(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everyone, it's Ben here. I wanted to record a quick video just to put out an alarm or just a warning that you really need to just run away screaming in the other direction if you encounter a troll channel or just like some social media page that's just dedicated to attacking good people, good pastors, church members, the new IFB. These people typically are lowlife scum that run these social media accounts. They don't know the Bible. They don't know how to do anything other than just attack. And the Bible does tell us in 2 Timothy 3 that one of the attributes of a reprobate is that they're despisers of those that are good. I'm not saying everyone who hates the new IFB is unsaved reprobate or something. There's plenty of saved people, souls who hate on this movement because they're envious or some other petty reason. But there is a segment out there of people who are obsessive stalkers of the new IFB. And they'll put out video after video attacking it. And they do want to shut this thing down. They want the churches associated with the new IFB to cease to exist. And this is unfathomable to me because it's soul winning churches. I mean, there's thousands that get saved every year at new IFB churches. And so how could any child of God want these churches to shut down? It's because they're doing Satan's work. And the devil isn't gonna sit on his hands and do nothing as new IFB churches, Steadfast Baptist Church, Verity Baptist Church, Sure Foundation Baptist Church, Faithful Word and others, just go out and get multitudes saved and get people baptized and things like that. He's gonna respond in some way. And there's various ways that these churches get attacked. But one of them is these losers who just dedicate themselves to stalking, attacking, obsessively hating on the movement. And there's feeble minded people out there who sometimes even buy into their lies. So the best thing to do is when you encounter something like that, just realize, wow, this person's pathetic and a low life who runs this channel or Facebook page or whatever, social media account. Realize this is a person who wants new IFB churches to shut down. I've even heard one of them say in their own words that they wanna wind up and shut down, Steadfast Baptist Church, for example. This is just a pathetic person is what you need to say to yourself and just move on. Like I said, run screaming the other direction, don't pay any attention to it. And just realize that trolls will be trolls because they have nothing going for themselves. And it's a lot easier to attack, attack, attack, and tear down than it is to build people up and to actually do something constructive with your time and with your life. So be aware of troll channels that exist simply to attack us. They're bad people. They are scumbags. Go away, run away. That's all I have. See you guys later.