(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Are aliens in the Bible? Earlier this year, Navy pilots disclosed a reported scene, unidentified aerial phenomenon, and even captured them on camera and disclosed it for all the public to see. This has caused Christians to wonder whether aliens are real and did God create them? And of course, the short answer would be no, since the Bible teaches that all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. When you study the Genesis account, aliens are obviously not included in that. Not only that, but if you believe aliens are living beings, you would have a problem since the Bible says the Eve is the mother of all living. But Christians who believe in aliens actually propose that they are demons in disguise. They'll often use Ezekiel chapter 1 as their proof text, where Ezekiel sees the cherubims on the likeness of wheels. The problem with this is that what people are viewing today are actually physical objects that are caught on camera, whereas what Ezekiel saw was a vision of a spiritual being that was permissible by God. So what are people seeing today? Well, number one, they're either delusional or it's the government working on advanced technology. I lean towards the latter.