(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 2013 is almost done. All that matters is the race you've run. For another year has gone and passed. Only accomplishments for Christ shall last. Despite great works you did achieve, did you teach many lost what they need to receive? For many unsaved do not know of the precious gift God did bestow. Philippians 3 comes to my mind as this past year is nearly behind. How did Paul have such a faithful life? How was he able to battle all that strife? He said this one thing I do, it's something we must follow to. No matter who you are, we each must forget our past in reach. Unto our lives which are now before, for God has many deeds which are greater and more. For new accomplishments await this year as we continue following the God we fear. For mistakes in the past, do not fret. Let's make 2014 our best year yet.