(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'll tell you a quick anecdote, Betty, it's from the Decameron of Dante, and it's about a Jewish businessman in Paris named Abraham, a very practical guy, comes to the Bishop of Paris saying, a bishop, I'm speeding the story up now, I want to become a Catholic, I want to be baptized, but I first want to go to Rome. And the bishop said, Abraham, you probably want to just get baptized now, because he knew how bad Rome was, it was corrupt, it was open wanton behavior, it would be a scandal, he would never come to the church, nope, I'm a practical businessman, I'm going to go there, and I'll be back in a fortnight. So he goes to Rome, comes back, rings the doorbell of the bishop's residence, and says, hey bishop, I'm here, baptize me. Abraham, you went to Rome, you saw all the corruption and all the bad behavior and the scandal? Yeah, I did. You still want to be baptized? Mm-hmm. Well, can I ask why? He said, Your Excellency, when I was in Rome, I saw a thing so bad, I couldn't believe my eyes. This organization is so corrupt, so scandal-ridden and badly run, it would have folded two weeks after the resurrection, it has to have God behind it. I want in. That's right. God is mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity.