(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Memorize I just want to set the Stage here for dr. Hyles to come and preach to us. So I'm gonna just throw a few points at you 65 of them all together 35 sub points three jokes and two tear-jerking illustrations and John chapter 4 verse 13 the Bible says Jesus answered and said unto her Thank You. Dr Ferris for having us here. It's an honor to be here. Jesus answered and said unto her Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again Let me stop and say there are people all over at Tampa and Pinellas Park and where you live That are doing their best to find something to satisfy, but nothing's working You've got the advantage on them. You've got the advantage. You've got something that'll satisfy Verse 14 but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst Bless God understand why independent Baptists don't shout about security to believe Cares maniacs will shout and carry on bless God save lost save lost save lost ain't in the Bible once saved always Saved Watch it now that I shall give him shall never thirst But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life Let's talk for a few moments about this subject why you should be a personal soul winner Why you should be a personal soul winner and let's pray now father help us tonight Holy Ghost of God breathe on us. I pray you walk up and down these aisles and go from chair to chair and person to person I pray we'd be climbing the walls wanting to find somebody tell them how to get saved before we get out of here I pray every one of us will set our life's mission to seeing that we just keep one more out of hell now father We're not going to win the world, but we can keep somebody out of hell and I pegged you tonight I plead with you tonight, please. I ask you to bless our preacher. Dr. Hyles as he preaches to us in a moment But father there's a purpose and a reason for me being here and I want to capture the moment for thee and so Holy Spirit Of God breathe, you know now what is needed tonight and those things I prepared to say that don't fit this crowd You just tell me the things I didn't plan to say that fit this crowd you tell me I let them have it Holy Spirit of God flow through me now help me to help them help me to push them help me to provoke them Please help me in Jesus name. We claim your presence. Amen May be seated. I don't know of anything that thrills me anymore Than to know that when someone tells me that something is found in the Bible by exhortation. That's wonderful That's great, but nothing thrills me anymore than to see example Exhortations wonderful, but example does something it kind of puts the period at the end of the sentence It kind of just Establishes that exclamation mark and when I think about soul winning I cannot help but think about our Savior Our Savior was a personal soul winner you and I tonight ought to be thrilled and glad and excited We ought to be shouting tonight because you and I are living in the day and time when personal soul winning was rediscovered by Dr. John rice, dr Jack Hyles and you and I have an opportunity to do something for God by keeping somebody out of hell Now this personal soul winning thing should not we shouldn't let it die We shouldn't just and I was thrilled when I saw the banner a while ago that talked about soul winning You know the average church in its doctrinal statement doesn't have one thing about soul winning in its doctrinal statement And and it ought to be because it's a doctrine now look at John chapter 4 if you would please and let's take a look At our Savior and I think a story that exemplifies this this matter of a personal example John chapter 4 verse 1 when therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John Though Jesus himself baptized not but a disciple Let me stop and say more things are really popping things are really happening people are getting saved people are getting baptized and it's beginning to worry the Pharisees and anytime you start getting people saved and baptized it always worries the Pharisee You see it's a matter of keeping people out of hell and baptize them and holding them under till they blubber You know and then if you hold on there long enough, they'll be glad to tithe when you bring them up, you know And so now they're beginning to things beginning to happen and boy This is exciting and now verse 3 Jesus going to take his staff with this revival going on He's gonna take them on a little journey and teach them a valuable lesson in verse 3 He left Judea and departed again in the Galilee now You know the story, you know how the Samaritan area was between Judea and Galilee You know how they used to bypass this Samaria because that's where all the half-breeds are but Jesus has taken his staff and is going to teach them a Valuable lesson about personal soul winning a lesson that has not been learned by many churches not been learned by many Christians and most preachers haven't even learned it and in verse 5 the Bible at verse 4 the Bible says and he must needs go through Samaria now circle the word must there isn't that an exciting word Jesus said I must needs go through Samaria What's he saying? I must needs go to the wrong side of the tracks I must needs go where the poor people are. I must needs go where the half-breeds are I must needs go where those people are that want to hear of the gospel now I wish you get a hold of that. I wish you get bit by that I wish you'd quit trying to find that banker that's gonna finance your ministry the rest of your life I wish you'd quit trying to find that millionaire that's going to drop one million dollars in your plate You'll never have to worry again about your budget boy Wouldn't it be nice if they were a God in heaven and wouldn't there be nice if that God told us how to do it? In his word Jesus said in Luke 14 called the poor and he hadn't changed his mind yet Look at verse 5 then cometh he to a city of Samaria Which is called Sychar near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph now Jacob's well was there Jesus therefore Being wearied with his journey sat thus on the well and it was about the sixth hour There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water Jesus saith unto her give me to drink for his disciples were gone away into the city to go to McDonald's to buy a big night fries and Diet coke and to get a happy meal hoping they get a race car in that happy meal You believe what you won't believe I believe what I want to believe And to buy me verse 9 then sayeth the woman of Samaria unto him How is it that thou being a Jew asketh drink of me? Which am a woman of Samaria for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans Let me ask you a question. Do you as a Christian have dealings with the Samaritans? Let me ask you a question to the people in your town Do they understand you want to have dealings with them to those people in town that are hurting? Understand there's one place in town bless God where somebody cares Oh, that's so important verse 10. Jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God Wow, what a statement if thou knewest the gift of God Hey, if they just knew the gift of God Hey, if somebody just introduced the gift of God I am convinced tonight that there are people out there if somebody would just Introduce the gift of God you could see somebody say, you know why you're not seeing anybody saved. You ain't talking to nobody Hey you listen to me tonight You're not gonna get you just go out there and spend your tires burn a bunch of gas going around town You're gonna get nobody saved the bless God you'll corner some people start talking to people you'll find somebody that wants to get saved and So if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that sayeth of thee Give me to drink thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee Living water Wow verse 11 the woman saith unto him, sir Thou has nothing to draw with and the well is deep from which then has thou that living water Hadn't caught on yet verse 12 art thou greater than our father Jacob Which gave us the well and drank there of himself and his children and his cattle Jesus answered and said unto her Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again He said this water that you're concentrating on here is not what I'm talking about I'm not talking about that water verse 14, but whosoever thank God it says whosoever But whosoever drink of of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into Everlasting life the water the woman saith unto him, sir Give me this water that I thirst not neither come hither to draw She said man Wouldn't that be something if I get that water and have that in me and wouldn't have to come back here as big old water Pot and come back here and get that water. Wouldn't that be something? All but my Jesus must do something here and I want you evangelicals to listen Well, I want you folks who are liberals to listen. Well, I want you fence straddlers tonight on this matter of fundamentalism Listen, well, I want those of you tonight who criticize old-fashioned fundamental hail fire damnation Premillennial temperamental Baptist preachers. I want you to watch what our Savior did watch it watch it buckle your seatbelt Evangelical look what happened here. She hadn't caught on yet So Jesus must do something unless sin becomes sin grace cannot become grace So in verse 16, the Bible says Jesus saith unto her go call the husband Lord if you don't mind she's a visitor Lord if you don't mind she may have some money Lord if you don't mind if you could just kind of tiptoe up on this one Now Lord What I can just hear you now if you were a member of this church the first Baptist Church of Jerusalem You'd be sitting there and you'd be saying I wish he wouldn't do that Have you ever bought a Catholic to church and hope the preacher doesn't call the Pope the vicar of hell, you know You ever bring some guy to church got a fag tag on the back of his head Hope the preacher doesn't just just can't even find in there about a shame for a man to have long hair Hey, did you ever bring somebody with a man with the earring in his ear and just pray to God the preacher doesn't spot it But wait a minute, there's a secret here There's a key here and those of you don't like old John Rice playing preaching and Jack House playing preaching You get a hold of this truth tonight bless God. Somebody's got to stand up and call it like an air I know dead sure. You ain't gonna do it Jesus saith unto her go call the husband. Now. Do you think the Lord knew she didn't have a husband? He's the Lord in me call the husband. Oh, I wonder what the staff thought then and and come hither He said I want you to call him. I want you to bring him Have him show up Look at verse 17. The woman answered and said I have no husband You think the Lord knew it Jesus saying that her thou hast well said I have no husband. Oh About the time you get mad because that preacher starts preaching about drinking liquor and and all these things that you call hobby Horses and in that cute little phrase that you picked up somewhere He said well it only says once in the Bible about a man's shame for a man to have long hair If you'd had the right kind of daddy, you'd understand the importance of saying something once Thank God for an old-fashioned hillbilly, Arkansas daddy Bless God, oh, so Arkansas daddy spoke once that's all look at it. Watch it carefully Jesus and the herd thou hast well said I have no husband verse 18 for thou hast had five It Was bad enough that you pour it out she didn't have a husband but now you tell her she'd been shacked up with five of Lord please this is a Sunday morning message. Can't you tone it down a little bit? He said you've had five us I Got hung up on this in the church. You were in the meeting. I did not know I just got hung up I'd stayed on this point right here for about 30 minutes He was there he was sitting there I didn't know why I was doing it and and and after the service I found out why Because I had anyway, it's a long story verse 8 for thou hast had five Husbands and he whom thou now has oh No Is not that husband? She ain't got one she's had five now she got another one and he ain't even married to her Lord you have to do it this hard in that saidest thou truly the woman sayeth unto him sir, I Perceive the tower to profit Hey, you remember when you came to church that preacher called he called your name practically He gave your zip code area code blood type and draft status And you were sitting out there saying who told me? Who told him he said thou art a prophet and watch it now She's gonna shift to religion here Our fathers worship in this mountain and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship Jesus said to her woman believe me Not the religion believe me. Oh It's trying to get religion. Hey, if you're depending on your religion and get you to heaven tonight, you're headed straight for hell boy Believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain or yet at Jerusalem worship the Father Ye worship ye know not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth For the Father seeketh such to worship him God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth the woman saith unto him I know that Messiah cometh which is called Christ when he has come he will tell us all things Jesus saying to her I that speak unto thee am he and he is and upon this came as disciples watch it now and Marvel that he talked with the woman Here came the staff and they said What are you doing talking to her Let me ask you a question church member Do you question why your preacher talks to the offscouring of the world? Do you you question why you run the buses on the black side of town or the Mexican side of town or the poor side? Of town are you sitting here as a staff member tonight? Marveling that this fundamental church would chase the people that the change gently my dear friend tonight Why don't you stand up and cheer a church that's going after Center? Marvel Marvel that he talked with a woman yet. No man said What seekest thou bunch of cards they were thinking it just like some of you are thinking some things right now Just like when your preacher preaches certain things you are thinking certain things, but you ain't got guts enough to say it and They said what seekest thou hey watch it watch it. That's what the average and said what value is this in for us? Listen it's not what you get out of them. It's what you give to them that makes the difference What seekest thou look at it or why talkest thou with her for what purpose? Are you talking with her for what purpose are you conversing with her? No thought at all of soul winning no thought at all of keeping her out of hell No thought at all that she'd burn in hell, but they were thinking well Why are you talking to her of what value is she to us? We hadn't been along for six weeks We're driving down the road and there's this woman hitchhiking down the road my wife and I pulled over picked up and got in the Backseat and we started taking her to her destination I began to witness to her pulled up in front of the place where she was gonna get out It was a motel and she started to get out and I had to be in the witness to her Yeah, and then after about 15 minutes, she bowed her head prayed and got saved my wife and I shouting boy This is great And I looked at her and said look I want you to come to church with me on Sunday now and she looked at me Said no, you don't want me to come to your church. I said, yeah, we do want you to come to our church No, you don't want me to come to your church I said we want you to come to our church. You don't want me in your church I said we want you in your church. She said you're not listening to me I said I'm listening and I want you to come to church You don't know what I do for a living don't care what you do for a living I want you to come to church on Sunday. You're not listening to me reverend You don't know what I do friend don't care what you do for a living. I want you to come to church preacher Listen, well, I'm a street walker Now I said no you listen. Well, you're an ex street walker Amen My wife and I picked up broader church next Sunday walked her down out hallelujah made a public profession of faith We baptized her. Amen, and then the chowman of the deacons Came to me and said Brother gray, did you know that fifth woman that you baptized this morning? Did you know she's a prostitute? And I said, yeah, how did you know? And if you knew why didn't you tell her how to get say come on help me now I later found out why he knew verse 28 The woman then left her water pot and went her way into the city and sayeth to the men Come see a man which told me all things and ever I did is not this the Christ Dr. Rice said she exaggerated. He didn't tell her all things that she exaggerated but that was okay. She was a woman and That's what dr. Rice said verse 30 Then they went out of the city and came unto him and the meanwhile his disciples prayed him saying We've got a Big Mac fries and a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal for you to eat And he said unto them I have me to eat That you dummies don't know anything about Verse 33 therefore said the disciples one to another did someone get here ahead of us and bring him a Happy Meal Wait, did have any man brought him all to eat who got here first Who got some meat here for how come he's how come he's filled Hadn't caught on yet just like some of you haven't caught on yet And just like why you don't understand the guy next to you shouts on Sunday while you're sleeping on Sunday And just like when you slip out to the nursery when they're baptizing the converts Well, you you got it. You got to get to Wyatt's cafeteria. You've got to go fill your belly You don't understand what's going on down here, man. It'll be exciting. See people get saved. Oh God send us a soul winning pastor and then you get one and then grumble. Come on. Help me now Oh Verse 34 then saith unto them my needs to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work Say not ye there yet for months and then cometh harvest behold. I say unto you lift up your eyes And look on the fields for they're white already to harvest. Don't ever tell me the Lord doesn't have a sense of humor Don't ever tell me that this woman goes to town. She starts witness all these men If that one skinny was tall once ten once and now I've got these white durbins on and She's bringing them all to the Lord. They're topping the hill. Those durbins are bouncing up and down like yet coming across And the Lord said lift up your eyes The fields are white already on the harvest. Look at those cotton balls bouncing across that hill boy verse 36 and he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathers fruit unto the life eternal that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice Together and herein is that saying true one soul with another reapeth? I send you to reap that wherein ye bestowed no labor other men labored and you're entered into their labors now Why should you be a personal soul when I get you been out write it down number one Let me tell you why because Jesus saved sinners Boy, don't miss this because Jesus Understand it now because Jesus saves sinners this thing on Because Jesus saves sinners now, let me explain to you what the problem is Here's the problem the problem is you tell me how long it's been since you've seen somebody get saved and I'll tell you whether you really believe people are Getting saved if the last time that you saw it happens when you got saved and that was 35 years ago No wonder you sit in the pews and wonder if everybody walked. Are they really getting saved? I'm telling you tonight You show me the closest distance of point between the time that you last saw somebody say and I'll show you whether you're shouting or Not and I'll show you how much you got in shout The reason you sit there and you don't believe these people are really getting saved because it's been so long since you've seen some present body Personally get saved. You don't believe it's really happening That's God I'm telling you it's a greatest this is better peanut butter boy I mean seeing people get born again sitting on the second row of our church is a is a dear couple the guy one of our soul winners went out wrapped on the apartment door when they did the door came ajar and walked in this Guy was beating a snot out of his wife The guy ran over and pulled the guy off man Everybody was drunk carrying on and the police just pulled up No sergeant got out and walked up and they called him and he got him what walked in the room. Hey, what's going on? He said, who are you? He said I'm from Longview Baptist Temple. He said well, what are you doing here? So I'm trying to get this old boy off his wife, but I'd like to get him saved sergeant sergeant said you got five minutes That's all you got. He stepped outside shut the door Well, somebody say amen Hey, so when I got down there led that old boy to Christ God Hey, by the way, they locked him up threw him in jail and should have he got the wife Say it got the little boy said hey, that's been over a year ago. Hey the boys in church now He's back with his wife now and his boy sits on the front row smiling and grin. Hey, when's the last time you saw somebody say Hey, I'm telling you tonight Jimmy. Why should you be a personal soldier because Jesus actually saved sinners I mean he actually saved sinners. I mean he actually keeps people out of hell I mean actually people do get saved. I mean they really do get born again I mean they really do get their names written down the Lamb's Book of Life. I mean God really does save sinners Question when's the last time you saw it? When's the last time you saw it, I mean when's the last time you were personally involved When's the last time I'm telling you listen if it's been a long time no wonder you don't say man No wonder you don't shout no wonder against the buses No wonder against the budget trying to raise money to keep people out of here Hey check out the gripe guts You know, I believe in peer pressure The world does it Bless God, I believe in it. I believe in peer pressure Sometimes on a Sunday morning middle of a sermon I'll say everybody that loves the preacher stand quick If you're for the preacher stand quick boy, there's people all over that all today, but there's always one old buzzard in the back And he looks and sees them standing up you go well, okay. All right He's really for me. I just want him to know how many are for me I Will tell you something You better keep seeing people personally trust Christ the Savior because that's what's going to keep the joy bells ringing in your heart And that's what's going to keep you excited about what's going on and that'll cause you to keep sitting down front and that'll cause you to Get back on your bus route. Listen, how when's the last time you saw somebody say Why should you be a personal solar Because Jesus saved centers, you know what you do you sit in the back of the auditorium you watching these people walk the aisles You back there picking your teeth Getting the bacon out You're an observer And you see a lady walk down I said, ah Gertrude she don't mean it Yeah, yeah, she's not crying She's crying she'd mean it brother bird. Yeah, look at that kid. That's a fifth time. He's been down there Yeah, they baptized him 35 times You Know why you don't believe any of this going on because it's been so long since you've seen somebody say you don't believe anybody getting saved and By the way, that's why you begin to question your own salvation, too That's the reason you begin to doubt whether you're even saved or not You rehearse it enough to enough people and you'll know that you're born again Why should you be a personal soul winner because Jesus saved sinners I went by Thursday night Old Bobby Nichols was standing out front. He'd worked on a roof with two of our young converts In fact, one of the fellas I just told the story about was working with this guy Well, I pulled up about oh about nine o'clock We'd had a few people saved and this guy come running out of apartment. Hey preacher. We got one cornered, but we can't nab him. I Said well bring him over here They brought old Bobby Nichols over there long-haired hippie thing, you know and brought him over there and old Bobby come over I said, hey Bobby, how you doing, buddy? He said doing fine preacher doing fine except these old boys are telling me I'm going to hell And he looked at me and he said I gotta tell you preacher. I don't want to go to hell He said they got me scared. I ain't getting back up on that roof tomorrow. I thought I'd break my neck I'm going to hell. I don't want to go to hell preacher By the way, when but a few minutes old Bobby bowed his head and prayed and divided Jesus Hey, guess what? He said hey go get my mama Go get my mama go get my mama I Went over got old Sharon and told her how to get saved mama got saved Went by to pick him up on Sunday morning. I didn't recognize Bobby I walked in there and I didn't say nothing about long hippie greasy fag tag hair I didn't say nothing to him about it. That was coming on Sunday morning So I went by victim and he had a haircut Tapered haircut. He had a tie on a white shirt and a pair a pair of suit pants and I said, is that you Bobby? He said yes, I figure it was good enough for the inside think good enough for the outside, too Hey, you don't believe stories like that You know why because it's been so long since you've seen somebody get saved. You don't believe it anymore. Oh Yeah, oh yeah number two well we're making progress Why should you be a personal soul winner number two because Jesus keeps saved sinners say? Why should you be a personal solar because Jesus keeps saved sinners say? Man that's exciting. Hey, think about that. Think about them. You lead somebody to Christ think about that for a minute Think about that for a minute. They're saved forever Think about that for a minute. I mean their names written down the Lamb's Book of Life I mean it written down in pencil. There's no eraser on the other end of that thing. Oopsie. Goof boy That'd been the case. It'd be a hole where my name is Hey, I mean to tell you tonight listen, I'm telling you Jesus keeps save sinners say that's why you ought to be a personal Ephesians 1 13 and 14 says we're sealed until the day of redemption You only think about ceiling anything. Yeah, your mom ever put up any preserves you ever seal those preserves You ever seen her do it you ever see her then put it up in the cupboard, huh? And then boy one day maybe in the winter time she says, you know what? Let's go get some of those preserves and she'll go over there She'll open that door and she reach in and get that jar out She'll take it pop that lid and take that seal off and then everybody start digging in those preserves Hey, I want you to know when I got born again in February 1957 the Holy Ghost of God sealed my soul I want you to know he sealed me and I want you to know one of these days the Father's gonna say to the son Now it's time to go There'll be a shout and a trumpet sound and Jesus gonna reach down and open up that cupboard reach in and get that jar Me raise it tap that thing open it up and the seals coming off I'm saying why should you be a personal soul winner because Jesus keeps saved sinners saved number three We got to hurry. Why should you be a personal sower number three because Jesus answers soul winners prayers Why should you be a personal soul winner get mad now get mad blow up like a toad frog See every other sermon so winning all that preacher talks about is so winning. That's all right Come on, get mad about it. Now get puffed up about it. Now. Well, I'm gonna go down to John MacArthur Church Why get some deep teaching? I'm gonna find me a fundamental church in town It teaches all the types and and I'm gonna find me a church like that in town so I can I can be fat Know what you need a you Baptist need somebody with a two-by-four to smack you upside the head Get your stinking attention to put you out there keeping people out of hell somebody say amen But why should you be a personal sower don't get mad when he pushes on this matter of soul winning Can I tell you why because there's gonna come a time in your life when you're gonna need John 15 16 Take your Bibles and turn to it, please. I know you know the verse I know you know the verse but I think sometimes it would help just to just to look would you just look at it? Would you feast your eyes on it? Please look at it John 15 16 You have not chosen me But I've chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain watch it now That whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name. He may give it you Wait a minute, this may be the only contact that you have this may be the only avenue that you have There are many doors in prayer But this may be one that you'll need to get a don't get mad at the preacher when he pushes on this matter of solely Because someday your grandson is gonna have some problems someday Your wife's gonna be laying with a bed a deathbed someday You're gonna have to find a way to come to God and say God. I'm not the best Christian in this church I'm not the best Christian this church, but God, you know, I've been faithful and trying to keep people out of hell Oh God, I've got to have your help. Oh God, you've got to help me. I Was in my canes church preaching on a Monday night in a fundamentalist conference The phone rang it was my son my wife's had 18 major surgeries in 14 years They were going to do a surgery on her left foot just exactly like the right foot the doctor said it'll be okay Everything's the same But one week after the surgery brother bird, we don't know what went wrong Well, my wife's temperature shot up to 105 106 and she was delirious Doctor here you'd said we got to get her to the hospital. They rushed her to the hospital My son called said daddy you got to come home Mama's not doing well. I Told brother Haynes. I said I've got to go and I caught a plane I flew back And I walked into that Hospital room and I saw my wife just completely out of it And I walked over And she didn't recognize anybody And I said to the doctor What is it? He said it's a staph infection a post-op staph infection He said I don't want to tell you but he said to me he said If you can get a hold of God, you better get a hold of him Reverend Because he said there's not a specialist We've got a young doctor who's just getting involved in this he said, but there's not a specialist around That can help her Now you listen to me, dr. Sawyer came in god bless him that young doctor he said I'm just getting into this field He said it's it's new to me. But net encouraging, huh? He said this is new to me He said but I'll make phone calls. We'll do what we got to do. We've got to do something You listen to me. I'm not the best Christian I'm not But I got a hold of John 15 16 And I went downstairs and walked the hallways said Oh God please Hear my prayer. Oh God, please hear my prayer Two days later the doctor walked in. Dr. Sawyer. He said I took a guess at it It's a thousand, but I took a guess at it. He said if the fever breaks tonight, we're okay We stayed up all night and I want you to know the fever broke And I want you to know Listen to me. The doctor said he doesn't believe in God, but he said it was a divine intervention that spared your wife's life Hey, listen, one of these days you're gonna need John 15 16 I'm saying it don't get mad Don't get mad when this good pastor gets up and kicks you in the rear and pushes you and makes you go So don't you get mad at him? Don't you get upset at him? Hey, there may be a day you'll need God Hey, you may need God Why Should you be a personal soul winner we got to hurry because Jesus promised protection for soul winners You read Mark chapter 16 talks about drinking pores and hand the snake son that ain't talking about But you talk about you handling snakes to prove you got power What that's saying and there's so few people going so and he said I'll tell you something He said there's so few people about to keep people out of hell. I'll protect you while you go You know who's got the best track record in the world on safety. Can I tell you something your factory? Where you work can't even go 30 days without an injury Our church is 33 years old We had 800 man-hours out in the streets last Saturday Listen 33 years our church have been chasing sinners 33 years. We've been chasing sinners and listen to me. I'm telling you tonight We've not had one assault not one rape not one robbery I'm telling you tonight the best safety record in this town is the work of soul Now He didn't promise if you'd go visiting that something wouldn't happen Well, we did it one time and and I got hit Well, that's cause you was out visiting if you get out to keep people out of hell. God will protect you I'll say brother gray. I'm a lady And on Thursday night, it gets dark out there And I'm liable to get out there and somebody snatched me. Yeah, they get you under a light. They'll send you home I Say to you quickly, why should you be a personal soul winner we got to hurry because Jesus promised perpetuity to your church Why should you be a personal soul winner because Jesus promised perpetuity your church? No, that's not a gland. It's a doctor Perpetuity say preacher. What's that mean? Hey, I'll tell you what it means. It means your church will keep on going and keep on going It'll pass up that little rabbit I mean just keep on going and keep on going and keep on going and keep ahead Don't tell me you love your church and your preacher if you're not going to keep people out of hell There's got to protect you got to protect you we got to hurry last point tonight. Why should you be a personal soul winner? Because of Jesus last request 1919 January my daddy went to heaven My Daddy told the nurse I had the care in the house and told the nurse that don't come on Friday Because I want to spend that time with my wife I'm going home on Friday My mother said she said I thought it was kind of strange I that morning the nurse didn't come So Went in fed your daddy breakfast and had an oxygen mask on and he reached up took the oxygen mask off and said come here Mary I want to Talk to you for a minute Said I want you to know I love you Not been the best husband, but I I love you said I'm tired I'm going home My mother said to me. She said yeah, I thought he was out of his head Said no pair you are home. No, no No, it's not home I'm going home My mother said it took about five minutes before it dawned on her what he was saying He said come here Mary. She leaned over and he whispered in her ear and told her two things. He wanted to do Made her promise she'd do them Then my daddy breathed his last breath and went to heaven My mama called me and she told me what daddy had said and I'll never forget with the passion Pathos in her voice what she said to me over the phone and I'm gonna do it And I'm gonna do it My mom was 83 years of age if she called me tonight said son I'm going to heaven But there's one thing I'd like for you to do. Will you promise me you'll do it? I'll promise you I'd sell everything I had Go anywhere I had to go do anything I'd have to do Because I love my mom But wait a minute, let me tell you about my Savior Who left the glories of heaven Come down to the glories of earth Let me tell you about my Savior Who was applauded in heaven and appalled on earth Let Me tell you about my Savior Tonight he's asked you to do something for him God's dear name Let's go keep somebody out of hell No, you're not gonna win the world tonight, but I'll tell you what you can do you keep somebody out of hell We've got we got all cat we got the poorest church ever saw in your life And I love it I Love it. You know why because God God said You ain't got no money You keep bringing them all those rack them up and kids you're crazy You're crazy and all those poor people you're crazy yet nuts. You can't keep that up. You can't finance a church like that. I I Said Jesus you told me to You told me to call the poor Yeah, but don't you know that ain't gonna work. Don't you know that haven't you got any sense? Come here Gabriel This guy's crazy. He really believes what I told him. Yeah, don't you know that it won't work You said it would I Got a guy in my church by the name of Willie. I got several Willys I Got one I call silly Willie You know why he ain't all there. I Let him to Christ seven years ago an old silly Willie He don't have two oars in his boat. He only got one or And it just keeps going in circles God bless him his elevator stuck between the fifth and seventh floor. We haven't figured out where yet But I love old said Oh silly Willie every Sunday afternoon. You just see him out there vacuum that hallway He's there all never misses never misses and silly Willie he's fun. I like silly Willie And I said to Willie sometime when somebody gets bent out of shape. I'll say during a handshaking time I said go back here and shake at that dear brother saying I said he loves you Willie When they look at me and say he would me I said he loves you go back here and shake you think now watch him Handshake this snob, you know, and he'll go back here and he'll hug that guy's next day. I wove you One day we had a guy in our church had got some money. He decided to put a little pressure on me I don't mind the pressure. I did sure love the money and But I put some pressure on he got kind of snobbish and bent out of shape So I said well, I said, you know brother so-and-so. Yeah, but I know him I said he loves you He said Peter. He loved me. I said he loves you. I said going back there and hug his neck No, Willie He started going back through that crowd at hand shaking time got back and he hugged That guy and then when he quit hugging him, he went over and kissed him and Then he come back and I said what'd you do that for he didn't figure he not only love me he got money Willie ain't as dumb as he looks But God's blessing our church not because of the snobbish guy that's got the money doesn't come half the time that dips snuff spits on the front porch It's because of Willie I Got to have thirty three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars every week You know why I get it called the titty-witty Because God looks down from heaven and says look at that old gray. He's still chasing those sinners And because of that God honors it Why should you be a personal soul winner? If you haven't figured it by now, you better stay for the rest of the conference. There you go You