(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Believe white people came for primates. Okay, but not those not not not black people I believe black people are from God. Okay, and the primates came from the white people That's why they they similarities are like when you shave a monkey all the way ball But how they walk Okay, that's upon the time white people walked out on all fours and even have to tell you know what I'm saying? So, yeah, I believe I believe like the black man like black beans are from God so recently my friend Shane and I were out filming some videos in the public and We decided to get some people's opinions about where we came from how life started whether God was real or not and whether the Bible should be taught in public schools or not and During our interactions. We actually ran across a gentleman that had the opinion that white people descended from primates and That black people are from God and I thought this was very interesting because it shows that Evolution is a racist ideology if you're saying that white people Descended from monkeys and from primates and fish, but the people of darker shades of skin were created by God that is Racism by definition and so if evolution by natural selection happened and we descended from primates out of Africa And those people were Africans that we descended from and we are constantly evolving and becoming better as Mutations as beneficial mutations get selected and make better populations Then you are by definition saying that all people that are Africans are Inferior to people of lighter shades of skin Because we have evolved further if evolution is true So racist, so I don't blame this guy for feeling this way if he really believes that evolution is a plausible explanation of origins I just think it's the logical conclusion that people come to So it's clear that Darwinian evolution is in fact racist and people that believe in it. They may not know it They may not understand it, but they are buying into a racist false Religion and yes, it is false because mutations make information worse They're what cause cancer down syndrome autism. I can go down the line with biological problems that are caused by Mutations, but according to Darwinism Mutations got added to populations those populations evolved into what we are You're not going to get enough beneficial mutations to outweigh all of the deleterious Mutations that get added in and cause extinction of these populations that are supposedly evolving so Darwinian evolution is false. And you know, I Guess I kind of feel bad for fellows like this because they're very misinformed Created us all right. Yeah from the ground up. Yeah, but then he left it to us To evolution on but do you believe that we came from primates? Or do you believe that he just created man in that day you want you want me to be I Believe white people came for primates. Okay, but not those not black people Yeah, this is pretty comical. But I mean That's the conclusion you get if you think that evolutionism is true and that creation science is false You're gonna come to wild conclusions It's much easier to admit that yes God created this planet and that we were designed out of the dust of the ground and God formed us and we all descended from The same two people now people make fun of us as Christians for believing that two people conceived all of the human population But yet they believe all the human population descended from fish descended from rocks Descended from primates Curious George type creatures. I mean give me a break It's unbelievable What certain people will believe to remain an unbelief of fact and of science? It's just blatantly in our faces and we need to accept it and we need to promote God's Word to people so that we can decrease racism in America. This is the answer for racism Jesus Christ the way the truth in the life the Lord God of the Bible that tells us that we all came from two ancestors and that we all share the same DNA and That Jesus loved us and died for us on an old rugged cross That's the message that needs to be shared with people this Darwinian evolution nonsense that was invented by a racist Darwin is false White people walk down on all fours and had a tail Give me a break, but that is what evolution teaches about early man that mankind at one point was monkeys right that we were primates and That we slowly evolved out of Africa through mutations. It makes sense that this gentleman would feel this way because If evolution is true And if Darwinism took place this theory that many people choose to believe in Then that would mean that we are slowly becoming better and it can be hard to tell Even in evolution what evolved into what or what? Descended from what I mean you have a lot of unanswered questions in Darwinism the Bible and Basic science shows us that everything descended from whatever family It's in right so if you have a cat It's going to create cats if you have a dog it's gonna create dogs if you have humans They're gonna create more humans and by the way that means we all descended from two people We didn't descend from fish we didn't descend from mr.. Limpet. We didn't descend from Curious George. That's fiction It's a fairy tale. It's not reality. We didn't come from animals We were created by God, and we descended from two people Adam and Eve They were real people that actually existed and you can verify this using Y chromosome mutation rates Mitochondrial mutation rates and you can look and see how in the recent past we descended from two people God said pollution into play, but you need creation because they've completely taken out creation out of School because they say that you know that everything happened through like a big bang