask you something. Are you going to still feel that way about it when you stand eyeball to eyeball with God Almighty? Who put his son on a cross in your place and lowered him down with your sin and poured his wrath out of his own son? So he would so he could save you from the wrath of sin, which is hell Are you gonna feel satisfied to stand before God with a fig leaf religion that you have Stay with me. I'll probably a little longer this morning. This is all introduction Now I want to shock you so you got to stay with me There are some that say one must give over the control of his life to Christ in order to be saved If you do not give over the control of your life to Christ at the moment of salvation you are not saved Now The question is must there be a commitment to Christ as the Lord of one's life in order to be saved People who preach that say you cannot divorce his Savior hood from his lordhood You can't accept him as Savior without accepting him as the Lord of your life also Well, that's the question and Some make up some people make bold statements Saying that unless Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life you are not saved But when you go to pin those fellas down and say Has he been the Lord of your life since the day you trusted Jesus Christ his Savior up until now Has there been a time since the moment of your salvation that he has not been the absolute sovereign Lord of your life They will hesitate and say well, he's always been Lord, but there's some times I didn't obey him Well when you didn't obey him you were the boss not him John 13 Jesus said why call ye me Lord Lord and do not the things I command you It's inconsistent to call him Lord Lord and not do what he says So when you really began to question the matter they rephrase their statement to say Well, I'm not saying that you must absolutely make him Lord of your life in order to be saved But there must be a willingness to be controlled by the Lord at the time of salvation Plus faith in what he did at the cross in order to be saved And the question comes back if there must be a willingness For him to have the absolute control over your life at the moment of salvation Then how long appeared must there be when you're willing and how long can you wait before you're unwilling and start disobeying again? Now it gets down to this you were saved by grace through faith, or you're saved by grace through faith plus surrender And I believe you're saved by grace through faith And as good as I try to live I'd go to hell if I wasn't saved by grace and everybody else would too And old Spurgeon used to say if it should ever come to pass that sheep of God could fall away Alas, my fickle feeble soul would fall 10,000 times a day Now If Salvations by grace through faith and Paul said I marvel that you're so soon removed from the grace of God into another gospel I told you the good news of God's grace of his unmerited favor and you've been moved to something else and I marvel at you so soon removed He goes on to say if somebody else preaches another gospel Even if it's an angel from heaven let him be a curse or let him be damned or let him go to hell is what the Bible says Pretty strong language If it's salvation by grace through faith as Ephesians 2 8 & 9 declares Then it's not salvation by grace through faith plus surrender plus promises plus enduring to the inner plus anything else It's salvation by grace through faith period You Say dr. Hudson, don't you believe in surrender? Absolutely Wholeheartedly but not to be saved I Believe eating corn bread and butter beans, but not to be born again. I I Believe in sucking the bottle when you're born is a little infant baby But not to become a baby because you are a baby and so you can grow as a baby It all depends on where you put it. That's all The diamond ring is a beautiful thing on your finger as long as in the right place It's admired but you take it and put it down in your shoe and walk around with it And when it gets out of place, it becomes a bad thing You Take the surrender of the life to the absolute lordship of Christ is a beautiful and wonderful thing and every Christian ought to be surrendered to Christ But you put it on the other side of salvation and make it a requirement for salvation and it becomes an early Ugly dirty wicked thing and replaces the grace of God for salvation. I Want to pitch it along this morning I've been here in a while Let me give you some Bible examples of uncommitted believers First I'll call your attention to some who had definite lapses from a full surrendered life after they were saying I'll take David for one of them David may have surrendered his life to the lordship of Christ at the moment of his conversion But he dead sure wasn't Lord of David's life When he went to bed with Bathsheba David was Lord at that time David was running the show David may have surrendered to the lordship of Christ at the moment of salvation. I'm not saying it did I'm saying he may have But Jesus Christ was not Lord when he sent Uriah out into battle and had him killed. That's murder Wasn't Lord then I'm saying David did not submit to that lordship I'm saying his life was not committed to the absolute total control of Christ when he committed adultery and murder So he definitely had a lapse If total surrender was a prerequisite to salvation did he lose his salvation until he totally surrendered again? Sure, he did if total surrender was a prerequisite he lost it But he didn't lose it. All he lost was a joy of his salvation in Psalm 51 I'll give you another example Noah was saved by the grace of God and the word grace is used in connection with the salvation of Noah He found grace in the eyes of the Lord And when the ark landed Noah got drunk And in a drunken stupor, he took his clothes off and he was naked And his sons backed up to keep him looking on his nakedness and covered him up if Noah surrendered and Committed his life to the lordship of God when he was saved he had a lapse You Can't say Jesus Christ was controlling his life when he got drunk. No, I was controlling his life when he got drunk I'll give you another example Apostle Peter Who said the lawmen forsake the I'll never forsake thee And that dirty bum I Followed the enemy Warned himself by the devil's fire and one of the enemy came by and said hey that fellow there's one of them That's he's one of the Lord's boys. Oh, it's I don't know Jesus Okay, yeah, he's one of them no, I don't know Christ I'm not one of them And a woman came by and said you were one of his disciples your speech betrays you and he said you blanketed blank blank low Down stinking moment. I don't know Jesus Christ never knew him Watch out Peter If he surrendered for the lordship of Christ and total commitment at the moment of the conversion He had a lapse when he cussed and said he never knew Jesus Christ And what about John chapter 21 when he quit the ministry He said I go efficient you pay gold which is a public announcement I never intend to preach again I'm through preaching act with it and six preachers went with it When he got out in that fishing boat he took his clothes off He's out there naked in the middle of the night in a fishing boat fishing on John chapter 21 If he was surrendered to Jesus Christ totally at the moment of conversion he was not surrendered totally to Jesus Christ man Because he quit preaching and God had called him to preach And God had to come and warm his backslidden heart for the fires in John 21 before he preached in Acts chapter 2 And had 3,000 converted So I could go on all morning give you example after example after example after example out of the Bible How many if they were totally surrendered had a lapse in that yieldedness our surrender our commitment after they were saved I May give you a second example from the Bible I Won't take time to explain it but study acts 19 you have the conversion of some people at Ephesus They had been worshiping the God Diana An important part of that worship included the superstitious dependence on magical words And charms and saves And Turn to Acts if you will chapter 19 Paul had been there two years preaching in Acts chapter 19 been there two years preaching And these people had believed on Christ and Verse 18 says and many that believe came and confessed and showed their deeds You study the first part of this book. You'll find that someone had believed as much as two or two years earlier And those who had believed some as much as two years earlier according to the context read it for yourself Verse 19 says many of them also which use curious and if you look at the margin is magical Magical arts brought their books together and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it 950,000 pieces of silver nine thousand three hundred dollars worth of books burn This is two years after they trusted Jesus Christ as Savior, they're just now burning up their books of magic two years later Here are people who were saved without at the moment of salvation being absolutely committed to Christ How many of you were saved And after you were saved you began to quit habits, let's say how many of you look alright embarrass some people How many of you quit smoking after you got saved raise your hand? Put them down. How many have quit smoking in order to get saved raise your hand How many of you quit drinking after you got saved raise your hand you don't get drunk anymore raise your hand Put them down. How many you quit drinking in order to get saved raise your hand out of one of you You don't get better to get saved you get saved to get better you can't get better till you do get saved You don't have anything to get better with So here you have people in Acts 19 who were believers Who had not totally committed themselves to Christ even at the moment of believing on Christ and two years later They burned their magic books two years later. I Was saved when I was 11 years old there are many things I never heard in that country. I didn't hear beans about separation. I Knew nothing about total surrender. I knew nothing about the spirit feel out I knew nothing about witnessing and so on I was saved in a primitive Baptist anti-education anti-emissions church Then I was everything but totally committed and totally surrendered I Just came to Jesus a poor law center and threw myself on Jesus Christ, that's all I did You say you're not safe and you don't know what you're talking about I'm not saved God almighty is the biggest liar that ever lived If I don't have everlasting life Jesus Christ deliberately 99 times and the Gospel of John deliberately deceived me about it I have it Yeah, they got rid of their magic books two years later, but you know why they got rid of them Because you read Acts chapter 19 seven sons of Seavey seven professional Traveling exorcist tried to cast the demons out of a demon-possessed boy and the demon-possessed man Jumped on all seven of them and beat them about half to death and left the wounded naked and it scared the daylights out of Those church members. They decided to better clean their lives up And they begin one at a time to bring in the magic books and build a bonfire the magic books Give you a third example a third example is the example of a lifelong refusal To commit oneself to the lordship of Christ that is a lot of Christ They're completely be the boss and Lord and sovereign and control over his life and his name is a lot If you only read the Old Testament example of lot you wouldn't believe he was saved You have to read 2nd Peter 2 7 & 8 or you'd never believe it I'll read it and still sometime don't believe it But the Bible said lot that just man J ust just and in verse 8 He says that righteous man vexed his soul daily with a filthy conversation of the wicked twice in verse 8 He's called the righteous man the righteous man verse 7 calls him the just man But you read the Old Testament account of him and you don't see where he was ever at any time Before or after salvation surrendered to God If you think it was you better read it again his uncle Abraham set out on a journey and lot just followed his uncle The Process is Heard a cattle grew and his cowboys begin to fight with Abraham's cowboys. They call them herdsmen back then and they decide they better separate because they're hurting to fight each other and fussing over the cattle and This little puny but status-range backbone nephew looked up at this giant of faith Abraham And Abraham said the lot you go either way you want to and lot looked towards the Mountains and he looked toward the well-watered plains of Jordan that dirty bum if he has surrendered He ought to said Abraham uncle Abraham. I'm not in for to be out here I just followed you you make the choice and I'll take the one you don't want with that little pips week He took the well-watered plains of Jordan He should have said uncle aid you take what you want He wasn't surrendered and he went down to Sodom and he called the sodomites brothers. That's not surrendering You call somebody doesn't believe the Bible a brother in Christ. You're not surrendering So You don't know much about the Bible the only man your brother's a man who's received Jesus Christ as Savior You become a son of God by faith, John 1 12 He calls wicked sodomites brethren You think he surrendered to Christ keep reading about him Two angels come down from heaven lot takes them into his house and the young men and old men of the city of Sodom Compassed the house of a lot about and clamor and cry Saying send those men out here that we may know them. They wanted to commit homosexuality with two angels that came from heaven Both young and that's where you get your word Sodom from or sodomy And you know what that surrendered dedicated man did No unsurrendered Undedicated Uncommitted man did he said I have two daughters in here who have never known a man. I have two virgin daughters I'll send them out and you do what you won't do with them Does that sound I've committed Christian to you No, it doesn't Keep reading did you ever find him committed I never did And when God Sent an angel down to him to get out of Sodom. He lingered didn't want to leave. He loved it so good He liked that wickedness and sin in Sodom and he stayed in there loving it like a hot love slot Ours may believe you saved with the Bible said he was And finally the angel had to get him but the army and drag him out of Sodom hold a fine brimstone rain then from heaven He Was so worldly and uncommitted and unsurrendered his sons and laws laughed at him when he tried to win him to Christ they mocked at him Talk about getting a save on us to plead the judgment. They laughed at his testimony He followed him if you think he's committed and fine brimstone rains down from God out of heaven and they leave Sodom and Gomorrah and he goes out into a cave and he Takes with him his wife and two daughters And his wife looked back in terms of pill of salt and he goes into a cave with his two daughters And he got drunk in that cave I'll ask you something was there a liquor store in that cave Was there a wine shop back then it came he walked back in the back I said Anybody home here want to buy two bottles? It was a key that no liquor store, and I can you wear that wine came from He brought that with him out of Sodom didn't want to leave when he left they had to drag him out He stuck a bottle of wine or something under his coat and hit it and when they drag him out of Sodom He got out there in a cave and got drunk in the cave While He was drunk he committed a daughter with both of his daughters and both of them gave birth to babies and curse the world with two races of people So you have three examples from the Bible number one example is men who trusted Christ and who had lapses and their yield in this are surrender after they had trusted Christ and You have example in who trusted Christ, but did not surrender until at least two years later And you have an example of a man who never did yield his life to Christ who never was Surrendered to Christ from the time he was saved until the time he died. He was never surrendered Let me give me a few more minutes Don't you have Bible examples that refute lordship salvation But you have clear passages of Scripture 2nd Corinthians 12 3 says No, man can cause Jesus Christ Lord except by the Holy Ghost and get it a Fella who does not have The presence of the Holy Spirit and his life is not a Christian Romans 8 9 says they that have not the Spirit of Christ are none of his The Bible said in Galatians 4 6 because you are sons he's given you the Spirit of his son Whereby you cry have a father Cut that machine off of that will we get through down here You will please no distractions Sometimes we have to leave the church for various reasons, so I Don't like any distractions. I'm preaching all the quiet here now. I want you to look right at me Go back to what I was saying Bible passage no man can call Jesus Christ Lord except with the Holy Ghost And you don't have the Holy Ghost till after you're saved You're born of the Spirit John chapter 3 your seal by the Spirit Ephesians 4 30 if you have not the Spirit You're not a Christ Romans 8 9 Galatians 4 6 because your sons he's given you his spirit And if you can't call him Lord without the Holy Ghost and you must call him Lord to get saved And you're not saved without the Holy Ghost. You've got a problem Philippians 2 13 said it is God that worketh in you both the will and to do his good pleasure God gives the desire to do and God supplies the power to do what he gave the desire to do and If you had the desire and the power to do it before you got saved you wouldn't need to be saved Here the book of Romans I like Romans Romans is a book about salvation If I had time I'd preach about four chapters here Romans chapter 3 says everybody needs to be saved It describes humanity it lays the human being out on God's table and gives him a divine Diagnosis I guess And he looks at man who says his his mouth Under his tongue is a poison of ass So he's like an open sepulcher his hand shed innocent blood his feet are swift to run to mischief He describes man from the crime of his whole head to the sole of his feet and says man is totally depraved and a sinner And in Romans 3 said is none righteous. No, not one all have sinned. I'm sure the glory of God Romans chapter 3 packs it out says everybody needs to be saved and in Romans chapter 4 It gives you at least three or four ways that you can't be saved And in Romans chapter 5 it tells you the only way to be saved Therefore being justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Justified by what by surrender by commitment. No justified by faith Now here people justified by faith in Romans chapter 4 fine Hang with me a minute but in chapter 12, he's talking to people who are Christians and He says in chapter 12 verse 1 and 4 I beseech you therefore Brothering in view of all God's mercies that you present your body's a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to the world But that be transformed by the renewing of your mind You get that Now, wait a minute Paul you mixed up doc Cuz you see they have to have be totally surrendered before they ever get saved. So you don't call it unsurrendered crowd brothers And Paul call them brothers we call them brothers you mark it down he knows where their brothers are not They are born-again believers But they're uncommitted Unsurrendered believers and Paul is pleading with them in view of all God's mercies that they give their body to God a living sacrifice That's Christian The problem is you confuse the requirements But a sample ship with the requirements for salvation The word disciple and and Christian are being saved is not one and the same They're always thought so you've been always wrong You say where'd you get that out of Bible But a sample is a learner Who sets at the feet of the teacher and absorbs the teaching and tries to incarnate the truth and imitate the teacher But a believer is not necessarily a disciple And a disciple is not necessarily a believer You say I don't believe it. All right, give you up give you up. I'll give you something. You gotta believe it I'll drown you Luke chapter 6 Verse 13 says Jesus called unto him his disciples and out of them He chose 12 whom he also called apostles and he named him in one of them is Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot was a disciple, but he was not saved He was a learner who followed Jesus around and listened to him and and learned from him he was a learner He was a disciple, but he was lost and he went to hell when he died You can't say that yes I can John 6 verse 70 I Chosen 12 and one of you is a devil this fake He of Judas Iscariot or he no knew who it was who should betray Judas was never saved. He wasn't saved lost. He was a devil from the beginning Come on man, but he was the disciple according to Luke 6 verse 13 So you confuse the requirements for discipleship with the promise of salvation You say but the Bible said if any man come after me and let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me The Bible said if you don't love the Lord with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and hate your father And your mother and all that you can't be a disciple and the Bible said you don't forsake all you have You can't be a disciple. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen, but remember keep saying disciple Don't say go to heaven that's not what God said he said disciple God never says come after me for salvation. He says come unto me for salvation come after me for service He never said anything to the sinner except believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I should be saved Give me a little time this morning Look At Luke chapter 14 verse 16 down through 24 you have the parable of the Great Supper Man build a great supper he bites everybody to come since his service that go and get the hold of the lame in the black Tell everybody to come in for taking my supper and he said no no no That's an invitation to a gospel feast Which results if you accept it in feasting at the marriage supper of the Lamb But once you have the parable of the Great Supper talking about just coming to Christ just come in accepting what he has to offer then he begins in verse 24 or 25 and gives the parable of the building of the tower and the power of the king going to war and in between those two parables he lays down three requirements for discipleship not salvation and One of them is verse 25 or 26, I don't have my Bible when he's quoting but remember you look at it If Any men come to me and hate not his father and mother and his wife and his children and his brothers and his sisters And his own life. He can't be mad a sample Now they say there it is You say no wait a minute if you're going to make that a requirement for salvation and you're going to use that to substantiate your teaching of total commitment to Christ Our willingness at the point of salvation that I'm going to tell you going to take another verse because that verse does not say And Whosoever is not willing to hate his mother and father, but it said whosoever does not hate his father and mother And The next verse as whosoever not take his cross and follow me It does not who does not say whosoever is not willing to take his cross You see when you tear down the lordship salvation, they don't have anywhere to go So they change it say but well, it don't mean you'll always be Lord maybe you will always obey But it means you're willing But now they've got to pass some more verses Because it doesn't say willing but doing Verse 33 does not say and Whosoever does not forsake all that he has it says it does not say whosoever is not willing to forsake all he has But he says he must forsake all he has not being willing to it But doing it doing it doing it doing it not willing to do it do it But they say the Bible said believe on the Lord Jesus and I should be said sure it did But don't put the emphasis there put the emphasis on the word believe It didn't say obey the Lord Jesus and I should be saying said believe on the Lord Jesus and I should be saying Come on talk Say amen or go home I Said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I should be saved. Amen. Amen. Amen Not obey behave believe If I'm gonna jump off a building and I got a and I got a mechanic down here holding one in the net and the doctor holding the other end And a plane pilot holding the other in the net And a ditch digger holding the other in the net I'm gonna jump off the bend. I'm gonna trust believe rely depend on him to catch me and another believe on my doctor The mask of the dentist and I should be saying that don't mean I got any pull all my teeth and ought to get saved That just means I'm gonna trust him to catch me in that net come on talk to me If it says believe on on mr. So-and-so the insurance salesman to be saying Let me ensure semi holding the net ain't gonna catch me. It doesn't mean I got about my insurance on to get saved Come on, don't tell me it just means you're gonna have to trust him to hold that net for me. Come on Sure Aquinas more than some reason you're not going anywhere. I'm not through Sit down and take yourself down good. I'm not finished. I Don't like it's other gospel like the gospel of the clear Waters the grace of God nobody throwing mud in it. Take your dirty hands off of it, buddy Say by grace through faith when we get to heaven we're gonna sing when you get to heaven You're gonna say Thou art worthy What thou hast redeemed us by that one out of every tinge and every tongue in every nation? You're not gonna say we Because we have been committed and Surrendered and yielded. Oh, you'll say that These lordship salvation folk if they make it to heaven won't have anything to talk about in him Cuz gonna be grace up there. Oh my soul blessed by the Jehovah We Sing amazing grace if they're not amazing surrendering lordship and commitment Come on fella Get it where it ought to be You know what happens somebody come along and coins what I'm preaching easy believe ism that's the easy believers And it's easy believe ism and you're so scared of that word that you say whoop I don't want to preach easy believe that I put a little works in here somewhere Don't nobody accuse me of preaching easy believe and we'll look at me right now straight in the face. I preach easy believers Straight my eyeballs I preach easy believers and go tell the world if you preach something else you preach another gospel But I'm using your expression not mine I said it because you said it because the final analysis Completely trusting Jesus Christ and him alone for salvation is not easy That's the hardest thing I thought of a tribe do he wants to help God the natural thing is to help God The hardest thing is to put it all in God's head and totally trust him That's the hardest thing you ever did because you're called upon to believe in someone whom your eyes have never seen You're called upon to believe in someone and you've never met an eyewitness who ever saw him You're called upon to believe in someone whom the scholarship so-called scholarship of the day deny generally speaking You're called upon to believe in someone that died on a cross 2,000 years ago You're called upon to believe in someone that the only record you have of him has been kept by his friends not his enemies That's hard to accept. That's hard to believe I'm gonna believe anyway You call it easy it's hard buddy, it's hard And you're called upon not only believe in his existence But to believe that by depending on him you can be justified on the basis that he was made guilty for your sins Shake your old peanut brain around I gotta believe that every sin I've ever committed and ever will commit was laid on Jesus 2,000 years ago. I gotta believe that I only believe that I gotta trust it depend on it and The devil will keep coming back to you all the time saying how you know, you're trusting how you know, you're depending it's hard to do Now you start you say well, I know I'm believing it's how you know you I didn't have any proof of my believing So I'd just say the devil I know I'm for not believing I'll start believing now pray it all over again Don't Call it easy believe isn't put it a label on me you want to put on me But it's not easy to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ I'm getting men to give money walk church a house I'm getting men to surrender to lordship make all kind of commitments But it's hard to get them to stand out completely unreservedly wholeheartedly and without reservation on Jesus Christ what he did at the cross for salvation They keep want to do something else help God out And I have to keep putting them back on the word and on what Jesus not let me help him a lot get back on Here and stand on Jesus Christ and him alone for yourself It's not easy that's hard But they misrepresent the people who preach like I do They say he is he could they just say that if you believe in God you're saying I never said that I Very seldom if ever say believe without stopping to say depend rely and trust And I always use the illustration of the airplane you can believe there's a plane that'll fly But you'll never make the trip until you trust yourself to the plane lean on the plane rest on the plane put your Physical life in the hands of a pilot you don't see or you'll never make the trip I never just stop to believe there's a God and be saved no Because the Bible word believe means to trust to depend to rely on but it doesn't mean total commitment absolute surrender You'll be honest with me There's not a one of you that could say that when you were saved you totally committed yourself to Christ and have been absolutely Surrendered since the moment you were saved not in the people who teach lordship salvation Will say they've been totally committed. They'll say well. He's been my lord, but I disobeyed him a lot since I've been saved But when you disobeyed him he wasn't Lord you us He wasn't Lord of your life We say he's always Lord. Yes I know the word Lord customer Hebrew word of don't yeah, which means master it also comes the word Jehovah Which is a personal name of God? Several translations of the word I know that In that sense he's everybody's Lord. He's the tadpole's Lord and The bumblebees Lord and the bullfrogs Lord and the rattlesnakes Lord, he's master the whole universe He didn't do what he wants to when he wants to But when I talk about being Lord I'm talking about you yielding for him to have the absolute control of your life saying we're to Jesus which way Lord I'll do anything You want that's what I'm talking about If you mean when you get saved you to say Jesus is Lord You'll be like Matthew 7 verse 22 was not everyone that says to me Lord Lord Shut under the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my father's one thing say Lord Lord It's nothing to do what the Lord says Come on I Want to help God out don't we You say man brother Curtis you make it too easy I'm afraid to fool with anything mess it up When Jesus divides the whole world into two groups, I'll be through in a minute I Verse 18 John chapter 3 he that believeth on the Son is not condemned He that believeth not is condemned already because he has not committed his life to Christ No, no, no, brother. He's condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God Why is a man condemned because he won't trust completely the Lord Jesus Christ You trusting your salvation your commitment your surrender. I hate to tell you going to hell when you die John 336 use divide the whole world into two groups He that believeth on the Son has everlasting life He that believeth not the Son shall not see life with the wrath of God abides on him What did say you don't believe on Jesus Christ you go into hell when you die. I didn't say it the Bible said it Jesus Mark 16 16 he that believeth not shall be damned Not he that believeth not and surrender not and is not committed but he that believeth not should be damned I Said this to a guy last Sunday one week ago today. He said but preacher that's so easy He said what is the incentive for service? I? Said first John 4 19 we love him Not because we're afraid we'll lose our salvation but because he first loved us You love him because he loved you Well, what's your incentive for service second Corinthians 5 14 the love of Christ constrains me it urges me it compels me It pushes me on. I love Jesus so much. I can't quit You love God like you ought to let me you'll serve I Don't serve because I'm afraid I might lose my salvation Not if I serve because I think I must stay totally committed and surrendered in order to be saved. I Serve because I love him and I want to serve him and I think any other kind of service makes God sick Because first Corinthians chapter 13 says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not agape love translated charity I'm become as a sound in brass and a tinkling cymbal And though I have all faith so that I could say to you on the mountain be plucked up and cast into the sea and Have not love. I'm nothing Though I was to all my good to feed the poor and give my body to be burned and I'm not motivated by genuine love For Jesus Christ it profited me net I Said all service I'll be motivated by love not fear You know why I work make a living my family because I'm afraid No, I'm not afraid Not the least bit afraid I do it cause I love The motivation of service is not fear but love And you preach like I preach you're saying you make it too easy No You're not you preach the other way and you muddy up the gospel of the grace of God and a poor fellow who's not saved Says well you tell him you gotta surrender the lordship of Christ. You gotta be totally committed and totally yielded Oh, you can't be saved and a poor fellow. Thanks. Oh me How can I quit that and that and the other and that and the other he's not saved remember? He doesn't have the Holy Spirit. He does not have the new nature which comes at the moment of conversion All he has an old sinful nature you'll never convince him he could ever live what you Like you want him to live you want to lead him to Christ and get him born again by trusting Jesus and Get that divine nature in him and the life. He thought he couldn't live. He now wants to live and finds power to live it Not only that you preach another gospel and say you have to be committed and surrendered and everything else You know what you're doing you don't what Paul said they were doing you trouble some have troubled you preached another gospel Which is conjured to the grace of God you trouble a congregation It is not by business. Give me a try to talk every one of you out of your salvation. I Studied about You have confidence in me Why I keep trying to prove to you. You're not saying you're not saying you're not saying you're not saying you're not saying You're not saying you're not saying and I keep working on you and while I get you to doubt And I trouble you just like they trouble the people in Galatia But I'm not gonna do it I'm gonna preach to you the pure crystal-clear Salvation by grace faith And I'm gonna tell you after you're saved if you don't behave yourself God will take you out behind the woodshed and pull your britches down and tear you up I Based on Hebrews chapter 12 And then I'm gonna tell you That you're saying you want to surrender to God and be a soul winner and read your Bible and pray I'm going to church and be a good Christian But I'll tell you do that to get saved. I'll never win you to Christ My little boy boy is born he won't be born to the world be my son. So you'll become dr. Hudson son He's not born yet. He's way back down and never in the other land. He said yeah Okay, if you'll commit yourself and surrender to everything he says now you can be a son No, man, just let him be born That he's born. I'll make him commit and surrender When I so get to go get this garbage boy, he hadn't always been committed Been a couple of times he wasn't real committed Ah Don't take him on to get committed though. I got a committer my house But he didn't get committed to become my son he is born to become my son You didn't get committed to become a Christian. He were born again to become a Christian I gotta quit. I'm not through The One requirement for becoming God's sons found in John 1 12 Oh, it's that time to put all the verses about was full of as many as received him to them Gave me power to become the sons of God even to them that believe in his name But as you become a son the Bible said grow in grace in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ 2nd Peter 2 2 says desire the sense the America the word that you may grow there by That's it Well by grace are you saved through faith and That not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast How marvel that you're so soon to move from him In the gospel of the grace of God to another gospel, which is not Although we are an angel from heaven come on you preach some of the gospel let him be down Let's stand together All right, I'll preach about 20 30 minutes now about 20 minutes longer than usual I guess 25 I'm usually through about 10 after 12. I Want you to be patient just a moment we usually baptize that to the Sunday morning service Happy we're gonna be baptized I've held you longer. I don't do this as a rule. So you ought to be able to bear with me this morning. I Can understand a few visitors come in here this morning they used to go into church Getting that 12 o'clock sharp starts at 11 Stops at 12 o'clock and the church gives up its dead and out they go But I came to a job this morning To preach a sermon. I didn't come here to spend 20 minutes and a little sermonette to a bunch of Christian That's when I'd smoke cigarettes. I Come to preach to you if you don't like it you can lump it You don't agree with it you can get right or die wrong I Say it's not what grandma believe I'm sorry grandma didn't know any better. It's not a matter what grandma believes matter what the Bible says Amen Lest you don't know it you ought to be dedicated and surrendered to God Lock stock and barrel from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet and you ought to be a good Christian You ought to be and I plead with you in view of God mercies that you do it same way Paul did same way Boy, let's buy our heads for prayer father in heaven Thank you for the Pope for the way they listen happen to be patient the next few moments now in Jesus name White heads about I'm not going to give a long invitation this one. I'm going to plead a long time Because the sermon has not been of such that I want to give an invitation But there's always some people here without Christ and someone need to join the church or someone need to be baptized If you're trusting anything other than Jesus your salvation, I hate to tell you but your lost friend you're going to hell I don't care how religious you are. I don't care how good you live if you're trusting anything But Jesus for your salvation you're lost He that believeth not on the Sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him Now you must trust him. You must trust him completely How many you will say to me doc cousin? I know sir I know sir if I were to die today, I would go to heaven raise your hand. Let me see if I know it I have trusted him. I know if I die I'll go to heaven Put them down How many will say to me doctors and I'm not sure sir if I die I'll go to heaven please pray for me raise your hand Let me see it quickly. Anybody like that. Hurry anywhere quick now. Wait a moment I'll wait a moment anywhere God bless you. God bless you If you're not sure that if you die you'll go to heaven step out and come down Let us take the Bible and show you how the Bible how to be sure. Would you do it? Come now If you're here and you need to come be baptized this morning step out and come down for baptism and come on now We'll wait for you If you're here You'd like to join this church become a member here Step out and come down say I want to join this church and serve the Lord here step out and come now We'll wait for you while the choir sings. Come on All right, I'll wait come on are there those who need to join here Are there others who need to come and trust the Savior? Are there others who need to come and obey Christ and receive believers baptism?