(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In China, raids on house churches continue and crack down on Christianity. Two house churches have been raided and members detained by government officials in China. Christian Persecution Ministry China Aid reports that more than 10 police officers interrupted Christians who were praying at Olive Church. The authorities accused church members of worshiping in a church building which was not legally registered with the government. Olive Church has been targeted by government authorities in the past as well. In July of 2016, officials confiscated various items from the church and took 30 church members into custody. Another church was also recently targeted by government authorities. The church was raided by officials who confiscated various items. Members have resorted to meeting secretly in small groups for their safety. China's government continues to crack down on Christianity. Currently, the Chinese government is holding a pastor in custody. Pastor Yang is being held in prison while his health deteriorates. He's reportedly in danger of losing his legs due to painful inflammation and infection for which prison officials are not allowing treatment. In the past few years, there have been numerous stories like pastor Yang's of Christian churches being destroyed, Christians being in prison and tortured, and Christianity being highly regulated by the government. China is a very wicked place and the Chinese government has admitted that over the last four decades the country has aborted or let me translate that murdered 336 million unborn children and many of these murders were forcibly done because they have this one child policy. 336 million unborn babies murdered. It's equal to the entire combined populations of the United States and Australia today. It's more than all the people killed in the 10 deadliest wars in human history. The magnitude of the crime is incomprehensible to the human imagination. Only God can truly fathom the depths of this depravity and only God can truly apprehend the magnitude of this loss. May he have mercy on our world for what we have done. China is a very wicked place and it's a shame that they're cracking down on Christianity. You're not even not even allowed to have a church service. So let me know what you think about this in the comments below and be sure to hit the subscribe button and stay tuned for more videos. Thanks for watching.