(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) They are immersed into that baptismal pool and then as they come out of the pool they're anointed with oil. So that's kind of like that sign of that's kind of like that moment where they get saved you might say. Well that is it's like it's like the moment that brings it to completion. Ultimately we don't know who is going to be in heaven and who is not going to be heaven. What we can do and what we're told as Muslims is to be good and do good. What is a Mormon perspective of salvation? What is that step that somebody needs to take to kind of enter into God's presence from a Solific standpoint? Baptizing them and it were commanded to be baptized. Baptism is a sacrament that allows us to enter his faith and then there comes the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. Through these rituals of initiation water baptism anointing being sealed with the Spirit. So to kind of gain gain at a spot in the world to come you need to live a good life kind of be an overall good person in the sense of keeping the commandments of God and following him. It goes according to our actions so if a person wants to sort of get paid he has to do the work. Not to curse your creator, not to murder, not to steal, not to eat any limb or part of a limb that came off an animal while it was still alive. So baptism is kind of at that moment of where salvation comes to like a completion I take it. Well it's the it's the entry that's the way you enter in and and then we have to keep going on. What are some of the determining factors when somebody stands before God? What are some of the determining factors that God would look at to let them in? Sure well I mentioned one of them there. Did we feed the hungry? Did we clothe the naked? Did we welcome the stranger? Did we visit the one in prison? Throughout scripture talks about our deeds, our deeds matter. In Islam we have some principles for a person worthy of entering into paradise. Every good deed has a weight, has a reward and we believe in that. We actually believe there are scales. We don't know the description of the scales we see scales in this world but what? Skills can be even electronically, you know technology. So how would you scale the actions of a believer, men and women? So every good deed has a weight. So so by keeping those laws as a Gentile that kind of guarantees their spot in the world to come. Correct. Once you've entered in by baptism is it done? No it's not done. You have to press forward and endure to the end. That's one way but it's not the only way. The other step is anointing and it's like an immersion into the mystery of the Spirit. Keep on the path you know keep going. Did they feed the hungry? Did they clothe the naked? Did they give drink to the thirsty? Did they visit the sick? It's not Jewish only has to follow the seven Noahide laws and then we have to keep going on. Through these rituals of initiation every good deed has a weight. Water baptism, anointing. If a person wants to get paid he has to do the work. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life we preach this the other night no man cometh unto the Father but by me friends can I tell you something there's only one way to heaven but mankind believes this yes Jesus of course you must accept Jesus but you have to do this as well they add on to it that's what a false gospel does is it takes it a pristine gospel it takes a pure gospel and adds to it with mankind things one of the most dangerous things out there see a false gospel plus obedience think of this faith plus obedience if you obey God then he will forgive you and bless you and maybe save you someday if you will obey if you are walking in obedience maybe you'll be saved someday the Bible tells us in Ephesians 2 8 & 9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works less than he mentioned both works are no part of salvation and again people hear it over and over and over they are inoculated and they see the hypocrisy of false religions out there who worship of Jesus who will not save unless there's works attached that is not the Jesus Christ of the Bible it's not the Jesus Christ of salvation it's not the Jesus Christ the Son of God that came and died for our sins that's a false Christ that's it that's a Christ that will not save amen many people believe by gaining heaven of good works is the best way to go I can gain heaven if I do so many good works I can gain heaven if I give enough money I can gain in heaven if I build a big enough temple I can big gain heaven if I do so much Jesus says your works are still be rags for you you