(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew Stuckey here and I wanted to make a quick video giving you three logical advantages of homeschooling over public schooling. Three logical advantages of homeschooling over public schooling. Now let me just say upfront that I do believe, as a Bible-believing Christian, that homeschooling is the best model to do. I do believe that in the Bible we see that parents are training and teaching their own kids at home. I don't see the public school system in the Bible. I believe it is a modern sort of invention. But you know I also do believe that not everybody in today's world is necessarily able to homeschool. There's many, you know, families where both parents need to work. But I do believe this is the best model if you can do it. Now I've said in another video that when it comes to socialization I believe it's a myth that homeschooling children are antisocial. I think they're actually better, more socially adjusted to the world than actually public school students. But that is kind of outside the scope of this video because quite honestly socialization should not be the primary goal of actual actual school. School should be about learning. So let me just give you three quick logical advantages to doing homeschooling as opposed to public school. Advantage number one is this, that you can learn at the proper speed. You can learn at the proper speed. In public school as they have the no child left behind sort of system, they're trying to get every single person to advance. But the reality is some students learn faster than others and some of them they might take more time. Or some people might be very advanced in one subject but maybe another subject it just takes them more time. Now it used to be a long time ago that when it came to actually teaching kids in school, if you go back a hundred years or a while back, it wasn't just done by age. It was actually done by skill level or ability. And things have changed and morphed quite a bit and everything like that. But the reality is that you know you can learn at the proper speed if you're homeschooled. So for example if you have a subject that you're really good at, you can advance and just finish the material and either go on with material or just be done with that and focus on the stuff that takes you more time. And the reality is in the public school system everyone is kind of forced to be put through at the same exact speed. When I was a public school teacher, when I taught math, there are many students that just were not ready for the next year. I mean they should not have been advanced. They just weren't understanding the material. But very few people actually fail in school because that actually looks bad to the public school system. So they try to advance everybody. And the reality is that many of those kids need to stay behind and learn more. The other thing is this, when I was actually teaching in math you have 35 students and there's a handful of them who just are picking it up really quickly and are very bored. And the reality is that you know what it actually held back students who were more advanced. I know personally from teaching I noticed that the kids that picked up the material very easy and the kids that really struggled were the ones who kind of caused trouble. The ones that were kind of in the middle they didn't usually cause trouble because it was hard for them but you know they were able to work through it. But the ones that found it very easy or really struggled they're the ones that often cause problems in classes. So number one, an advantage of homeschooling which you do not have in public school is that you can learn at the proper speed. Advantage number two is you have the ability to specialize in specific coursework. So in the public school system the world has determined there are certain classes that you should be learning and certain information that you should learn. And quite honestly as a Bible-believing Christian many of those subjects I just don't see a major use for. And in today's world we keep holding people off from from deciding what career they want when in reality you know people should be deciding that a long time in advance when they are teenagers and they have the ability to specialize, get internships, start studying and learning, figuring things out so they can be prepared rather than just waiting when they're in their 20s and saying hmm I got to figure out what I should do. You have an ability to specialize if you are homeschooled. For myself personally math was a subject I picked up on really well and I was in public school for elementary school and the material was just pretty easy for me compared to other subjects. When I started being homeschooled in middle school I started to just fly through the material. I was doing many subjects you know in advance because I was able to pick up the material more quickly and I was able to basically just focus on the stuff that I struggled with. And so as Bible-believing Christians as well I would assume the Bible is an area that you would like your kids to specialize in and you can avoid you know things such as evolution and false teachings or things such as a lot of the history that people learn that can be taken multiple different ways you know. There are just certain things that maybe you don't want to focus on as much as the public school would want to. Certainly the brainwashing with the gender equality and things like that are things that you don't want you know to waste your time on. But you know you have an ability to specialize with the Bible and even for their careers they can specialize in what they're trying to learn and be more advanced past the other students. So point number one you're able to learn at the proper speed. Point two you have an ability to specialize in specific areas. And point three you're able to avoid bad influences and dangerous situations. And so in the public school system especially as you start you know getting to the older ages the reality is the world is filled full of sin. And you know the world will glorify fornication and drugs and smoking and drinking and you'll hear kids cussing and cursing all the time. Now look I don't believe that we should just isolate ourselves from the world like a Jim Jones sort of situation. But at the same time you know what there is kind of a proper proper age and where kids can actually have the ability to to know what they believe and able to stand up for themselves. And the reality is many kids when they're young are going to be very influenced by bad bad bad influences in the public school system. Various friends and people and even teachers that would teach you know bad things to them. And of course you go to the secular work world you cannot completely avoid these sorts of people. You must needs go out of the world to avoid that. But at the same time you know what you're much more able to deal with that as you become an adult as opposed to when you're a young child. The other thing is there are dangers in the public school system and the reality is pedophilia is a common problem that takes place in the public school system. And it's something I just preached on just on Sunday. And unfortunately it is a reality that you know this does take place and you know if you drop off your kids you don't really know what's what's happening all day. And so especially at a young age. I mean when kids are getting older they're going to be more able to protect themselves. But especially at a young age you really don't know what is taking place. And you know so that is something that when you're homeschooling you can avoid that problem. So the three points here are you're able to learn at the proper speed. Point two you have an ability to specialize. Point three you can avoid bad influences in dangerous situations. I will just say in closing though I understand not everyone has the ability to homeschool. And I understand depending on where you live it might not even be legal or they might have various stipulations. In some places they have set coursework that you have to go through. So you can do the homeschooling but you can't necessarily you know avoid the sort of content that you know is is not very useful. But these are some logical advantages of having your kids homeschooled rather than in the public school when they're you know basically the age of when they're born to the age of you know 16 17 18 or whatever. Anyways thank you and God bless.