(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) As conservative groups fought for a legislative solution known as Proposition 6, the Sodomites were emboldened to fight against it. This piece of legislation would protect children from sodomite indoctrination in schools. This proposition is a referendum statewide on the rights of parents to determine who will be a proper role model for their children in the California classrooms. But what it does do is give school boards new authority to remove from the classroom a teacher who is pushing homosexuality to the point that the school board believes they could go to court and make it hold up in court, that that teacher was misusing his classroom as a forum. The homosexuals defeated the proposition thanks to the influence of Harvey Milk, the first sodomite elected official. In addition to campaigning at live events, Milk was all over television. His end goal wasn't just political, it was to ensure that as many sodomites were out and proud as possible.