(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here from Verity Baptist Church Manila and I wanted to provide you another video on the topic of Calvinism and unconditional election and I wanted to talk about this phrase where Calvinists love to say Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated and so let's look at that here in Romans chapter 9 it says in verse 10 and not only this but when Rebecca also had conceived by one even by her father Isaac for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works but of him that calleth and so they love to use these verses and they say you know it's God's purpose God's the one election electing and it's not that they had done any good or evil but God is just the one electing then it says in verse 12 it was said under her the elder shall serve the younger okay well the elder is Esau and the younger is Jacob and so from the very beginning God says you know what according to God's purpose the elders gonna serve the younger not based on who did good or evil but just the elders gonna serve the younger then in verse 13 as it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated and so what they say is basically this that from the very beginning God just chooses with some people that he hates them and he wants them to burn in hell but he loves some people and he elects them and choose them choose them to go to heaven now first off there are some people God hates the Bible talks about that a lot and so I'm not going to be someone who pretends that the Bible doesn't teach that there are people that have turned their back on God and we talked about it in earlier videos about reprobates children of the devil people that God does hate but the key to this passage though is understanding this is not talking about individuals it's not talking about Jacob and Esau individually it's talking about the nations that would come forth from them say well how do you know that well let me ask you a question when does the elder serve the younger when do you see Esau serving Jacob in the Bible you don't really see that you know Esau actually was very blessed financially as well he had a lot of money as well as to Jacob and you even see that Jacob gives him more when they meet and then Jacob asked for forgiveness you don't see Esau serving Jacob in the Bible but you know what you do see is that once they pass on you have Israel which Jacob was renamed to and then what does Bible call Esau over and over again calls them Eden and then you read books like the book of Obadiah and you see about the destruction of Eden and you see that Eden truly would serve Jacob so it's not looking at them as individuals but it's actually looking at them as nations so a couple things one the Calvinist says well you know Jacob have I loved Esau have I hated hey I don't have any problem with the Bible saying that God does hate some people because it does talk about people that he does hate but in this example it's not talking about them as individuals it's talking about them as countries as nations that would come forth and it's using that as an example and truly you know Esau that becomes Edom and Jacob becomes Israel the elder does serve the younger Eden becomes wicked and God's blessing is not upon them throughout the Bible you see that the Edomites are a bad people but what you don't see is Esau serving Jacob in this life so if the Calvinist looks at this and said well God does hate some people yeah I agree with that you know I talked about that in earlier videos and I know a lot of Baptists haven't figured that one out even though it's all throughout the Bible but that is not what it's talking about here so God's election here is not talking about well God just elect someone to go to heaven and elect someone to go to hell that's not what it's talking about it's talking about how Edom is going to serve Israel and Edom is going to be destroyed and Edom becomes wicked and God's blessing is upon Israel thank you and God bless