(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Cain Velasquez, a former UFC champion, has been charged with attempted murder for trying to kill a man accused of molesting one of his very young family members. At a hearing in San Jose, a judge denied bail for Velasquez, who's been charged with attempted murder, assault, and shooting at an occupied vehicle. Police say Velasquez tried to shoot Harry Galarte, who's been charged with molesting Velasquez's four-year-old relative at the daycare owned by Galarte's mother. We obviously do not advocate people taking the law into their own hands. However, this story does highlight why it is that the laws of God are better than the laws of man. In the Bible, God placed the death penalty upon these types of unnatural sins. Cain Velasquez simply did what every normal man would want to do to someone who molested one of their family members. This is an example of why our country would do well to adopt the laws of God. Jesus said it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea than that he should offend one of these little ones.