(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everyone This is ben here from the youtube channel ben the baptist and I wanted to record a quick video to make it clear that I stand with first works baptist church and pastor bruce mahia over in elmoni california apparently his church was fire bombed early this morning Sometime around 1 1 30 in the morning these filthy disgusting domestic terrorists Vandalized his church broke the windows out via an explosion. Pastor. Mahia is being Persecuted right now hardcore because he takes a biblical stand against the sodomites And it's interesting to me how the fake news media and the left love the claim that oh, it's bible believing christians and fundamentalists and these quote-unquote Extremists who are a plague in our society today and that they need to be put in check and they're responsible for inciting violence When you consistently see over and over and over again, whether it's black lives matter or antifa Or this situation right here that violence more often than not emanates from the left it emanates from these bunch of fag hags from these bunch of sodomite sympathizers From sodomites themselves from people who hate god the bible says in romans chapter one And even as they didn't like to retain god in their knowledge. God gave them over to a reprobate mind To do those things which are not convenient. And so this is typical of these kind of people because they have no conscience They're the biggest hypocrites in the world They'll sit there and claim. Oh love is love. All we do is love people. We just want to love everyone We just want to accept everyone but then they'll send you death threats But then they'll threaten to murder your family. Then they'll send you vile filthy emails and text messages and Youtube comments and facebook comments Against you because you actually you actually believe what the bible says and all they're doing is substantiating What scripture says about these beasts when they behave in this way and you know, moses asked the children of israel Who's on the lord's side? That's my question to Christianity out there who is on the lord's side. Where are the baptist preachers? Who are now going to stand up and say I support pastor mahia I stand against perverts and predators and god haters. I stand with the man of god. Where are they today? Why don't they stand up? Why don't they have the guts to say I support first works baptist church, you know, there are some Preachers who are part of a righteous remnant who are doing that right now, and I appreciate that but there ought to be some more and you know, these Churches these baptist churches in the almani california area. I want to see them get up and say I support pastor mahia I think every bible believing christian needs to make it clear where they stand. There's a war going on today right now There's a war going on over the truth There's a war going on for the innocent for the children of our society today these bunch of sodomites They want to indoctrinate children. They want to brainwash children I'm sure this youtube video will get taken down by youtube because it's okay for uh these god haters To put out a video Just you know defiling children with their filth. That's fine But I can't put a video out in support of pastor bruce mahia So I guess watch and share this while you can because i'm sure it's going to get nuked by big tech and by the leftists in control of big tech who despise free speech and don't want A marketplace of ideas because they know inherently that their ideas suck and that if there was a free marketplace Of ideas on youtube and facebook and twitter that their ideology would be debunked easily. All right They're cowardly. They're spineless And right now pastor mahia is involved in a battle who's gonna stand with him. That's my question For you guys out there who's gonna stand with pastor mahia? Who's gonna say I? Am on the side of the man of god I believe the bible today I believe what the word of god says about the sodomites. I believe what the word of god says about marriage I believe what the word of god says about every single hot button issue that is supposedly controversial With respect to the world, but you know what it ought not to be because america at one point used to propagate a scriptural view On this particular issue and other issues as well. It's society that's changed. Not us We as bible believing christians are standing on the word and I commend pastor mahia for taking a biblical stand I stand with pastor. I should say I commend Pastor mahia for preaching the bible and ripping face on this subject He is Facing the backlash of that right now, but you know what? If you're a member of his church If you're a member of his church To me I look at this and I think and I know it's hard It's probably hard to do this But I look at this and I rejoice if i'm if i'm a member if i'm a member of that church right now i'm rejoicing You just earned pastor mahia himself, of course also has earned So many rewards in heaven for what they're going through right now So it's fine, you know what go ahead, you know these bunch of uh, haters of god these reprobates they want to try and bully us and they want to make it appear as if they're winning and you know It seemingly Maybe might appear that way with the fact that they have the corporate media on their side They have pretty much every multinational corporation on they on their side. They have the political establishment on their side They have the devil on their side. Sure Seemingly they are winning right now, but their end is going to be hellfire And at the end of the day god's people Have already won by the way because the bible says and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith All right, so we've already won the war they might Appear or it might seem like they're winning right now But the reality is they're not and god's gonna avenge god's gonna make sure they get dealt with So all I want to say is this thank you pastor bruce mejia, thank you first works baptist church. I love you guys and uh My prayer is that you guys are able to get back up and running as soon as possible in that church building And that the people responsible for this face the wrath of god