(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Yeah, great question. You want to learn a foreign language. I highly recommend learning a foreign language because it's so good for your brain, it'll help you understand English, helps you understand grammar, it'll just help you understand the world that we live in. It's just a great exercise for your mind to learn. And I'm a big foreign language guy, so it's a hobby of mine. It's not for everybody, but if you do want to learn a language, Nick is asking which one is the best one to learn to serve the Lord, as far as soul winning effectiveness or whatever. And the way I would personally rank them, I would say obviously Spanish is number one. And then I would say number two is French. Number three is Portuguese. Those would be the top three, in my opinion. For living in the United States, you're in the Western hemisphere, I would say Spanish, French, Portuguese are the most important languages to learn from an evangelistic point of view. What do you think? Well, I agree. And I think one of the reasons why, when you're thinking about a language, you have to think about what languages do people speak where they don't speak English. There's a lot of people that speak Spanish, and that's sufficient to live their life only speaking Spanish so they don't feel obligated to learn English. A lot of European languages or some other languages, they all also speak English, so you don't necessarily need as much utility learning one of those foreign languages. But French has Africa, Haiti, French Guyana, Canada, which obviously don't speak English, but it's spread quite a vast array of the continent, and a lot of French people I've met, soul winning, don't speak English, or they speak English at such a low level, I can't give them the gospel. But if you're just learning a language for a hobby, it's really difficult to do it. Because obviously, if you really enjoy it, but I'm just saying, I just want to learn it just for fun. You got to stay motivated. Yeah, if you don't have a real goal or you don't have something that's driving you or some kind of a use, it's very difficult, it's harder, it takes a lot of time. In Spanish, if you live in Texas, I mean, you're going to be coming across people that speak Spanish all the time, signs in Spanish, whether you're in Houston, even Oklahoma City. I mean, I've gotten a lot of people saved in Spanish, Oklahoma City, and so, I mean, I would put Spanish as the number one of anybody if you only speak English. Absolutely. And Spanish is the second most important language in the world, second only to English, no matter where you are in the world. It's just that big of a language. But you know what, you brought up the Bahamas. I believe that the greatest mission field that's right in our backyard is the Caribbean all day long. Like, it's, you know, yeah, let's go to Sierra Leone because, you know, the door's closing over there. We got to get in there before the Muslims ruin it. But I'm telling you, like, I want to emphasize missions in the Caribbean because it's close, it's cheap, it's super receptive, I mean, it's incredible. And there are so many islands that we haven't gone to yet, St. Lucia, Antigua, St. Vincent, that are going to be so receptive, awesome. And then I think Haiti would be awesome. But you know, you need French in Haiti, you need French in French Guyana, a couple other Caribbean islands where they speak French, Portuguese, you know, but Spanish is a no-brainer. And you got to, to learn a language, you really have to practice talking. Like I was learning Japanese just kind of for fun, just as an exercise. But now there's a guy in my church who speaks Japanese. And so we go soloing together and we'd speak Japanese the whole time, like between doors, we just are doing only Japanese. And so like, I would have quit Japanese a long time ago. The only reason I'm staying with it is because I got a guy at church to practice. So I guarantee you guys have Spanish to practice. So you, if you don't have somebody to practice, it's really hard. You got to have the service. So obviously you can do Spanish service, talk with the people in the church to speak Spanish. And I really reiterate the Caribbean thing. I've been to Jamaica and I've been to the Bahamas and not only are they cool destination spots, but man, the soloing, it's just, it's a completely different world. Like you just go there and both of those countries specifically are Christian. All the rest of them are too. Yeah. I mean, they, all the verses they're going to show you, they're King James only. They hate facts. I mean, it's like, but they have like no doctrine. They don't understand salvation. Yeah. But, but, but all of the Caribbean. Look at the stats on Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Vincent. You go down the stats and they're like, the demographic is the perfect demographic. It's like, it's basically, it's a lot of black people. It's a lot of Baptist, you know, they're, they're, they're Protestants, Baptist. They have like a Christian culture, but they don't really, they're not believers, but it's like they have that Christian culture and you know, they're, they're, they're usually poor countries. They're pretty poor. And so they're humble. Nice people. I mean, it's just, I'm telling you, it, if you look at the stats, it checks all the boxes for being a great mission field. And typically the plane tickets are pretty reasonable and you can check out the natural beauty of just, you know, the, the, you can, you know, check out the Palm trees and the oceans and yeah, it's fun. I remember seeing on either of those islands was in the airport and she was Canadian and she was not interested in the gospel. All the other people were really, I even got TSA saving at Jamaica, so.