(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 5th Avenue North on yesterday we had a historical thing to have in the city of Birmingham they call it historical you know made history and all that kind of stuff but I'm here this morning to talk about another history history to me yesterday was one of the most bizarre scenes I ever seen in this city one of the most comedic scenes I ever witnessed in public when I witnessed men with size 13, 14 shoes out there kissing each other in the mouth in front of the kids it was just bizarre it was like a freak scene going on that's what I call it now I know about the government and laws being made but I got a law this morning that came out in theses chapter 5 and verse 31 and it says shall a man leave his mother and father and join to his wife and they shall become white and to have your kids out there yesterday six seven years old holding flags the Bible said provoke not your children. Terriah, Terriah, Proverbs 22 and verse 6 7 train up a child in the right way he should go and when they get all he went apart I'm so delighted and honored that God would have me bold enough to stand here and talk about this issue well all the preachers was yesterday you know I mean the only time gonna make them come out of them doors when they stopped them tiling off and in your church you can't have men's day no more and you then women's day I bet you gonna have a sign your hand with brother Ed did you're gonna be standing from the White House did no y'all gotta leave us alone you know me but somebody should have stood up yesterday ain't it funny everybody got a right but the Christian so I'm here this morning to talk about my right cuz I got a right to I can barely say praise the Lord in public now I might go to jail I might threaten a lawsuit on the job you can't have a tell a person to have a blessed day ain't it sad y'all I got a text this morning gonna share which I'm getting on out here I got a text all the way watching DC and I'm gonna go and break the news y'all and y'all in the back of me also in two more years in 2016 February the night you only beta Mario button that you play football with no more you're gonna be a Mario doll you'll be a Mario cat you're gonna be a Mario snake you're gonna be a marry your rat your roaches somebody I've been with the roaches so long you might wear don't marry the rope you've been around your house so long you'll be to marry your broom your mop and we going crazy in this world y'all and we going crazy I know Alabama made a lot of money y'all say I know somebody else made a lot of money to do a sale they got no batteries on the shelf this morning all the batteries gone I tried to find a battery for my radio this morning couldn't find there no well I said what happened they said rip they bought all the batteries at night they celebrated some kind of way just bought all about what they do to better know everything I'm a preacher you know me I don't know what they did with all the batteries now mr. mad don't stop me in the hallway you and your security team and tell me I can't come here and talk like I talked because you got a political job to do I got a biblical job to do and I'm gonna do man and you do yours I'm gonna stay in my lane and you stay in your I ain't bought by nobody if I have to die doing I'm gonna do I'm just fine y'all remember Peter inside Paul inside what's on the job getting out here mister don't you push that button you remember Paul and Silas were thrown in jail you remember the three Hebrew boy were thrown in the fiery furnace you remember Daniel were thrown in the last day they didn't say when he saw if he saw if they said we know he gonna show up why are we scared today preachers your time everybody coming out the closet but the saints when we gonna come out the closet and all the gay people a short down and you'll see we got some down low people didn't show up someone down here