(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Can Christians get tattoos? This is going to go over well. Leviticus 19.28 says, Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you, I am the Lord. Now surely some will hear that and say, well that's Old Testament, we're under grace and therefore that no longer applies. But that's actually not true. You see Jesus Christ didn't die on the cross to make it permissible for you and I to get inked up. And in fact, there's plenty of Old Testament laws that God expects for us to observe in the new because they weren't repealed by the death of Christ on the cross. For example, laws against murder, rape, theft, bestiality, sodomy, and idolatry. Now the reason God commanded His people not to get tattoos was to make a distinction between His people and the world. Now some would say, well getting a religious tattoo will help me to stand out to the loss and thereby win them. The problem with this is that there's no example in the New Testament of Jesus or the disciples getting inked at position to distinguish them as Christians. On the contrary, the only marks that the disciples got were those that came about from persecution because of the word of God that they preached. Which is why the Apostle Paul said, I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ. Full Sermon on Tattoos