(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here from Verity Baptist Manila and in this video I wanted to just give you four quick reasons why Calvinists are not saved. Now when I say Calvinists are not saved I'm talking about these people that are five point Calvinists that believe all of their points. I understand there are some people that are confused and maybe they are saved but they don't necessarily understand quite what they believe or they're a little bit confused by false teachers. But people that are five point Calvinists, the John MacArthur's, the James White, people like this, these people are not saved and I'm going to give you four clear reasons why. One reason why that they're not saved is because they believe in lordship salvation. Lordship salvation. What does lordship salvation mean? It means basically that the moment you get saved you fully commit to God as the Lord of your life. Now this is similar to repentance of sins but honestly it's a lot more extreme than repentance of sins because people don't believe you have to repent of your sins to be saved and the Bible says and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. We know turning from your evil way is works and people that believe in repentance of sins for salvation sometimes they'll think well you got to kind of make a general change but you know obviously we're still sinners but people that believe in lordship salvation they're very extreme about it and it's not just that well you know you feel sorry for your sins but you actually make a real change and you can hear stories of Calvinists where they say somebody came down to the altar they wanted to be saved but they would not quit living with their girlfriend and I wouldn't preach the gospel to them. Man that is so wicked because the Bible says whosoever believe it. You don't have to make God the Lord of your life to be saved and look most people that are saved I can't always say that God's the Lord of my life I sin every single day so one reason why they're not saved is they believe in lordship salvation which is like repentance of sins on steroids and another reason why they're not saved is because of the fact they believe works are the evidence of your salvation they don't believe it's just a free gift and this kind of goes along with another point which I'm going to bring them together is they believe in the perseverance of the saints not the preservation so if you're really saved you're going to have works and also that you're going to persevere on to the end you're going to have those works until the day you die and you're going to become more holy and more sanctified and you're going to enjoy the pleasures of sin even less every single year and become more godly every single year and God's sanctifying you and getting you closer to God every single year that's just plain garbage because in the Bible you see people like Lot you see people like King David that committed adultery you see King Saul that committed suicide at the end of his life and you see people that are saved all throughout the Bible Paul himself said that I am carnal so to say that works are the evidence of salvation I guess Paul the Apostle didn't go to heaven because Calvinists will say there was no such thing as a carnal Christian Paul said I am carnal that's what he said yes his spirit was perfect but his flesh was still sinful just like you and me it doesn't matter if you're saved you're still going to be a sinner and so their idea that works are the evidence of their salvation and you're going to persevere on again look that shows that they're not saved a third reason why they're not saved is because of the fact they don't know that they're going to heaven the Bible says ye may know that you have eternal life and look no five-point Calvinist knows for sure if they're going to heaven now when we knock doors we run into people that will say they know they're going to heaven but it's obvious they're lying now with Calvinists when they say they know they're going to heaven they'll act more confident than other people but honestly you know you can look throughout history at Calvinists that died like Puritans right before they died they were scared where they were going to spend eternity why because of the fact they cannot be a hundred percent for sure that they're one of the elect they think they're one of the elect because they're doing works and they feel like they love the Lord and they feel like they know the Bible but they don't know for sure because what they're basing as their evidence is the fact that they have works and they love the Lord and the bottom line is this if you don't know you're going to heaven it's because you're not the boxes he may know the of eternal life and that's based on do you believe on the Sun he that hath a son hath life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life that's what the verse says before and then it says these things are written on you that believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know the of eternal life they don't know they're going to heaven they think they're going to heaven they're pretty sure they're not a hundred percent and the bottom line is if you don't know you're going to heaven it's because you're not so the first reason we see is because of the fact that believe in this Lordship salvation which is like repentance of sins on steroids number two because they're trusting in their works as their evidence and that they're going to persevere under the end which is just plain false number three is because they don't know they're going to heaven and I'm going to have people probably comment on this video and say oh I'm a hundred percent sure they're not a hundred percent sure they're very confident they think they're one of them because they're really arrogant confident they're chosen but they don't know that for sure you can't if you're basing your works as evidence you don't know for sure that you think but you don't know for sure the fourth thing that I'm going to list is this because of the fact Calvinists just do not understand the Bible you talk to them about Bible verses and it's clear they don't understand the Bible now you could listen to that and say well that's very subjective and you're right it's very subjective but honestly this video was not made for Calvinists this video was made for believers to understand about Calvinists and look if you're a believer out there and you've talked to Calvinists you've been in these churches before you know from experience that talking to them they don't understand the Bible they'll take you to James 2 and say we'll see you can't have faith without works it's like you know in James 2 it says faith without works which means you can have faith without works the Bible is clear about that throughout the Bible you can have faith without works even in that verse it says that where they'll take you to Matthew 7 21 through 23 and say well see this person didn't do the will of the Father no he was trusting in his works to get to heaven that's why he went to hell well they'll take you to Philippians 2 where it says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling so you got to do works and you got to change your lifestyle no Paul is commanding them to work out their salvation if it was automatic why would he have to command them look those people were already saved and so it's clear when you talk to Calvinists they don't understand the Bible because of the fact they're not it's not the Spirit of God that's giving them what they believe it's their own flesh and own carnal mind and so it's very obvious from those things that they're not safe I've even heard a Calvinist recently say this and this could be another point is the fact that you don't even have to understand salvation to be safe you might be safe and not even understand it now that doesn't make any sense at all because you have to understand that it's a gift that it's eternal life and you make the choice to accept it but if you're a Calvinist that makes perfect sense because of the fact that God regenerates you you could be taking a nap you could be sleeping and you could wake up saved because God's chosen you that is just plain ridiculous and so it's very clear from the points I gave you that Calvinists are not saved and if you're a believer watching this video you have to realize that if somebody believes all these things look you know they're not saved they're trusting in their works and they're very religious and they're very confident you know the Calvinist is really super arrogant but the truth is that they don't know they're going to heaven because they're basing it on their works they're basing it on the worship salvation repenting of their sins and staying faithful to the end and look they're no different than than any other false religion they're trusting in their works and they are not saved thank you and God bless