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Matthew Stuckey here from Verity Baptist Church Manila and I want to provide you another video on the topic of Calvinism and unconditional election and one of the favorite passages of Calvinists to turn to is in Romans chapter 8 starting in verse number 28 and this is what the Bible reads and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose now one thing Calvinists get wrong right off the bat is this they assume that people that love God are those that are saved but the truth is that most people that are saved really don't love God whether or not we love God is not based on whether or not we believe but it's based on whether or not we're actually obeying his commandments and so you know most people that are saved most people that believe they don't obey the commandments of God see Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments so the proof of whether or not we love him is if we keep over his commandments that has nothing to do with salvation though because salvation is a gift the gift of God is eternal life but whether or not we keep his commandments is the proof of whether or not we love him and so when it says we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose well this is referring to people that are not only saved but actually are following the rules in the laws of the Bible and trying to obey God's will now this makes sense because he says we know that all things work together for good okay here's what you have to understand just because you're saved if you're not obeying God's rules things are not gonna work together for good for you look if I were to cheat on my wife commit adultery and leave my family and everything like that look you know God's not gonna be blessing me and the Bible says you're gonna reap what you sow in this life and so if you as a believer choose not to obey God's rules hey you'll still be saved it's eternal life you can't lose your salvation it's everlasting life but you're gonna reap what you sow and things are not gonna work together for good now an example of a good application of this would be someone like Joseph in the Old Testament Joseph was not a wicked person Joseph was obeying what God said but when his life was actually pretty miserable now the thing is though all things were working together for good for Joseph now he didn't necessarily realize that at the time but remember we said he's like you meant it for evil but God meant it for good things were working together for good for Joseph because God's blessing was still upon him but if Joseph had chosen to commit adultery if Joseph had chosen to become a bad person God's blessing would no longer be upon him so here's the thing things do work together for good if you love God people like Job who hadn't done anything wrong to deserve what happened to him but you know sometimes trials will come and you know things do work together for good because God is blessing you but look if you're someone who's saved and you're not obeying God's rules then you can't tell me that things are gonna work together for good it's like I became a drunk and left my wife and here I am today though I've sought forgiveness for this 20 years later and you know God put me through the storm but I got no you just chose to be a wicked person become a drunk and leave your family you can't say well work together for good it's not gonna work together for good unless you actually love God that's what the Bible is teaching here but then it says in verse number 29 for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren so it's very consistent that once again the foreknowledge comes before the predestination so we're not being predestined to salvation though he has foreknowledge of who's gonna believe that's out there the entire Bible and then he predestines those that would believe to certain things in life but he doesn't predestinate us to salivate to heaven or hell from the foundation of the world unconditionally no it's based on his foreknowledge of who's gonna be saved and who's not gonna be safe verse 30 moreover whom he did predestinate then he also called whom he whom he called then he also justified and whom he justified then he also glorified what shall we say them to these things if God be for us who could be against us he the spirit on his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall you not with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justify it so in verse 33 they see that it's the elect and says it's God that justify it and they basically use this and say well see we can't be mad at God because God's the one who justifies God's the one who elects he's the one who chooses it's based on his will it's based on his choice so don't be mad if God just decides I want to let this this person grow up and burn I don't want them to go to heaven that's ridiculous yes it is God that justifies but it is based on his foreknowledge and so it's just very clear that the Calvinists have no understanding of these verses at all they don't get it whatsoever it's just very clear here what the Bible is teaching once again foreknowledge comes before predestination and so the problem with Calvinists is they just don't understand the Bible because they're not saved themselves this is one of their favorite passages they like to use and once again what do you see well you see the foreknowledge comes before the predestination thank you and God bless