(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Meanwhile, a Baptist pastor in Sacramento, California, who praised, yes, you heard me right, praised the Orlando terror attacks, is doubling down on his controversial statements. This morning after the mass, or the morning, rather, after the massacre, Roger Jimenez argued that Orlando is safer because gay people were killed. Here's what he said in his sermon. As Christians, we shouldn't be sitting there and say like, whoa, that's a tragedy, or whoa, that's a bad thing, or we're upset, or we're mourning, or we're, you know, something needs to be done about this. As Christians, we shouldn't be mourning death of these 50 sodomites, you say, well, why is that? Here's why that is. Because the Bible teaches, the Bible teaches that these sodomites are all, every single one of them, a predator. What if you ask me, hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? No, I think that's great. I think that helps society. You know, I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight. Now that 50, you know, the tragedy is that more of them than die. Jimenez spoke to our Sacramento CBS affiliate last night, and he stood by his statements condemning the gay community. I believe all of these homosexuals are pedophiles, and the Bible, see, our culture and our society puts them in these categories, gay, lesbian, whatever, but that's not found in scripture. And I understand the world doesn't want to accept that, that's fine. I'm just saying, as a Christian, the Bible puts people in two categories, normal, natural, unnatural. The original sermon was posted online by the Verity Baptist Church. YouTube has removed the video as a violation of the site's policy against hate speech.