(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here, and I want to make a quick video on three myths of magic. Three common myths of magic. Now, this is actually a video I've already done, but I was actually, you know, making some changes to my YouTube, and I accidentally deleted the video. But quite honestly, I feel like there's some other stuff I could have added in that video to maybe make it a better video. So, these are three common myths of magic. And myth number one is that magic is just always fake. It's always an illusion. It's always a sleight of hand. There's always a logical explanation for how they're able to perform these things. You know, if you're a Bible-believing Christian, then you're gonna know that that's not the case. There is not always a logical explanation, and people sometimes do have the power to consult spirits and, you know, devils to be able to perform things that they wouldn't be able to normally do. You know, a great example is when Moses and Aaron stood before Pharaoh, and they turned the rod into a serpent, and then Pharaoh called his magicians, and they did likewise. And then later on, you know, as Moses and Aaron, they turned the water into blood, and then Pharaoh's magicians, they do likewise. Now, I don't know why you would want the water to be turned into blood. You know, it would have been better for them to turn the blood back into water so they could drink it, but they turned water into blood as well. And so what you're seeing is that magicians, sorcerers, you know, these people, they do have power to perform some miracles. And there's many religions where, you know, consulting false, you know, devils and spirits is part of the religion, and they're able to perform some, you know, signs and wonders that can deceive people because they see it, and they think it must be the power of God when it's actually by the power of the devil that they're doing some of these things. During the end times, it talks about the signs that are gonna be done by the Antichrist and the false prophet, and people are gonna believe this because they're like, how is this possible? And if it were possible, they would even deceive the very elect. So if it were possible, it would actually deceive people that are saved. Now what that's telling us is that it's not possible to deceive those that are saved, but it's saying if it were possible, because it's gonna be very convincing, it would actually deceive even the saved. I mean, it's gonna be a very convincing, very convincing signs and wonders they do, and people are gonna believe it. So when you look at famous magicians here today, like the David Blains and the Criss Angels, or kind of the ones from the past, David Copperfield, who was really famous, you know, many of their tricks that they do are simply just tricks. They're not using the power of the devil, but maybe they're just talented at making you think something, and there is a logical explanation. And, you know, sometimes, you know, you'll see them, you know, you'll see these shows that will basically, you know, point out the logical explanations, and it makes you think that, well, everything they do has a logical explanation. We just don't know what the logical explanation is. But that's actually not true. Some of the stuff that they do is just not possible logically, because they're using dark forces and the power of the devil. I don't consider myself an expert at magic. I wouldn't be able to tell which, which of these signs are just an illusion, and which they're actually using the power of the devil. But make no mistake about it, some of the stuff they do is just not even humanly possible, and the only way they're doing it is by the power of the devil. In fact, these famous magicians, these famous sorcerers, when you look at their books and their posters for events that they have, they very often have the devil and demons in those posters. In David Blaine's book, he has the devil on many of the pages, and they make, they're, they're, they're pretty honest about it, that they are using dark forces, that they are not Bible-believing Christians. They don't believe the Bible. They want to bring all these religions together, and they're using dark forces, and they're consulting with devils and familiar spirits to be able to do this. Many of them are open homosexuals or bisexuals, and these are not conspiracy theories. These are just facts that you could look up on these people, and so these people, oftentimes they are doing things that are just not logically possible. They're actually using dark forces. So magic is not always fake, and if you're a Bible-believing Christian, you know you're gonna, you're gonna realize that. But I want you to realize not only myth number one, that magic is sometimes real, but myth, but that it's not always fake. You know, myth number one is that magic is fake. It's not always fake, right? Myth number two is this, that there is such a thing as good magic, that there is such a thing as good magic, and magic and sorcery is always bad in the Bible. Now at times, you know, people that are, you know, great men of God, they're able to perform miracles by the power of God, and so this is something that God actually performs a miracle, but that is completely different than consulting spirits, and trying to do potions, and just trying to do these things of witchcraft, and wizardry, and sorcery. And so I want you to realize that the idea that there is good magic, because you see movies like, you know, Harry Potter, where there's the good and then the bad, and the Harry Potter's on the good side, but then there's these dark forces that are on the bad side, but this is not actual reality. You know, Harry Potter was a sorcerer, and so he is on the bad side. There is no white and black magic. Both sides are bad, and so biblically speaking, sorcery is something that has the death penalty. It doesn't say, well, you know, if you're part of the good magic, then it's okay, because you're fighting against the bad forces. No, I mean, you know, it's, it's sorcery. You deserve the death penalty, according to the Bible, and under a righteous government, that is actually what would happen with people that would consult familiar spirits, and perform sorcery, people that are wizards, and witches. This is actually God's law. So the idea that there's good and bad magic, it's just a complete fraud. And so, you know, myth number one was the fact that, you know, magic is just always fake. Well, that's not true. Sometimes it's real. Myth number two is that there is good magic. And myth number three is this, that there's actually people out there that are openly practicing black evil magic and they think they're doing a bad thing. The reality is that most everybody that's practicing sorcery or magic, they believe they're practicing good magic. They believe that there's nothing wrong with what they're doing. They don't, they're not openly just trying to, like, kill people and harm people. They actually think that they're on the good side, right? So an example of this is that, you know, voodoo is a really dark form of magic and sorcery as they're consulting spirits. And, you know, there's this documentary online, this mini documentary, and it shows at the beginning this, just this black cross and then it just looks really satanic. And then all of a sudden they show this guy holding a knife and he's got blood and everything. And it's like, you know, we don't practice black magic. We practice white magic. And you're just thinking, man, what in the world is black magic if that's not black magic? And what they say is that black magic is selfish. So you use it for your own benefit. For example, if you were to use magic to win the lottery, that would be black magic. Or you would use magic to just kill someone that you personally didn't like. They'd say that's black magic. But they'd say white magic is, you know, magic that's selfless. The problem with this is whether something is selfless or selfish is really in the eye of the beholder. And so for example, you know, voodoo, which in my mind is really dark and satanic, they will say that they practice white magic. The voodoo dolls is done by a very small percentage of people. And even they would say that they're just doing it because these are evil people. So they're getting what they deserve. So they wouldn't even say that they're doing something evil or satanic. They think what they're doing is okay, and they're justified. But you know, I saw this video where they went up to this, you know, witch doctor that was, you know, up in the Philippines up on a mountain. And they went up and talked to him. And he was a very famous witch doctor. And he had supposedly cured people from various ailments and things such as that. And he said primarily what he does is he basically, you know, uncasts a spell that voodoo has cast into people. So people have used voodoo to basically, you know, fill people with like a devil or something like that or some evil, you know, potion or curse upon them. And he said basically he breaks that curse and that's what he does. And so what you're seeing is whether it's witch doctors or voodoos, what they're doing is they're dealing with false spirits. And you know, all they're doing is really passing those spirits along to other people. It's similar to the Pentecostal Church as you see these people like the Benny Hinns and the famous Pentecostal preachers. And of course there's a lot of, you know, fake miracles they're doing, you know, where they supposedly are healing people. But oftentimes they're doing lying signs and wonders to deceive people. And what I honestly believe is that basically they act as a medium to cast spirits into people. So when they basically put hands on someone and they hit the deck and they start shaking, I believe they've probably cast the devil into that person. And look, I've seen that in person before, not in front of lots of people but in front of just a couple people. And I saw this Pentecostal preacher do that and I was really positive at that moment. Man, he just cast a devil into this person. And so whenever we're dealing with this, whether it's the Pentecostal preachers, whether it's this voodoo or whether these witch doctors or these these famous sorcerers like David Blaine and Criss Angel, look, this is satanic, it's wrong, it's wicked. And yet they think that they're okay for doing it. They think that they're doing something good. Another example is in 2014 during the World Cup when Ghana was getting ready to play, you know, Portugal. And there's a famous Ghana witch doctor who basically cast a spell on Cristiano Ronaldo so he would get injured and not be able to play in the game. And, you know, it was, it was a big, in the crowd, you know, basically they kept showing him because he was very, you know, energetic and he kind of stood out and everything like that. And, you know, you'd say, well, that's black magic, that's evil because he basically, you know, put this curse upon Cristiano Ronaldo. And yet he would probably say, well, this was for the benefit of all of the country of Ghana. So he would look at it as selfless magic. He would say that that's white magic, that that's good magic. So people don't really actually believe that they're practicing evil magic. But look, whether you're on the white side or the black side of the magic, it's, it's evil. Sorcery is wrong, you know, magic. Magic is not always fake. There is no good magic, both the white and the black magic. Every, and everybody thinks they're on the side of the white magic when in reality they're dealing with familiar spirits and they get the death penalty according to this Bible, according to the Bible. Now let me say this just in conclusion. When it comes to these different things, how should we as Bible believing Christians look at stuff like this? Well, honestly, we should have absolutely nothing to do with any of this sorcery or magic. And what I mean by that is, even within our entertainment, for example, you know, many video games, many computer games and video games, there are necromancers and sorcerers and magicians and wizards and, and look, I get it. When you play those video games, they seem fun and entertaining, like it's no big deal. I played video games like that. I used to play King's Quest when I was a kid and I, I loved the game. But they've got wizards and things such as that and, and magic involved in it. This is nothing that a Bible believing Christian should have anything to do with it. It's something we should avoid and abstain from. And, you know, we as Bible believing Christians in the 21st century, as the world's getting crazy, we need to take a strong stand on our worldliness and what we're willing to actually allow ourselves to be a partaker of. Because this is stuff that has the death penalty involved in it. It's not a joke. It's not just fun and entertaining. It's not just, well, I'm watching a movie, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. It's just kind of entertaining. No big deal. God doesn't really care. It's not a big deal. No, it has the death penalty, according to the Bible, associated with it. It is a big deal. This is something that we as Christians should have absolutely nothing to do with it. Thank you and God bless.